Oils,Pomades,Grease,Butters,Lotions & Cremes 2013

IDareT'sHair Oh yes...you really should:yep:

I do all DC's, proteins, HOT's on dry hair...what I'm actually planning for tomorrow is a HOT - steam - overnight DC - and a clarifying wash the next day...although I may chicken out and forgo the poo and cowash ...since it just feels too good to cowash:yep:
Bout to rub on some pomade shop peppermint growth essentials to my scalp. After moisturizing I'll use this last corner of a HV sample oil.
I see that creams are on the list now too! In that case, I applied Claudie's Coffee Conditioning cream to my scalp between my braids today. I like that I can apply it heavily and there is no build up.
Spritz my hair with Ambrosa Hydrating curl mist,rubbed some Qhemet AHC on my scalp,used Cream & Coco curls for days on hair,cream & coco carrot almond whip to seal..

Happy Hair Growing!
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Oiled my scalp with Afroveda Shikikai hair growth oil, moisturized my hair with DM Super Buttercreme and sealed with Peppermint Pomade.
Doing a HOT on dry hair under my steamer with Moringa in my roots and on my strands:
Rice bran
Rose and grapeseed
Wheat germ oil

I wonder if I can make my own rose oil????
i slept with my pre-poo overnight and didn't wash until a lil while ago. i used db leave-in to detangle.

i'll m/s either today or tomorrow with isha hair cream, oil mix, and castor on my ends.

you would infuse the oil and strain. i lubbs mountain rose, they are my boo-tang! this method takes longer that they are doing, i usually do the double boiler method for about 12 hrs. you could do the same with a mini-crockpot on low. i prefer to use evco to infuse then i later cut with other oils/butters. oils can be fincky/tempermental when they are unrefined/cold pressed. when chefs say that oils have a high flashpoint they are usually refined with the exception of red palm and evco.....its still dangerous to the bodyinternally though and ppl have been using this rationale to use oils as heat protectants:nono:.
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Just ordered some Rice Bran Oil. That stuff is the bomb mixed with my Tesemme Naturals Moisture Rich Conditioner :-) also restocked on Castor Oil and Aloe Vera oil.