Nov/Dec '08' Big Choppers/ *2009* Twa Grow Out*

As promised, here's my pics.

The first two are of the first wash-n-go I've ever had as a natural (hard to believe those coils are really 5 inches long). The last picture is what it looked like after my first twist out. My hair isn't as thick as I want it to be, so I tend to fluff it out some and massage my scalp to hide the part-lines so it can look more like an actual fro.

your hair is just like mine, but yours is longer. my hair i 3-3.5 inches long right now. i hope to get 5 inches by April and 6 by June. I want to by shoulder length by July-Aug. that will help me get to my APl goal by Dec as long as i don't have any setbacks. that is why i am staying away from color until i reach my goal. (well trying to stay awhile).
hey ladies. so far so good. only thing is the only way my curls are really defined is when I use my fantasia ic gel. and that jel makes my hair extremely hard causing me to co wash everday, which I really dont want to do because I apply my oct/megatek in daily and I feel as if I'm not leaving it in long enough because of cowashing everyday. I've tried leaving in a bit of my conditioner, glycerin and water, s curl. cantu leave in defines curls nicely, but it is so heavy and makes my hair feel dirty. nothing defines my hair like the fantasia gel. any suggestions?

btw, the s curl made my hair feel very moisturized so I think will use it as a moisturizer, but as a curl definer, no.

Co-signing on the s-curl. it does moisturize well...
I DC'ed this morning with lustrasilk shea+mango cholesterol and aubrey organics honeysuckle rose, went under dryer for about 20 mins and rinsed. not only was my hair just ridiculously soft (good slip if i needed to detangle) but my curls...ALL OVER my head popped. of course I washed out and then lost some curls but maybe there is something in the lustrasilk??? (I have DC'ed with AO huneysuckle before and didn't get this effect). I know a lady one of the blogs I follow, is a fan of lustrasilk for keeping her curls defined and minimizing on frizz. (she has longer hair though so I'm not sure how well it would work with a TWA)
oh! I find that when i use the Giovanni Direct Leave -in, my curls are more defined also.
my problem now is my hair is doing more of a frizzball look, even in areas where the curls were typically very defined, now that its growing. its weird but I've resigned myself to just let my hair 'be'. some days i have patches of curls and other patches of fuz....other days its more a fuzzy fro-oh well!:rolleyes:
your hair is just like mine, but yours is longer. my hair i 3-3.5 inches long right now. i hope to get 5 inches by April and 6 by June. I want to by shoulder length by July-Aug. that will help me get to my APl goal by Dec as long as i don't have any setbacks. that is why i am staying away from color until i reach my goal. (well trying to stay awhile).

I'm sure you can reach your goal. Do you plan to take any vitamins/supplements to help with growth?

How's it going ladies?

its growing...well according to my awesome hubby! I'm beginning to incorporate more of the twist-outs now for what I call "even definition" over the entire head. the only thing is the 2nd day just don't look right. :shrugs shoulders:
anyway. I'm still MT'ing nightly with castor oil, DC'ing x2 per week and cowashing every 2-3 days depending on whether I wear a wash'n'go or experiment with something else.
its growing...well according to my awesome hubby! I'm beginning to incorporate more of the twist-outs now for what I call "even definition" over the entire head. the only thing is the 2nd day just don't look right. :shrugs shoulders:
anyway. I'm still MT'ing nightly with castor oil, DC'ing x2 per week and cowashing every 2-3 days depending on whether I wear a wash'n'go or experiment with something else.

That's great! I'm co-washing daily and I was DC'ing once a week but I'm going to start doing that twice a week or more where time allows. I just started using shea butter and I absolutely love it on wet hair. I've been using BT and I'm going to try to be consistent with my vitamins.
hey guys....everything has been going ok for me so hair is finally growing out some...and I'm on my first nappiversary countdown...yay!!!! I don't think it has grown as much as I would have liked in the past 8 mths but I did come from less than an inch and now i have 4-4 1/2 inches now...maybe even 5 inches in the i guess it is progress.... I am actually going to get some kinky twist tomorrow and my plan is to keep them in for 8 weeks..but i always seem to miss my hair and take them out has it been going for the rest of you ladies????? Were are pics guys???? lol the pics posted is a pic of my second puff ever (lol....finally got a puff....yay!!!!!) and my staple hair style my twistout...


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hey guys....everything has been going ok for me so hair is finally growing out some...and I'm on my first nappiversary countdown...yay!!!! I don't think it has grown as much as I would have liked in the past 8 mths but I did come from less than an inch and now i have 4-4 1/2 inches now...maybe even 5 inches in the i guess it is progress.... I am actually going to get some kinky twist tomorrow and my plan is to keep them in for 8 weeks..but i always seem to miss my hair and take them out has it been going for the rest of you ladies????? Were are pics guys???? lol the pics posted is a pic of my second puff ever (lol....finally got a puff....yay!!!!!) and my staple hair style my twistout...

Your hair is so pretty and so are you!! I started a thread with recent pics of my hair a few weeks ago. It's coming along. I want to get kinky twists as well for the summer. Girl I still have not succeeded at doing a full head of twists, my arms get tired and I give up lol.
I'm sure you can reach your goal. Do you plan to take any vitamins/supplements to help with growth?

off and on. i don't know if it is helping or my diet, but i was had two bald spots that are filling in now. i take biotin and b complex and i use megatek for my bald spots. i am at 4 inches and 3.5 inches on the sides and nape.
Just checking in: My hair has definitely grown and filled in even more. I still only comb once a week b/c I wash and go and my hair doesn't tangle. I've been wearing a wig this month and I plan to wear one through Spring to keep my hands out of my hair.
I'm in (just seeing this thread)! Just did the b/c on March 10th to about a 1/4 of hair. Not sure when this thread started but count me in. I'll upload a picture tonight.

