***Online Dating Support Thread***

Ooooook. So I've decided that our phone conversations are boring :ohwell: I really don't even like talking on the phone for hours at a time. And he's kind of...weird with race (not racist) jokes sometimes?? Or...it's just that when race comes into the conversation...I don't like the things he has to say? It kinda freaks me out that he's sooo comfortable telling me certain things (racial jokes, etc)...when we've only been talking for about a week.

My theory: he hangs out with a lot of black people and likes a lot of old school R&B and undiscovered black artists, so he thinks he gets a pass at certain things?

Some things that I side-eye: Ok, naturally he has a lot of black friends, cuz the school he goes to has a lot of black students (no, it's not an HBCU). That's fine. What's not fine are his stupid black friends telling him things like "ohhh you're like a black guy in a white guys body" because he happens to like Jazz music -___- no no no. Black people, please stop telling white people this. No matter how much you like that white person, just don't do it. No good ever comes from this.

He's told me how one of his friends (a black girl) took him to this "really ghetto" club a few months ago and how it was his first time in a club blah blah. And how he went with a group of his friends (black people) to see "Laugh at My Pain" a few months ago and how he was the only white person there. So now he likes to "quote things from the movie around black people" :look:

He asked me if I wanted to see "Think like a man" because he wants to see it. I said no. But what I really wanted to say was "phuck no I don't wanna see that dumb **** based off a 'self help' book written by Steve :barf: Harvey. Who wants to see that ****? And I don't like Kevin :barf: Hart's black a** neither. And I give the side-eye to anyone, white or black, who like them. Because they're stupid coon a** negros" :look:

An hour ago he texted me: "I got da itis from dat food I ate earlier" :perplexed:perplexed This is the guy who, 99% of the time, uses exemplary grammar and punctuation. I have yet to respond to that, because I just don't even know what to say lol.

And this **** is only like 5% of our conversation, but it reallllllllly stands out. He's NOTHING like the white guys that I'm accustom to dating.

phucking sigh. Oh well. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Cuz he seems to really like me? I mean...I know that this is not gonna go too far lol....siiiiigh.

Yea, this post was much longer than I originally intended it to be :lol:
qchelle i was annoyed by just reading that post. i like the white men that act like white men if thats pc to say. (can't think of any other description so don't flog me lhcf) anyways and i can't stand the ones who watched an hour of B.E.T. and now suddenly they are "down". i don't even want to be "down" so why date an imitator?

:lol: @ him having the itis...

I think Kevin Hart is funny..:look: :lol:

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
^^i'm talking to yt guy that wants to take me to a jazz club and a jazz museum.:ohwell: i'm tryna go to science city or the planetarium!
^^i'm talking to yt guy that wants to take me to a jazz club and a jazz museum.:ohwell: i'm tryna go to science city or the planetarium!

same guy mentions he likes my hair when it's down (meaning straight and long).:perplexed i'll make sure to wear it in the biggest, curliest, nappiest afro ever.:)
Oasis said:
same guy mentions he likes my hair when it's down (meaning straight and long).:perplexed i'll make sure to wear it in the biggest, curliest, nappiest afro ever.:)

This reminds me of how a guy I use to talk to made it clear how he prefer my hair in the bigger Fro versus the fro that has a lot of shrinkage.It was offensive the way he said it. I remember telling him the next time he comments I will wet my hair and let it shrink. I told him I would go out my way to wear it with shrinkage. He was a jerk smh.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
well at least i get to laugh from all of these:

"Good evening how are you? hope your day goes well, how is your week so far? I'm **** nice to meet you. Do anything for Easter weekend? what do you like to do for fun? if your interested in chatting sometime hit me up till then take care enjoy your week."


GoddessMaker since we are in the same location i wonder if we are coming across the same profiles. are any of these nuts bothering you? :lol::nono:
^^^ what's wrong with that message? :ohwell: lol I don't understand. What kind of message are you looking for?

ETA: oh oh oh! Are you just laughing at his grammar and punctuation?
The pic he sent me from work just now is too cute :yep:

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
^^^ what's wrong with that message? :ohwell: lol I don't understand. What kind of message are you looking for?

ETA: oh oh oh! Are you just laughing at his grammar and punctuation?

Maybe because it's a copy and paste message? (Though I know some don't mind replying to those.)
Maybe because it's a copy and paste message? (Though I know some don't mind replying to those.)

Last night I replied to what I suspect was a cut and paste message and things are going well :yep:. He had filled in all the questions on his proifile but the narrative was blank. He sent me a long message about himself and I replied, telling him i think his message was cut and paste but also appreciated his detail. We messaged back and forth and he has given me his phone number.
We shall see.

eta - When I can actually be bothered to message a guy first, I nearly always use a standard message which probably seems cut and paste but I really can't be bothered with doing a personalised message to every single guy.
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Ohhh! It is? :lol: What does that mean? How can you tell if he copied and pasted (like Diggy lol)??

