Oils,Pomades,Grease,Butters Oct 1 through Dec 31

Didn't use Oil on top my DC'er tonight. (Forgot). Used Pumpkin Oil with my Leave-In.

Will follow up when Dry with Claudie's Hairline & Temple Revitalizer
I have my herbs seeping into castor oil. :lick:

I just added sulfur powder to my Oyin BSP, and 'greased' my scalp with it.
Been moisturizing my cornrows with my mix of boiled water, coco creme LI, giovanni direct LI, and greaseless moisture.:lick: Sealing with eve oil and gthc in my scalp.
If you are going to end up mixing the infused oil with other oils, i would make it stronger than 1oz herbs to every 16-17oz of oil. I would do 2-4 ounces of herbs for the 16-17oz oil and use 1pt herb infused oil to 3-5 pts other oils.

there are many herbs that are great for hair and skin other than the ayurvedic ones here's a few others i suggest:

bay leaf
burdock root

i would infuse my herbs in the following unrefined oils:
red palm (make sure its eco-certified)

once i strained my oil i would use 3-4 of these to mix and dilute:

* the star denotes a high to moderate level of ceramides and one should be in your oil mix


what do you need, girlie? do you need a ratio of dried herbs to oil?
After I washed out my Dc,used CHC ultimate treat leave-in,Pura- hair lotion,kyras curl cream,BASK java bean on ends..Heritage Jar Of Joe on scalp.

Happy Hair Growing!
scalp marinating in some green magic. so happy I have 4 of these now :giggle:
I prefer this "delivery method" than an oil, but I still like the sulpur oil.

I think the liquid gold line will be my staple scalp conditioner

i forgot to mention if you wanted you could buy a mini crockpot add the herbs and oil and run it on low for all day/overnight. you could line a fine stainer with an unbleached coffee filter to get the herbs out then squeeze the filter and herbs of excess oil. the crockpot would only be able to be used for that purpose because it would permanently smell like herbal oil. this would work just as well as the double boiler method its up to you. Happy Holidays and Winter Solstice to you as well :)

Yep.:look: *cough* You know I have.:lol:

I had the Pink One (Clay Mask). It's very nice & moisturizing.

Girl....Here's the con tho':

It's messy. It reminds me alot of Henna. You have to rinse & rinse & rinse (to get it all out).

Although I never had a problem getting it out, I heard other posters say that, their towels were red/pink, nails were red/pink.

Overall, it is very nice. Based on the messy-ness I didn't repurchase.
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Babygrowth I just glopped it on (using Gloves of course). No need to mix it with anything the application & consistency is easy to apply.

I also steamed with it and noticed I had Pinkish-Red Water in my Water Reservoir. That was the last time I did that. I didn't want to damage my Precious.:grin:

I applied w/Gloves wrapped in Saran Wrap and rinsed.

You'll love the end results tho'.:yep:
Been doing hots & oil rinsing daily. Lately been using SD's Pre. Today I will use HV's vatika frosting. Plan to re up on some Hemp Seed Oil and probably purchase Sunflower Oil from Garden of Wisdom in the new year. There is another oil I want to try but can't place it right now. Need to check in the ceramide thread because I know it was a ceramide oil.
IDareT'sHair :nono: cannot damage the precious (in my lord of the rings voice) lol. But I'm excited to try it! I can handle a little bit of messyness for awesome results. Thanks for the review!
Spritzed with grapeseed oil and water before baggying and tying up my hair for the night.
Merry Christmas ladies! I'm hoping I'm on the "Nice" list this year.