***Online Dating Support Thread***

I just wanted to share that you guys keep my spirits up about this whole online dating adventure! Thanks for the support! I don't post much, but I lurk a lot :giggle: Cyber dating is really tough :ohwell:
Damn he called out women who date BM too?? That is pretty extreme!

Chile quite a few non-black men are like that, too. My bestie (white) is dealing with it now. Her ex is asian and he is NOT happy with the fact that she is currently dating a black man. he wasn't as pissed that she was dating a wm after him, though.

Not too long ago an ex friend of mine (who is white) was dating a Mexican and he made her swear on a bible that she never dated a bm before :nono:
^Im surprised that this is a surprise to anyone

Quite a number of WM who think a WM or AW who has been with black is "defiled"

That's why I think it'll be easier for Hiedi to remarry an European white than an American white if she decides to "go back to WM"
meesch said:
well, on the plus side, he looks REALLY YOUNG for 41.

unless thats an old pic :look:

It was on old pic!
And that hat is hiding his lopsided, salt & pepper, receding hairline!
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Aww...What happened?

This guy has been messaging me and trying to get me to go out with him for a minute....(should have went with my gut and continued to say no and block him) but I gave him a chance...

went to dc to see the cherry blossoms, saw the MLK memorial, went to the museum (really nice so far) I was surprised that I was having a good time. So somehow we got on the subject of pet peeves....this joker said "fat ugly people who eat and stuff their faces in restaurants make me sick to my stomach" with a look of disgust on his face.....If you haven't noticed, I'm a size 16-18....So I was like, well why were you trying so hard to go out with me? He says, oh not you, just the beastly people who are 400 lbs.+....:look::look::look::look::look::look:....I said either way that's offensive to me (I know that there are people who think like that, I just don't agree and the way he said it was with such venom and hate...RED FLAG!).....

so then this fool tries to kiss me like 3 separate times.....hole up bruh...I don't know you like that......So then, we get on the metro to head back into town (I met him at his place thank goodness so he wouldn't know where I lived)
There's this older guy singing, into his music, and a young black kid gets on and says some words about the guy singing. It was annoying, but so what...
He gets mad and said I hate young punks like that...:look::look::look: I wanted to say something but we probably would have been fighting....anger issues?

I really want to go home, but we haven't eaten. He apologized and said he was really nervous, and he really likes me and could we please go to dinner....I agree.
We get to the restaurant and he asks me about jobs, schools, etc....So then he says, "was your ex a drug dealer?":look::look::look::look:
I say what the hell kind of question is that?
He says, well you are pretty and drug dealers date the pretty girls....and plus you are from (insert my location in my city) and you know that goes on down there......:look::look::look:


I told him that was super ignorant! What kind of stuff is he smoking.....So I tell him I'm ready to leave...He keeps trying to get me to order dessert, but I'm not having it....he tells the waiter we need more time to settle on dessert....I say, I wouldn't want to ruin your meal by stuffing my face with cheesecake!

We leave......He says in the car, so I guess I'm never gonna see you again huh...


and this fool was still texting me Sunday and yesterday. I had to block him!
Chile quite a few non-black men are like that, too. My bestie (white) is dealing with it now. Her ex is asian and he is NOT happy with the fact that she is currently dating a black man. he wasn't as pissed that she was dating a wm after him, though.

Not too long ago an ex friend of mine (who is white) was dating a Mexican and he made her swear on a bible that she never dated a bm before :nono:

Lies, "People of Color" don't act that way, lol. J/k

Since the majority of people stick to their own race, I have no problem with the guy stating he only wants WW. I bet the ones who wouldn't put that in their profile think the same way but wouldn't state it for fear of being labeled as not being openminded. As far as him excluding women who date BM, that reeks of racism. So it could be racism, but I wonder if he has noticed a pattern with WW who tend to be involved with BM the same way some BW say they can with BM who date WW that has turned him off? Hmmmm....
Just read the last line :nono: I mean really...but he was honest!

I haven't stopped in over here in a while. Wow....has it really come to this now? I just find this to be very odd. But strangely familiar. I was dating a guy once who told me he had never dated a WW but that he would. When I asked why he said because he just wouldn't know how to approach one.

I made a what I thought was a darkly funny (no pun intended) comment that you sneak up on them with a net...something like that. He said I was racist because I said I don't date outside of my race. Later something pops off at his job and he's all about the racist yt man and always wanting to keep a brother down...blah blah blah...he goes on to say how he hates the ytie and wishes he'd been born back in the day because he would have started a black klan.

