Oils,Grease,Pomades,Butters,Lotions,Cremes Challenge 2014

Used rice bran oil with my dc. Once I rinse out the dc, gonna apply this monkey farts(lol) leave in I have and HQS coconut mango lime oil
Used my oil mix to cowash. It's almost time to make another batch. With the oils I purchased I'll be able to make 3 8 oz containers of oil. That's pretty good I think. I'll try to list what I use when I remake it.

Also used the It's a 10 Leave-in spray lotion to set my hair.
This weather is so cold and dry I am staying on top of treating my scalp. I am throwing everything on it :lol: Last night I oiled my scalp with Nature's Blessing Grease. This morning I put on my scalp treatment and then massaged my oil/essential oil blend into my scalp. I need to keep her protected until the spring.
Will use: AV's Burdock Root with my Leave-In (Afroveda's Moringa & Ginseng Detangler)

After it dries, maybe PALTAS on Scalp and BBD Stretch on Length.
I forgot to tell y'all that when I did my hair the other night I used Darcy's watermelon oil (which I just discovered is finally back on her site!) and HH Castor Infusion.
Used Bee Mine Luscious on one side and Qhemet AOHC on the other side...sealed both sides with a little bit of Silk Dreams Nourish oil in Dreamy Decadence. :lick:
L-water/leave in spritz on ends
C- kizuri castor cream on length
O-safflower oil
B-kizuri pumpkin shea butter on ends

Applied castor oil to scalp
Tonight I applied JBCO to my hairline, then smoothed SSI Seyani to my braids. I can't get enough of the light, candy scent. I then sealed with the Papaya Curly Souffle.
Pomade Shop on my scalp. Oil mix and SSI Seyani Butter on my length. My hair still feels very moisturized from last night. The result of that scalp massage is now my avatar.
Moisturized with Oyin hair Dew. Sealed with Annabelle's Blueberry Hair Cream.

-- soft, moisturized hair --
Feels like I only need to go this combo like every other day or do bc it's so moisturizing
I would love to join this challenge since I use oils all of the time. I plan on experimenting more with butters and creams this year. I want to use almost all the products I currently have now before purchasing new ones.

OILS - evoo, jbco, haitian co, jojoba oil, vatika oil, coconut oil

ESSENTIAL OILS - peppermint, tea tree, grapefruit, bergamot, rosemary, lavender, thyme

BUTTERS - raw shea butter

CREAMS - Cantu shea butter leave in, Quemet BRBC, Quemet detangling ghee, SM curl enhancing smoothie

This year I plan on experimenting with homemade whipped shea butter and oils