Super Grow Out Challenge 2005

This is my first post on the forum. I have been reading and learning so much from you ladies since i've joined. Right now I have not a lick of chemical in my hair and it is shoulder length when streched. I'm currently wearing a sewn in weave to allow my hair to rest....and my body to workout (without worrying about my hair).
I get my hair professionally washed every other week.
I take an arsenal of vitamins daily
Flaxseed 3-1000mg capsules with each meal
GNC EPO 1-1300mg cap with each meal
GNC Silica 3-11mg tabs 3x per day
GNC MSM 1-1000mg cap 3x per day
GNC Triple Chlorophyll 1 tab 2x per day
occasionally a b-complex
GNC hair skin and nails formula 2 tabs with breakfast
I see the difference in my hair and nails since I've been consistant for the last 1.5 month.

PS GNC vitamins are going to be on sale from JAN 1-9! So stock up.
Welcome! Glad to have you! :wave:

Good luck:)
I am in. I have been on the same regimen since being home for xmas break--4 weeks & it works for me, nearly 0 breakage and long lasting curl & shine. I go back to school on Jan 3d so this challenge is perfect.

* elucence moisture benefits poo
*elucence moisture benefits conditioner
*back to basics clarifying poo every 6 weeks
*mango butter + aphogee essential fatty acids for my roller sets & regular moisture.
*air dry rollersets only
*wash once per week
*vitamin regimen in my siggy
*relaxers every 8-10 weeks

I sista barely made it, but I'm in!!! Lovin it!!! Can't wait!

The regimen will be the following:

Every 7 days, I will wash and rollerset using the entire ELUCENCE line, however, I will alternate the Extended Moisture Repair Treatment with Generic Joico, when it comes to protein.

I will continue my relaxing schedule as every 12 weeks.

I will continue the no direct heat regimen as I feel it has helped my hair tremendously.

I will continue to "surge" my nape as that is a problem area for me.

I will continue to take Twinlab's B-5 and Solgar's EPO as those are my two supplements.

I will contine to drink my Odwalla Carrot juice (yea, throwback, I know)

My greatest challenge will be weening myself off this caffeine. It sucks because I'm a terrible coffee addict and it gives me that 'boost' when I have those o'dark-hundred morning flights. I'm trying to get a good tasting decaf one as well as only drinking caffeine-free soda's when i choose to do so. We all know that this defeats taking B vitamins, so i guess a girl's got to do what she's got to do. Ah well.. We'll see...

See ya next year!!
I'm in. I have my nexxus, mane n tail and I'm going to stock up on my Elucence. I just bought some scrunchy type of thingies to protect my hair in a bun. I don't have a particular goal like bra strap (maybe in '06) but I just want my hair to grow steadily.
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Ok darnit! I have been coming to this thread over and freakin over...saying to myself you will not join another will not join another challenge! This challenge is just too appealing! I'm in! My goal is armpit in 2005 but I am not setting a definate time limit like by May or June etc. I am just going to try to be good to my hair. Protective styles, deep conditioning, no shs etc. Now rushing of to take a picture without checking length since I am on the no length check challange. Hmmm....I don't think an airdried pic will break that.......
sharee said:
Ok darnit! I have been coming to this thread over and freakin over...saying to myself you will not join another will not join another challenge! This challenge is just too appealing! I'm in! My goal is armpit in 2005 but I am not setting a definate time limit like by May or June etc. I am just going to try to be good to my hair. Protective styles, deep conditioning, no shs etc. Now rushing of to take a picture without checking length since I am on the no length check challange. Hmmm....I don't think an airdried pic will break that.......
I am glad you finally decide to join. Now that wasn't so hard was it?!!

Glad to have you!!:)
As the year comes to a close, I would like to say I am happy to see so many ladies committed to this challenge.

I am very glad to have each and everyone of you ladies and your gorgeous heads of hair join in together as we strive for our goals.

This time next year you all will be reporting back with some major goals reached and we will be able to "oh and ah" at all the length that has been gained.

I am excited, happy and ready to go! I know this will be a wonderful year for us!!

Take care everyone and have a happy blessed New Year!!

