Online Dating Horror Stories


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Venting forum.
I’d like you all to share your online dating horror stories. After my last experience, I’ve decided that online dating is NOT for me. It may be me, or I may have some issues, but I am really starting to believe that most men online have hidden agendas. The Internet has been around for a while and I think a lot of people (men and women) are becoming experts at creating online/telephone personas. I’ll share my last two experiences (one with blackplanet—shoulda known betta, and the other with blackpeoplemeet).

BlackPeoplemeet Guy
I’ll start with my most recent. Met a “nice” guy on bpm. He lived in Atlanta but grew up where I live. Anyway, we clicked, chatted for a while. I thought he seemed really sweet/nice patient and unassuming. Anyway, we talked on the phone a lot, he sent me beautiful ecards (BEWARE OF MEN WHO DO THAT WITHIN THE FIRST TWO DAYS). He even sent me a beautiful card and flowers on Valentine’s Day. So we talk and we shared. He was unassuming, didn’t make any sexual references at all. At one point I thought he was a-sexual b/c he seemed so innocent. His page stated he was a CEO of his own company, and he had an MBA from Clark. He was very intelligent, and we had wonderful conversations about God, spirituality, relationships. He told me his wife stole 150,000 and he spent most of his funds paying off her debt to society. Then he told me about some of his business ventures that didn’t go well. It seemed like everyone seemed to dupe him into various business ventures. His ex-wife wasn’t supportive of his dreams. So he tells me (right off the back) that he has some financial issues. His house is in foreclosure and he blames it on his sacrificing his finances for his ex wife (who was a liar and dishonest).
He tells me he’s thinking about moving back home (where I live). I am a deciding factor b/c he feels so close to me. He tells me about his most recent ex who broke up with him b/c she wanted him to fly her all over the world and she wanted him to be more stable and she too didn’t support his dream. He tells me he wants to have a family and that he knows that he’s going to have to work a 9-5 and work on his business ventures on the side. He’s moving back home to start a new life so he can establish himself and have a family. (He’s 44).He’s the youngest of six and his family is really important. He says he wants to incorporate me into his family and he wants me to meet them for Easter. He’s never invited anyone (besides his ex wife) to meet his family. Fast forward, he moves here in March. Everything was WONDERFUL. He treats me well. He's a complete gentleman. We spend every weekend together. We decide to go to church and bible study to build a more spiritual relationship. We are going to wait for sex b/c we don’t want to rush things. He gets a job immediately. It’s not in his field---he works it for--- a month. After a month he quits his job b/c he’s met a couple of businessmen who want him to work for them (for free). They tell him he can generate his salary by fundraisers and writing grants. SMH.
He becomes more distant. I start asking how he feels b/c when he was in ATL he always expressed his feelings. How he cared, what he wanted from our relationship. He still makes a few references to family yet he’s colder, not as kind--- something is different. Anyway, we have a minor disagreement. He stops calling, returning texts. Tells me he wants a break, then breaks up with me on the phone the next day. He’s mean, cold, nasty, and disrespectful .
A week later, I see him on black people meet…. He’s looking for a serious relationship. He’s a CEO of a company and is making 50,000+ a year.
I find names of women in various folders. I find out that he’s had back to back “relationships” with women throughout the country up until he met me—his last one ending in November. The folders start from the time they meet on (blackpeoplemeet/blacksingles/blackplanet) and go through their breakup. I see numerous ecards with him expressing his undying love and devotion. They too have something special, he has never felt this way about them before. I see tickets purchased (usually they fly to him). Then they stop. No more communication –the folder ends. The next folder (another woman) starts the next month.
A week after the breakup, he’s emailing three, four, five women at a time (some old some new). He’s looking for a serious relationship with all of them. . . .
I realize. He’s a serial internet dater. It’s easy to write,text, instant message. All of the other women lived in different cities and their “relationships” consisted of emails/phone calls and the occasional weekend trip. . . A seemingly innocent man was in fact... an internet male-whore. . .
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Blackplanet Guy (now, I know I should have known better, bc I deleted my page there years ago b/c it was full of freaks).

Met in August. Seemed to be extremely intelligent. Said he was an English major. I was really excited about the fact that he too was into British films, the Beatles, and sixties music like me. We talked for hours and hours (again, HUGE MISTAKE). He graduated from North Carolina A&T and had recently moved back from NYC to take care of his ill father (who went from being ill, to dead, to back to being ill again as we communicated further). After his fahter's recincarnation I start to distance myself but still I chatted.