Yes.... Copy and paste...as they write and general message, and copy and paste it to the inbox to every girl they see on the site...(how u doin sweetheart, hi, hello, what's up, hey sexy, pretty smile, i wud lik 2 git to kNo u, i like your page, you seem very interesting/message me back if you are interested). One of those that sends you a message within a minute of visiting your profile. I'm always like, wtf? I know, they couldn't possibly have read my profile in less than a minute... oh I know, copy and paste general message/mass spam in the inbox. They remind of those dudes in real life that ask out every thing with a vagina. :perplexed

It's especially annoying, when they send things like, "so what are your hobbies?" Um...I didn't write my profile for nothing. :lol: Some of them do get fancy and send long copy/paste messages telling their whole life story though.

Too much risk out there with this online dating stuff. If you can't take 2-5 minutes to scan through my profile and make a brief comment on it, I can't take you seriously. It's just part of my vetting process.
mallysmommy I have fallen off the online thing but I have seen some ones that I was like are you flucking serious like I'm suppose to like you..you got me twisted..I wish I could find some that are nice looking and seem to have some sense..I think I'm asking for too much.
Yes.... Copy and paste...as they write and general message, and copy and paste it to the inbox to every girl they see on the site...(how u doin sweetheart, hi, hello, what's up, hey sexy, pretty smile, i wud lik 2 git to kNo u, i like your page, you seem very interesting/message me back if you are interested). One of those that sends you a message within a minute of visiting your profile. I'm always like, wtf? I know, they couldn't possibly have read my profile in less than a minute... oh I know, copy and paste general message/mass spam in the inbox. They remind of those dudes in real life that ask out every thing with a vagina. :perplexed

It's especially annoying, when they send things like, "so what are your hobbies?" Um...I didn't write my profile for nothing. :lol: Some of them do get fancy and send long copy/paste messages telling their whole life story though.

Too much risk out there with this online dating stuff. If you can't take 2-5 minutes to scan through my profile and make a brief comment on it, I can't take you seriously. It's just part of my vetting process.

basically.....me no likey cut and pasties :down:

i don't know maybe i'm being a pickey spoiled brat. but whats wrong with someone coming to my profile and actually read my profile and oh lets say send an email talking about that or our mutual interests. when i read messages like that i have reasons to suspect that every other woman on the site have read the same exact message from that guy. i mean come on surely you are smart enough to do that. idk dont mind me yall. im talking to two guys right now and they are keeping my interests for now everyone else i'm deleting.
Yes.... Copy and paste...as they write and general message, and copy and paste it to the inbox to every girl they see on the site...(how u doin sweetheart, hi, hello, what's up, hey sexy, pretty smile, i wud lik 2 git to kNo u, i like your page, you seem very interesting/message me back if you are interested). One of those that sends you a message within a minute of visiting your profile. I'm always like, wtf? I know, they couldn't possibly have read my profile in less than a minute... oh I know, copy and paste general message/mass spam in the inbox. They remind of those dudes in real life that ask out every thing with a vagina. :perplexed

It's especially annoying, when they send things like, "so what are your hobbies?" Um...I didn't write my profile for nothing. :lol: Some of them do get fancy and send long copy/paste messages telling their whole life story though.

Too much risk out there with this online dating stuff. If you can't take 2-5 minutes to scan through my profile and make a brief comment on it, I can't take you seriously. It's just part of my vetting process.

I suppose when you put it like that.......:perplexed:nono::yep:
He doesn't want to talk on the phone before we meet. I text him that I would prefer to talk first then we can decide on a date. He hasn't returned my text. I guess i'll never know what he was hiding........
most definitely. thats why i didn't send a message. he and i would get in waaay too much trouble. besides ive banned myself from green eyed monsters after my son's father lol... he is one also
He is soooooooo my type!

Mine too...but can you spell t.r.o.u.b.l.e
My daughters father looks just like him and he is the debil. Infact 2 previous boyfriends looked like him and they were a mess...and broke :lachen:. Problem is I find it hard to be attracted to any other looks.
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Sometimes I look at the pics :nono: Why just why?
The worse is the man with his wedding photo talkin about that's all he has for now and if we don't like it then too bad.
He doesn't want to talk on the phone before we meet. I text him that I would prefer to talk first then we can decide on a date. He hasn't returned my text. I guess i'll never know what he was hiding........

most definitely. thats why i didn't send a message. he and i would get in waaay too much trouble. besides ive banned myself from green eyed monsters after my son's father lol... he is one also

mallysmommy that guy I mentioned (first quote) has green eyes too....:lol:...and so did one of my ex's. Scratches chin.
omg yall those are my type as well. i used to be team chocolate until i met my son's father and then he messed me up something serious. i love the chocolates don't get it twisted but when those creamy green eyed micheal ealy looking monsters come around i loose all motor skills lol. they need to stay far far away...
I've hidden my POF account but I may just unhide it just for laughs.
I really want to meet someone in real life because this online thing is ridiculous.
A man who said his occupation was a Sex Therapist (lol) messaged me. His picture was a full frontal. After the shock I reported his pic.
Bublin yeah sometimes a break is needed. i purposely opened up a pof account just for poops and giggles and i got that and also i have two very cute guys emailing me back to back. its like i message one guy and click send then go to my inbox and see that the other has responded. they both have me over here laughing