NEW:Married without a Marriage License...

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Power of attorney, living wills, sovereignity, aren't those essentially contracts that are executed through a legal/judicial system that is essentially controlled by the government? You know court houses are Federal buildings where you have to file/execute all these documents right? Or do you think the judge will come to your house? You know the Federal Govt can overrule state laws in certain issues? That's why people appeal stuff all the way to the Supreme Court even if the state has made a ruling? The Govt is everywhere especially where a signature making something legally binding exists. You'll file taxes as a "married" couple right? Whether you file single or joint, big brother will be right there beside you warming your bed at night. Those laws/legal protections that make you a power of attorney/heir to the throne etc were created by this govt you don't want in your business.
What would be the advantage of not having a legally recognized marriage?.... No answer...
OK, then,
What is the difference between a marriage that is not legally recognized and being boyfriend and girlfriend?
Oh wait, :bye: she left... Kanye shrug
I googled!

From Wiki
Some groups believe that the requirement to obtain a marriage license is unnecessary or immoral. The Libertarian Party, for instance, believes that all marriages should be civil, not requiring sanction from the state.[6][7] Some Christian groups also argue that a marriage is a contract between two people and God, so no authorization from the state is required. In some US states, the state is cited as a party in the marriage contract [8] which is seen by some as an infringement.[9]

Marriage licenses have also been the subject of controversy for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community whose ability to marry is often limited by state regulations. Perhaps most notably, California's Proposition 8 has been the subject of heavy criticism by advocates of same-sex marriage.[10]

In October 2009, Keith Bardwell, a Louisiana justice of the peace, refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple, prompting civil liberties groups, such as the NAACP and ACLU, to call for his resignation or firing.[11][12] Bardwell resigned his office on November 3.[13]

The marriage laws and license requirements of many states originated from the ideas of eugenics.[14
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