In between deleting his number from my phone and listening to his rant, I said but I thought you would date a yt woman. He said that's different I like them I just don't like yt men.
^Im surprised that this is a surprise to anyone

Quite a number of WM who think a WM or AW who has been with black is "defiled"

That's why I think it'll be easier for Hiedi to remarry an European white than an American white if she decides to "go back to WM"

O-ren :yep:..............

Lies, "People of Color" don't act that way, lol. J/k

Since the majority of people stick to their own race, I have no problem with the guy stating he only wants WW. I bet the ones who wouldn't put that in their profile think the same way but wouldn't state it for fear of being labeled as not being openminded. As far as him excluding women who date BM, that reeks of racism. So it could be racism, but I wonder if he has noticed a pattern with WW who tend to be involved with BM the same way some BW say they can with BM who date WW that has turned him off? Hmmmm....

RossBoss at the bold :rofl:

And as for your second paragraph I def agree too.
@O-ren :yep:..............

@RossBoss at the bold :rofl:

And as for your second paragraph I def agree too.

You know I always have to ridicule the "POC" doctrine every chance I get, lol.

Also, I was thinking, if he put that there because BW were really contacting him or is it something more sinister? I find that the ones who scream "I don't date BW" the most, well, BW are not checking for them like that anyway. They do that as a way to get in an insult to BW on the sly when in reality, BW have never even paid them any attention in the first place.
Hmm...I am really beginning to like this dude but then it hit me that I will be leaving this state soon. I started to think I can handle ldr what if the person can't.

Ironically he began to text me about that this morning and if it was pointless for us to pursue anything. I guess he is starting to like me a lot too . He told me he thought about it all night ( he works third shift).

Idk. Maybe I should take it light in the online dating thing until I am in a more stable place bc I want to move to charlotte nc by August.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
. He said I was racist because I said I don't date outside of my race. Later something pops off at his job and he's all about the racist yt man and always wanting to keep a brother down...blah blah blah...he goes on to say how he hates the ytie and wishes he'd been born back in the day because he would have started a black klan.

In between deleting his number from my phone and listening to his rant, I said but I thought you would date a yt woman. He said that's different I like them I just don't like yt men.

LOL This is no different from the women on here who drool over WM yet foam around the mouth when it gets to discussing WW. Both have issues IMO.
You know I always have to ridicule the "POC" doctrine every chance I get, lol.

Also, I was thinking, if he put that there because BW were really contacting him or is it something more sinister? I find that the ones who scream "I don't date BW" the most, well, BW are not checking for them like that anyway. They do that as a way to get in an insult to BW on the sly when in reality, BW have never even paid them any attention in the first place.

Actually RossBoss according to online dating stats (the article is somewhere around here) BW are the ones more likely to message/reach out guys..they also get the lowest amount of replies..:ohwell:

it's highly possible he was being sinster, wouldnt put it past him or his type of people however I also wouldnt be surprised if BW kept "ranging his bell" hence the comment and to make them really understand how much he wont deal, he went on to mention he wouldnt date someone who has been with a BM..which pretty much cancels out just about every black woman..cept for maybe virgins and even then, he'll probably find another excuse
Actually @RossBoss according to online dating stats (the article is somewhere around here) BW are the ones more likely to message/reach out guys..they also get the lowest amount of replies..:ohwell:

it's highly possible he was being sinster, wouldnt put it past him or his type of people however I also wouldnt be surprised if BW kept "ranging his bell" hence the comment and to make them really understand how much he wont deal, he went on to mention he wouldnt date someone who has been with a BM..which pretty much cancels out just about every black woman..cept for maybe virgins and even then, he'll probably find another excuse

Damn! That's embarrassing, lol. I believe that when he stated that he does not want women who have dated BM, that was for WW, so he only wants WW who date WM exclusively.
yes it is embarrassing which is why for ME online dating sites is a rare thing, just every now and then when Im curious. I dont chase dudes IRL, sure as hell wouldnt do it online and frankly I hate that women feel like they have to.
My successful "online experience" have been random from movie/soccer forums..im obnoxious everywhere :look: some men like it, contact me off the baord and things go from there..it's hardly ever based on sites specifically for dating..for me.

and yea it was meant for WW..but as a BW when you read it you are forced to realize just how extreme this person is when it comes to black period.
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yes it is embarrassing which is why for ME online dating sites is a rare thing, just every now and then when Im curious. I dont chase dudes IRL, sure as hell wouldnt do it online and frankly I hate that women feel like they have to.
My successful "online experience" have been random from movie/soccer forums..im obnoxious everywhere :look: some men like it, contact me off the baord and things go from there..it's hardly ever based on sites specifically for dating..for me.

and yea it was meant for WW..but as a BW when you read it you are forced to realize just how extreme this person is when it comes to black period.