He told me his ex girlfriend was having a baby and he was torn b/c he really wanted to be a father to his kid. Okay as I'm writing this, I am hella embarassed. Anyway, his ex, like most ofhis girlfriends have been from London. He frequents the UK alot. He tells me he rarely dates AA women (which didnt really bother me b/c up to that point I never really dated AA men). Most of the men I've dated have been from different countries as well. . .

Anyway he goes on and on about his ex how much he loves her/hates her/loves her. Then he tells me his seriously ill (colon cancer--or was it stomach cancer). He starts to slur his words all the time (b/c of the meds). One night we're on the phone he has to make a run. ... and I hear him order a Big Mac meal. I'm thinking. . . if you have stomach cancer how the hell can your stomach take a Big Mac. After the father thing I start to replay everything in my head: the "illness" the pregenant ex, the dead again alive again father. . so I stop answering the phone and cease all communication. He calls numerous times a day and night. I turn my phone off. The calls become threatning messages. I call the police (can't do much b/c he's out of state). I'd have to file a police report here, then have them do something there. I have the police call him to tell him to stop calling me. .. In January he continues to call.... my ex (who married someone else while we were dating) starts to all non-stop as well. . . . I change my number and get rid of both.

A few weeks later. . . I look @ his blog page and he's dedicated it to hating his ex girlfriend who "lied about being pregnant..." ....
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Uhmm, just wow... ((hugs, my sista)):Rose::Rose::Rose:

You aint neva lied, those are two straight up made for TV horror stories...
I'm fine. I should take some responsibility. I haven't even BEGUN to share the horror of the breakup from the most recent guy. The multiple female folders are just the TIP of the iceburg.

He turned into a COMPLETE, vindictive, jerk. . . Not ready to go there yet, but I definitely have more.

My friends said that if I wrote a book--nobody would believe me. . . .

I am also no longer allowed to pick my future dates/men, etc.
I'm fine. I should take some responsibility. I haven't even BEGUN to share the horror of the breakup from the most recent guy. The multiple female folders are just the TIP of the iceburg.

He turned into a COMPLETE, vindictive, jerk. . . Not ready to go there yet, but I definitely have more.

My friends said that if I wrote a book--nobody would believe me. . . .

I am also no longer allowed to pick my future dates/men, etc.

Yup, this is definitely book material...:ohwell:

Dont know how helpful it would be, but in future I'd consider running a check on these suckas... fo sho'
I've got one...

Last year, I met a guy on blackpeoplemeet and we corresponded but never met IRL. Fast forward to a couple months ago, and he hits me up on blackplanet. We start talking again, and we decide to meet up for drinks at a martini bar on a Friday night. I ask him what time he wants to meet, and he says between 6:30 and 7pm. I agree.

Now I live about 30 minutes from the location, so I plan accordingly, and I arrive at about 6:50, grab a table and send him a text to let him know I've arrived. 10 minutes later (at the time we're supposed to be meeting) he sends me a text saying he's running late and that he's just now leaving the house. And he lives at least 45 minutes from where we're meeting. :perplexed

So what time did he show up? 8pm! That's right, he was an hour late. His excuse? He was expecting me to be running on CPT. :ohwell: Who assumes that someone is gonna be late for a first date?
Just how crazy is/was the blackplanet guy:

This is his black woman/hating website. I warn you, it's NOT for faint eyes. . . . It REALLY solidified that you do not KNOW what kind of crazies are online. I don't know, the net just seems more dangerous than real life. Thinking back to my first date with bpm man, he seemed very weird and awkward, but b/c I had been talking to him for two months, I decided to let those little things slide (once again a lesson).

Maybe I should start a lessons I learned in dating thread...
Maaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyynnnnn thats crazy. See...:nono: mayn I dont know. That is crazy. Blackplanet I really dont trust but BPM is going on that list too now I see lol. But they say the same crazies you meet offline are the same crazies you meet online. They just high tech now. :ohwell:
Ellen I am so sorry this happened to u!
Are u thru with BPM or just online dating altogether??

I am going to take a break from dating (for at LEAST six months hopefully a year), and I am DEFINITELY through with dating online COMPLETELY.

I am seriously believing that most of the men online have serious social/emotional issues. I am going to take a it a step further and investigate why I felt the need to date online anyway. Let me clarify, I think that communicating for an extended period of time without actually meeting the person is a HUGE PROBLEM. You get a false sense that you know them, and depending on how long they have been online, chances are it's routine. They know what to say/write. I think for me, online dating is not right.

