Oils,Grease,Pomades,Butters,Lotions,Cremes Challenge 2014

MrsMe Welcome Ms. Lady! :welcome: Please come in & tell us what all you're using. Glad that you are joining us.:huggle:
:hiya: Thank you IDareT'sHair! Here's what I have and what I do with it:

-I use castor oil to seal my ends at least three times a week and on my scalp/roots twice a week.

-Spray a blend of oils on my hair twice a week (avocado, jojoba, vitamin e and sweet almond oils).

-Shea butter mix done by a friend once a week on my hair.

-Castor oil or Hair Pouss Plus every other day on my temples.

-Pre-poo with olive oil before every wash.

My hair thrives with all of that greasiness. :grin: Sent from my iPad...excuse the typos. I don't get mentions on the app. :( PM me for a faster response
DC'd with EVOO, honey and Hello Hydrations. Detangled in the shower than moisturized and sealed with KCKT and coconut oil. I too am sitting here with Ms. Celie braids (8 to be exact) trying to do a braid out.
I've been really busy with schoolwork and out of town this weekend but I have been massaging my scalp and moisturizing and sealing my hair every night.

Tonight I will cowash and set!
Will Use: Afroveda's Rice Bran Oil *discontinued* with my Leave-In

After my Hair Dries.....Not sure.

Maybe Oyin Hair Dew on Length and something else on scalp?
Hope its not too late, but count me in. I love oils, butters and creams. After conditioners, those are my biggest PJ weakness.