This. This goes back to what I said about these dating sites being a magnet for looney tunes. I believe that it puts people into a frame of mind that they wouldn't otherwise be in, ie, the mind of playing games and using dating sites as an outlet for their lunacy. I think if you are going to meet people online, it's best to do it in sites that are NOT geared towards dating, that way you catch each other "off guard" because you were not on that site for dating but something that has nothing to do with dating. I think that these are where the NORMAL guys are. :yep:
I feel online sites are good but people on both sides play games and to be honest these are most of the same people you would meet in regular life too. It's just the stigma of online dating (for some) and when it doesn't work in your favor people have to find something to blame. In all honesty if there were this many great matches for people and/or people wasn't scarred of meeting new people online dating would not exist (at least not this big anyway) IMO. It also is harder for women IMO since most like to just sit back and hope the guy they like likes them the same way instead of being any type of pro active. Think about it how many things good/great in life have you had just happen from sitting back like it will just happen as opposed to making it happen for yourself. I still wish everybody good luck in finding the one for you though.
I am lazy offline AND online! :lol: :drunk: It's like...I want to respond to his message...but he writes sooo much! :lol: And I absolutely LOVE that! His messages are well thought out and articulate*, he tells me about his day, relates it to what I've told him about myself, and from that, asks me lots of questions! It's just soo much to respond to! But I'm going to do it. Cuz I like him. He's okay looking :)

That attractive guy I was talking about from before? Yea, so I've decided that he sounds WAY too much like a woman for me :look: It's not just that his voice is high...he actually sounds like a woman. There were also some other red flags....anyway, done with him lol.

Soooo now, alot more black guys are messaging me! :lol: That's so weird, because when I first re-activated my page, it was basically all white guys. My inbox is very diverse now lol. Also, my thingy has gone from "replies very selectively" to "replies selectively". I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Hmmm? :scratchch

*re:articulate: he's not black. Don't worry. I didn't say a black guy was articulate :lol:
I am lazy offline AND online! :lol: :drunk: It's like...I want to respond to his message...but he writes sooo much! :lol: And I absolutely LOVE that! His messages are well thought out and articulate*, he tells me about his day, relates it to what I've told him about myself, and from that, asks me lots of questions! It's just soo much to respond to! But I'm going to do it. Cuz I like him. He's okay looking :)

That attractive guy I was talking about from before? Yea, so I've decided that he sounds WAY too much like a woman for me :look: It's not just that his voice is high...he actually sounds like a woman. There were also some other red flags....anyway, done with him lol.

Soooo now, alot more black guys are messaging me! :lol: That's so weird, because when I first re-activated my page, it was basically all white guys. My inbox is very diverse now lol. Also, my thingy has gone from "replies very selectively" to "replies selectively". I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Hmmm? :scratchch

*re:articulate: he's not black. Don't worry. I didn't say a black guy was articulate :lol:

I like that too...it makes me feel bad especially when I end up writing a few sentences.:lol:
I'm put off when a man tells me he is shy and that in certain situations he could clam up. Come on, man up.
I mean, you're telling me this BEFORE we even meet which must mean you have serious communication problems.
I've been on OKCupid for awhile, but I just joined POF. Kinda getting use to POF a bit, but this guy from OKC might've sparked my interest :)
Deleted my POF account a few days ago (and deleted my OKC account about 2 month ago). I am going to give hardcore, "multiple men" dating a break for now. I am talking to one guy I met on POF who seems cool and just see where it goes while having fun :yep:
Received this beautiful message this morning........

Hello...hoe itw are u ' have a very lovely smil and very pretty skin....love it!!!!!
Ok, I think some guys (I'm sure some women make the same mistake) don't think about their user name too carefully when signing up for a "regular" dating site! :)

How can I take a grown man serious when he has chosen to call himself:
Dog For Life
Anything "69" - and he's not referring to the year he was born
In my OKC inbox:

"hey cutie, would you like to have a slave that will do whatever you say whenever you say if so holler at me I would love to how down to u and obey your commands"

I'm going to ask him if he means a financial slave. If so, I'm down.