That's not to say it can't work for some people, but based on my experiences, I am going to leave it alone.
yeah i never got around to meeting this young man IRL but thank the Lord. I had been communicating with him via myspace, text, and phone conversations. This negro told me all types of mess. Some of the stuff I had a serious hard time believing and other things I just believed from the jump. After i found out the real deal i felt so freaking retarded. I mean the lies never seemed to stop. He told me that he quit his job that he had been working at for 10 years because he qualified for retirement because of some buy out, and he decided to study criminal justice. Came to find out, he got fired from his job for STEALING A SODA (he worked at a dag on grocery store). Then he tells me he lives alone. No he lives with his girlfriend (who halfway supported him) who has partial custody of her child. When I asked him about a child in one of his pictures, he's like oh no, that my goddaughter. it was her child. Also found out in order to support himself he was bootlegging movies until he graduated from school. The movies were the girlfriend's and he was like her employee. I never even found out if he was really in school. lol this is the part that im almost too ashamed to admit but i have to, because its so ridiculously funny. After I hadn't heard from him in like 3 weeks, i called to inquire. he told me that he had been hospitalized because he had been stabbed. LOL HE WAS ABLE TO STOP HIS TWO (2) ASSAILANTS BY EMPLOYING SOME HOLDS (now mind u the assailants are armed) THAT ONLY PEOPLE LIKE NAVY SEALS ARE TRAINED TO USE BECAUSE HE HAS STUDIED MARTIAL ARTS FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS. i mean he described the scene of the attack for literally like 25 minutes using all these descriptors. I mean if you are going to lie, lets keep it vague and memorable. i was having trouble believing all of this but youre always truthful until proven a liar. so when i talked to him again like 2 weeks later, this negro didn't even remember telling me the story. then the next day a friend i used to work with was like "who is that on your myspace page?" i gave her his name. that is when i found out (ok this is finna get a little ghetto) dude is the boyfriend of my friend's boyfriend's ex wife. she was the one that told me all that info about him and that he's a patholigical liar and that he was currently trying to holla at her other friend and was lying to her also. oh and of course he never got stabbed. his girlfriend was on vacation so he wasn't able to maintain his internet relationships for that week because she was home. man some of these networking sites are the devil. so i chilled on the meeting folks for a bit, started back up recently and most of these men are just trying to get some quick a**.
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I've had some interesting *meeting/dates* from guys that I have met online. I learned early on that you should meet pretty soon after contact to see if you have any chemistry in person. I do prefer communicating for a while, but after meeting if neither one of you are attractive to the other, you've wasted your time or may get your feelings hurt. To that end my funny meetings:

One guy and I went to an Indian restaurant. Dude ate EVERYTHING with a SPOON and a thumb. I had to keep my composure.:lachen:

Another guy and I met at a sports bar type place. I wasn't his type and I could tell right away. After hours of online messaging and phone calls, dude begged me to meet him for a drink. Well during that drink he kept staring at me in disblief that I was as old as I told him. Said that I had aged well and had good genes. :ohwell: Then he wouldn't talk to me. Then when we left, dude talking about "where do we go from here?" Me, "to the grocery."

Those two stood out as the craziest. I then got offline, but I may consider it again. Maybe.
To the original poster, sorry you had to go through this.

I met my own serial dater on I would post his screenname, but he changes it after every new relationship LOL....