I'm doing a protective style (wig) until around May to give my twa some time to grow out a bit. I just wash every day (love it) with conditioner only or my beloved Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Castile soap. I use a little Dr. Miracle's "feel it" formula on my scalp (suffered some hairline damage w/my last set of braids) and moisturize my hair with KBB chamomile/sage hair milk and hair cream and seal with a little coconut oil. I massage my scalp every night after every wash with the grease for that cool feeling. The only thing I'm bad at is deep conditioning and I need to start incorporating that in my regimen. Anyway, I see that folks checked in this month so I guess that means we're at the 4-month mark (lol). I'll upload a photo tonight and start my progress here. HHG ladies!
Hi Ladies!

Here is my update...

I don't have a really complicated regimine. I wear a W&G, so I wash and condition every day, deep condish 2-3 times a week.

For shampoo, I have tried
Organix Coconut Milk :nono: - made my hair feel dry
Organix Mandarin Olive Oil - have used 2 times, it's ok so far
Pantene Healthy Lengths - this is ok, but not great.

I ordered some Hairveda shampoo, so I will be testing that out too.

For condish I use
Hairveda 24/7 - love it...
Organix Vanilla Silk - I don't like this and it smells funny
Suave Humectant - this is good when I detangle.

I use the ORS Replenishing Pak for my DC, but purchased some SitriNillah from Hairveda.

I moisturize with Hairveda Whipped Cream and seal with the Cocasta oil. Sometimes I use the Whipped Gelly or Fantasia IC gel for curl definition, but not too often.

I've noticed the front of my hair does NOT like to be brushed. It frizzes up for a couple days and just sticks straight up. I look like Kramer from Seinfeld. :lachen: I'm going to try to attach pics...


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hey guys....everything has been going ok for me so hair is finally growing out some...and I'm on my first nappiversary countdown...yay!!!! I don't think it has grown as much as I would have liked in the past 8 mths but I did come from less than an inch and now i have 4-4 1/2 inches now...maybe even 5 inches in the i guess it is progress.... I am actually going to get some kinky twist tomorrow and my plan is to keep them in for 8 weeks..but i always seem to miss my hair and take them out has it been going for the rest of you ladies????? Were are pics guys???? lol the pics posted is a pic of my second puff ever (lol....finally got a puff....yay!!!!!) and my staple hair style my twistout...

very cute!!! my pics are in my fotki...
ok so i didn't get my kinky twist...i worked the previous night for 12 hours...then got off the next morning to head to the salon...i stayed out there....and guess what...she didn't show up...i was HOTTTT!!!!!! and sleepy!!! So i guess i will find something else to do with my hair....back at sqaure
so i got my hair braided...she added the 'hair' a the very end just to give it some length to put in a bun. its nice enough however, I was hoping this style would last for a good 2 weeks but my hair is shorter in the back and I can see where it will fag quickly. I'll try and get as much time out of it as I can! OH I updated my fotki today!

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so i got my hair braided...she added the 'hair' a the very end just to give it some length to put in a bun. its nice enough however, I was hoping this style would last for a good 2 weeks but my hair is shorter in the back and I can see where it will fag quickly. I'll try and get as much time out of it as I can! OH I updated my fotki today!

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pretty pretty!!!!!
ok so i finally bought some KCCC....I tried it today and I like it.. It takes forever to dry so i sat under my hooded dryer until the top was dry..I used the knot today with it also


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ok so i finally bought some KCCC....I tried it today and I like it.. It takes forever to dry so i sat under my hooded dryer until the top was dry..I used the knot today with it also

very cute! ugh you confirmed what I was hoping was NOT the case..i.e. taking long to dry. I typically style my hair in the morning b/c it always looks a mess if I sleep on it. I guess I will really wait another couple months before experimenting with their products...

btw: at what point does 4a/4b hair start to actually 'lay down'? evreything I do to my hair..other than cornrows or flat hair just sticks up!:wallbash:
very cute! ugh you confirmed what I was hoping was NOT the case..i.e. taking long to dry. I typically style my hair in the morning b/c it always looks a mess if I sleep on it. I guess I will really wait another couple months before experimenting with their products...

btw: at what point does 4a/4b hair start to actually 'lay down'? evreything I do to my hair..other than cornrows or flat hair just sticks up!:wallbash:
Girl....I have no clue? can't wait until mine start to drop, however long that might feel ur pain though and I'm the same way, I style my hair in the morning also, cause when its slept on, its a HOT MESS! BTW, thanks for the compliment.
very cute! ugh you confirmed what I was hoping was NOT the case..i.e. taking long to dry. I typically style my hair in the morning b/c it always looks a mess if I sleep on it. I guess I will really wait another couple months before experimenting with their products...

btw: at what point does 4a/4b hair start to actually 'lay down'? evreything I do to my hair..other than cornrows or flat hair just sticks up!:wallbash:

i started having hang time with my twists when i had reached 6 inches. then i ended up cutting it. i am 4a.
Here is my udate, I took these pics a couple of days ago and wanted to see my little progress so I did a press. But it did not last one day. The next day I woke up it was a bit matted because I sweated it out overnight. It was nice to see it but being natural is much easier. Especially with me back at the gym.


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Okay so I drug my *ss on providing a photo. Here I am. B/C date 3/10. Barber shop touch-up (another 1/2 inch gone) 3/18.


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hey's it going? I'm in kinky twists hopefully for at least another 3 myself a break from the 'growth watch' :lachen:
Hey ladies, here are my progress pics! I just took these today. I'm so excited that I finally have a puff. You can see how much my hair has grown compared to my picture on the first page. HHG!


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