See ya in '05!
I recently joined the forum. Is it too late to enter the challenge? I hope to grow 6 inches, eat healthier, take my vitamins (multi and hair vitamins) on a regular basis, exercise more, and smile more. I always came on the forum to look and read, but this challenge encouraged me to join the forum. Thanks DSD.
ethiokee said:
I recently joined the forum. Is it too late to enter the challenge? I hope to grow 6 inches, eat healthier, take my vitamins (multi and hair vitamins) on a regular basis, exercise more, and smile more. I always came on the forum to look and read, but this challenge encouraged me to join the forum. Thanks DSD.
not to late to join at all! the challenge starts today...Jan 1st! (i'm in the Eastern Standard time zone ;) )
ethiokee said:
I recently joined the forum. Is it too late to enter the challenge? I hope to grow 6 inches, eat healthier, take my vitamins (multi and hair vitamins) on a regular basis, exercise more, and smile more. I always came on the forum to look and read, but this challenge encouraged me to join the forum. Thanks DSD.
It's not to late to join. Welcome to the board we are glad to have you!! Good Luck to you!
I'm in all the way! :grin:

- Drink more water daily
- More CO washes during the week for moisture
- Get a vitamin routine and more Surging

* Already on protective style challenge (approx. 1 yr.), no heat except for touch-ups, stretched relaxer touch-ups (at least 12 weeks)

in like flynn on this challenge.:D

This is my regimen:

- wash hair once a week homemade Domincan blowout every week (deep conditioning every time with Redken Butter Treat or other deep conditioner on hand; setting hair with Salerm 21 and using Aveda Damage Control)

- oiling scalp and light styling/wrapping/pin curling will be the only manipulation to hair for the week

- Once a month, THE WORKS, clarifying, moisturizing shampoo, protein treatment (or subtituting a hennalucent treatment when needed) and a deep conditioner

- every 10 to 12 weeks self-relax with Affirm Fiberguard Mild Lye relaxing to 75%.

- Bargello vitamin regimen

- every so often, I will do a braidout to switch things up a little

I love my new simplified regimen and can't wait to start growing!

Chichi :bdance:
I'm in, I decided to start in December. There's a pic in my album.

1.Wash every week with mane n tail
2.Take vitamin
3.Drink 320z of water daily
4.exercise 3 times a week
5.Eat a fruit a day
Hello, just joined the last week of december 2004, but have been inspired by the results of you and the other ladies. Please count me in. I've got type 4b hair and it has thinned a lot in 2004. I would be happy to get it at a healthier state this year along with some growth.

s.d. :)
I would like to say to Hope, Victory1 and Sdumasw...Welcome to the board!! I just noticed that you all are newcomers. This is a great way to start off the new year!
sdumasw said:
Hello, just joined the last week of december 2004, but have been inspired by the results of you and the other ladies. Please count me in. I've got type 4b hair and it has thinned a lot in 2004. I would be happy to get it at a healthier state this year along with some growth.

s.d. :)
Hi Sd!! :wave:

That's great!! Stay on this challenge and stay consistent with your hair care and you will see a 360 degree turn around in your hair's health. It will then reward you by gaining length and flourishing. Good Luck!!
Count me in. I've been seeing a lot of improvement over the last 6 months and I can't wait to see what 2005 has in store for me.
I'm in too!

Hi, DSD, I'm back and ready to grow some healthy hair!!
Hello. I am also new. :newbie: I would like to join the challenge. I currently have a sewn in weave that was just done 01/11/05- I plan to keep this in for a month. (I did it myself) I have 4a type hair whish is just reaching neck line. When I take out the weave I will post a pic. Good Luck Everyone!!! I am so excited :grin: :grin: :grin:
Hair2day said:
Hello. I am also new. :newbie: I would like to join the challenge. I currently have a sewn in weave that was just done 01/11/05- I plan to keep this in for a month. (I did it myself) I have 4a type hair whish is just reaching neck line. When I take out the weave I will post a pic. Good Luck Everyone!!! I am so excited :grin: :grin: :grin:
Welcome!! :wave:

Glad to have you on the challenge with us!!

I will add you all to the list!!