I also met another weirdo on Blackplanet, he claimed he was a virgin(even though I never asked him :crazy:). And if that wasn't enough, the first day we met this fool says he is too shy to speak so he text messages me the whole time :spinning:. Saying all these peverted things like if he hugs me he is gonna explode LOL . I tell him that for someone who is a virgin, you sure make a great deal of sexual references. He then precedes to call his best friend on speaker phone to "prove" that he is indeed one. Needless to say I never answered his calls again :lachen:
:yep:These are some interested stories.. I don't do internet dating so I know this won't happen to me.. Imagine, you can't trust them when you meet in person, are you going to trust them if you meet them online???
yeah i never got around to meeting this young man IRL but thank the Lord. I had been communicating with him via myspace, text, and phone conversations. This negro told me all types of mess. Some of the stuff I had a serious hard time believing and other things I just believed from the jump. After i found out the real deal i felt so freaking retarded. I mean the lies never seemed to stop. He told me that he quit his job that he had been working at for 10 years because he qualified for retirement because of some buy out, and he decided to study criminal justice. Came to find out, he got fired from his job for STEALING A SODA (he worked at a dag on grocery store). Then he tells me he lives alone. No he lives with his girlfriend (who halfway supported him) who has partial custody of her child. When I asked him about a child in one of his pictures, he's like oh no, that my goddaughter. it was her child. Also found out in order to support himself he was bootlegging movies until he graduated from school. The movies were the girlfriend's and he was like her employee. I never even found out if he was really in school. lol this is the part that im almost too ashamed to admit but i have to, because its so ridiculously funny. After I hadn't heard from him in like 3 weeks, i called to inquire. he told me that he had been hospitalized because he had been stabbed. LOL HE WAS ABLE TO STOP HIS TWO (2) ASSAILANTS BY EMPLOYING SOME HOLDS (now mind u the assailants are armed) THAT ONLY PEOPLE LIKE NAVY SEALS ARE TRAINED TO USE BECAUSE HE HAS STUDIED MARTIAL ARTS FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS. i mean he described the scene of the attack for literally like 25 minutes using all these descriptors. I mean if you are going to lie, lets keep it vague and memorable. i was having trouble believing all of this but youre always truthful until proven a liar. so when i talked to him again like 2 weeks later, this negro didn't even remember telling me the story. then the next day a friend i used to work with was like "who is that on your myspace page?" i gave her his name. that is when i found out (ok this is finna get a little ghetto) dude is the boyfriend of my friend's boyfriend's ex wife. she was the one that told me all that info about him and that he's a patholigical liar and that he was currently trying to holla at her other friend and was lying to her also. oh and of course he never got stabbed. his girlfriend was on vacation so he wasn't able to maintain his internet relationships for that week because she was home. man some of these networking sites are the devil. so i chilled on the meeting folks for a bit, started back up recently and most of these men are just trying to get some quick a**.

Rissa Rissa Rissa,

Okay I'm go ahead and send you to Cali, non-stop flight. Can you cook, clean and make me some pretty nappy headed gran-babies. Not that your hair is nappy, but my son has been only dating Koreans since he moved there. He is an actor and a second degree black belt.

I would love for him to meet a "sistah" and move back to Texas. But alas he is following his dream. His done some small parts and some commercials as well. Wait here is one.

Okay so anyway, my reason for posting this is this. He also works as a security guard at the Hollywood Cemetary, while his day job is a licensed (both in Cali and Texas) Vet Tech at the Hollywood Emergency Animal clinic. He dropped out of college in his last year to move to Los Angeles. He is a pet fanatic and them folks in Hollywood loved their pets. That said he fully supports himself so that he can stay in Cali and pursue his dream of acting....or just continue to live his dream.

I know for a fact my son would never propose to anyone that he is some corporate big wig or is anything more than he is. Guys who do this are already looking at you as their next pay check. They get one lined up before the current one finds out he's garbage like the last one did.

My advice to you (if you don't want to go to Cali...J/K) is to stop listening to the guys and start asking them what you really want to know. Make what you listen to the answer or non-answer to your question. When he got to talking about his retirement that would have been the time to ask..."now tell me again because I have never heard of anyone taking retirement at your age...what kind of penalities are involved" or "who does your taxes? Really could I have their name and contact information, I need someone to do mine as well" If they give you anything but a conact consider that a dot.

Keep asking questions that based on what that tell you would have had to take place and then just connect the dots. You will always get a picture. It may be a positive one or it could very well be a series of unconnected dots. At which point you will know exactly what you have.

I have to do this all the time because believe me grown *** men, with 401ks, and their own home still have much to lie about. Don't just assume because they have that they are all systems go. Back taxes, federal leins, bad credit, house about to go into foreclosure. All that stuff he is not going to reveal.

But working at a grocery store and can't buy a soda. We can discern that just from the picture and profile. Good luck. FDIL (future daughter-in-law...)
the first day we met this fool says he is too shy to speak so he text messages me the whole time

:huh: Thats all kinda nuts right there! :spinning:

Long story short:

Met a guy from BP in the parking lot of a local mall. Big mistake! While we were chatting in his car (I kept my door open just in case dude wanted to get stoopid). We noticed a woman walking hurriedly across the parking lot,basically looking like she was in distress. Well, she was. A few seconds later a car comes flying up to her and a dude jumps out and tries to get her into the car. Ole' girl wasn't getting in the car .So basically after several attempts of him pushing/pulling her into the vehicle.She finally gets in,but climbs out the backseat of the car and then....

Bam! Dude really lost his cool then! He started screaming obscenities and RIPPED HER SHIRT OFF SO SHE WAS COMPELETLY TOPLESS :eek: AND GRABS HER BY THE NECK ,PUSHED HER DOWN AND THEN PROCEEDS TO DRAG HER BACK INTO THE VEHICLE. She stayed put.They drove off.

