OCT/Mega-Tek Challenge October '08

Hey ladies been using 4 a wk and my hair already feels thicker at the roots! Luv ths stuff.
My OCT came in the mail today!!! I didn't read Shimmie's post and I bought the entire system (albeit the little bottles). I'm still trying to figure out if I will go ahead and use the entire system today. At any rate, I have to say I'm a little perturbed that I paid $2.00 extra and they left the fedex box on my porch. :nono: I would have had to go up to FedEx and start something if it was missing!
My OCT came in the mail today!!! I didn't read Shimmie's post and I bought the entire system (albeit the little bottles). I'm still trying to figure out if I will go ahead and use the entire system today. At any rate, I have to say I'm a little perturbed that I paid $2.00 extra and they left the fedex box on my porch. :nono: I would have had to go up to FedEx and start something if it was missing!

You're a better person than I am. I would have complained to the company that I didn't receive my items - not much the courier company can do about it as they didn't get a signature. Why on earth do couriers do that - it's pretty stupid! :confused:

I would say (but check with Shimmie as she's the OCT/MT expert) that if you've spent the money you should just go ahead and use the whole line.

Good luck with it. :)
Start date 9/11/08

1st , 2nd and 3rd picture taken 9/11/08
4th picture taken 9/19/08
5th and 6th picture taken 10/07/08

I am loving my MT and OCT, Thanks for all of your wonderful infomation
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Here are my growth pics from the first week of September to the first week of October. I have only been faithful a month with my regimen MT/OCT/Beemine applied to the scalp every or every other day and co-wash/wash whenever I feel like it which is usually three times a week. I don't use anything special to wash or co-wash with. The pics of Oct I used OCT shampoo to shampoo. I will also post in the challenges progress pics thread. I used the wing of one of the birds in my back tatoo to measure...lol.

Have a good night ladies.

First week of SEPTEMBER First week of OCTOBER


First week of SEPTEMBER First week of OCTOBER


Good Lord that's a lot for a month! I'm definitely getting these two.
Oh why, oh why is OCT shipping so expensive:wallbash:
I need to get my hands on it. Come on ladies, someone please work with me! Pretty please!!!:grin:
I got my OCT pack yesterday, used the shampoo, put the cell therapy in and slept in it overnight, then put the conditioner over it this morning and rinsed it out. I'm excited to get started.
Great progress ladies.

I have been using MT for about a month. Every other day if not everyday. I am natural so I can't say what i am getting length wise...but man...my hair is thick as EVER. Hope when I straighten in a week or so I see sometype of difference. Last time I straightened...it was noticiable thicker...VERY thick. Got several comments on how thick it was...

I am considering OCT but I am hesitant...If I pay 50 bucks...I need it to WORK and not just work...but work overtime. LOL I am considering alternating a month of one and then a month of the other...we shall see. Not like I need the thickness...I need LENGTH.
My MT smells so yummy. I am glad that I got it. I can't wait to see results. I am stratching and use it everyday as a cowash or conditioner. I can't wait to get thicker hair. It looks as if the condtion of my hair is getting better but I am trying to hold off flat irong until I get my relaxer at the end of this month. I might just go ahead so i can take pics and show ya'll the comparison between now and a relaxer in 2-3 wks.
Okay Valerie- I see you growing too!!! Your hair has gotten thicker :clap:!!

I'll be back to check the other successful posts tonight. Wonderful progress ladies :grin:!!!!!
Hey Ladis,

I am getting corns rows with human hair next wekend and I still want to use my mega-tek but im not sure if washing will mess up the braids. Is anyone else using this product with braids, please PM me or post your regime.

eta: i was skeptical after my relaxer b/c i didnt notice growth right away from the MT but im two weeks post and I def. see the new growth comming in!!!

Good Luck everyone


i have cornrows and have been using MT. i don't wash my hair in cornrows, tho. just clean my scalp once per week with witch hazel.
I can't decide if I should get the MT or the OCT...

I'm transitioning and I want (NEED) my hair to get longer.

It's already super thick. Any suggestions....??
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I can't decide if I should get the MT or the OCT...

I'm transitioning and I want (NEED) my hair to get longer.

It's already super thick. Any suggestions....??

Hey there,

I took this from the first page of the challenge:
Which Product does what?

Mega Tek will thicken your hair -- fast! It will also strengthen your hair which will lengthen your hair.

Ovation Cell Therapy will lengthen your hair --- fast! It just doesn't thicken as quickly as the Mega Tek does. But it sure gives the length.


BTW, your hair is very pretty in your avatar picture.
I can't decide if I should get the MT or the OCT...

I'm transitioning and I want (NEED) my hair to get longer.

It's already super thick. Any suggestions....??

What tishee said :yep: I'd definitely start with the OCT.

I just started using this on wet hair(scalp) and I am not likeing the way it makes my hair feel anyone else?

I don't use it on wet hair either - it feels tacky? sticky? gummy? I don't know - it feels like instant build-up, whatever it is. *shrug*
I've been using MT for a little over a week. The thickness is very noticeable and I can't wait until my length starts kicking in! I couldn't resist and went ahead and purchased the OCT system as well. It just arrived today and I'm as happy as a lark! I pre-poo'd, used the system's shampoo, DC'd with ORS Replenishing Pak and applied the OCT to my wet head. I can't wait to see results.

This is my beginning picture. September 2008 (before any growth aids). Wish me luck!


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Hi ladies, I am still using MT. I am taking a two week break from daily application because I can't part my hair from all of the ng. I don't want to texlax early so I decided to put braids in and go from there. Will be meggasagings next week. I love MT. BTW, everyone's hair looks fantastic!
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Well I have my braids in now. I put a little over 3 ounces of MT and almost an ounce of filtered water and a teaspoon of oils into an applicator bottle to put on my scalp daily. This mixture is thin enough not to leave a buildup appearance. I plan to wash once a week. I'm hoping to get six months of growth in four months.
I have been using MT for around 3 weeks. I notice that I do have a lot of new growth, and the new growth is currently soft. :shocked: I apply MT to my scalp almost everyday, sometimes I take a day or two break. I am starting to be convinced that I need to try OCT.