What did the sorry **** from BP do?Nothing! Just watched.
Me: Yo,are you going to help her
Him: Im not getting into that
Me:Wouldnt you want somebody to help your mother,sister,gf or something
Him: Maannnn,ill call the police for her but thats IT
Me: Yo' big swole *** couldnt even ask the chick if she needed help or ANYTHING?*so I jumped out of the car about to be she-woman,but I was a little too late*

But yeah,he was axed quickly.He showed his character. Then the fool had the nerve to be a bodyguard/security at a luxury store. You couldnt bodyguard my soda nicca,with yo' scary ***!

Thats just one of MANY I have. I used to meet people on the 'net alot back in the day. I've been in many scary situations and im not proud. Im glad I grew wisdom and am here to be thankful... :nono:
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My advice to you (if you don't want to go to Cali...J/K) is to stop listening to the guys and start asking them what you really want to know. Make what you listen to the answer or non-answer to your question. When he got to talking about his retirement that would have been the time to ask..."now tell me again because I have never heard of anyone taking retirement at your age...what kind of penalities are involved" or "who does your taxes? Really could I have their name and contact information, I need someone to do mine as well" If they give you anything but a conact consider that a dot.

Keep asking questions that based on what that tell you would have had to take place and then just connect the dots. You will always get a picture. It may be a positive one or it could very well be a series of unconnected dots. At which point you will know exactly what you have.

I have to do this all the time because believe me grown *** men, with 401ks, and their own home still have much to lie about. Don't just assume because they have that they are all systems go. Back taxes, federal leins, bad credit, house about to go into foreclosure. All that stuff he is not going to reveal.

But working at a grocery store and can't buy a soda. We can discern that just from the picture and profile. Good luck. FDIL (future daughter-in-law...)

Gleaning and co-signing from your reply to another. I met this one guy who was in the Navy (Chief), and had $40K in back child support. He looked at me and my place with the equity smile. Needless to say, he now has another baby momma.

Great advice Eliza. Thx.
OMG, the spoon! I forgot about my spoon date. We went to an ice cream parlor and he would take a spoonful of ice cream, eat it, then slowly lick the back of the spoon, REAL slow, while giving me this sexy look. I asked him if that was supposed to be sexy and he actually said 'Yes, is it working?' Ummmmm....NO.

What is also funny to me in online dating is the height issue. 5'10" is the default height for short men. One of my dates said he was 5'10" and he was Prince-size.
OMG, the spoon! I forgot about my spoon date. We went to an ice cream parlor and he would take a spoonful of ice cream, eat it, then slowly lick the back of the spoon, REAL slow, while giving me this sexy look. I asked him if that was supposed to be sexy and he actually said 'Yes, is it working?' Ummmmm....NO.

What is also funny to me in online dating is the height issue. 5'10" is the default height for short men. One of my dates said he was 5'10" and he was Prince-size.

LOL @ the default height for short men!!!!
To the original poster, sorry you had to go through this.

I met my own serial dater on I would post his screenname, but he changes it after every new relationship LOL....

I also met another weirdo on Blackplanet, he claimed he was a virgin(even though I never asked him :crazy:). And if that wasn't enough, the first day we met this fool says he is too shy to speak so he text messages me the whole time :spinning:. Saying all these peverted things like if he hugs me he is gonna explode LOL . I tell him that for someone who is a virgin, you sure make a great deal of sexual references. He then precedes to call his best friend on speaker phone to "prove" that he is indeed one. Needless to say I never answered his calls again :lachen:

:huh: Thats all kinda nuts right there! :spinning:

Long story short:

Met a guy from BP in the parking lot of a local mall. Big mistake! While we were chatting in his car (I kept my door open just in case dude wanted to get stoopid). We noticed a woman walking hurriedly across the parking lot,basically looking like she was in distress. Well, she was. A few seconds later a car comes flying up to her and a dude jumps out and tries to get her into the car. Ole' girl wasn't getting in the car .So basically after several attempts of him pushing/pulling her into the vehicle.She finally gets in,but climbs out the backseat of the car and then....

OMgoodness :shocked: That sounds like a movie!
He is a total loser for not helping :nono:
OMG, the spoon! I forgot about my spoon date. We went to an ice cream parlor and he would take a spoonful of ice cream, eat it, then slowly lick the back of the spoon, REAL slow, while giving me this sexy look. I asked him if that was supposed to be sexy and he actually said 'Yes, is it working?' Ummmmm....NO.

What is also funny to me in online dating is the height issue. 5'10" is the default height for short men. One of my dates said he was 5'10" and he was Prince-size.

:lachen: That's hilarious girl!!! Just gross :barf: