New challenge: Transitioning without BC'ing...

Just wanted to say "hi". i think we are at the same stage - my last relaxer was december 06 and my last trim was in jan 08 (one month after you). and my ends look like yours in the picture. Mine bother me, though... do you think the ends are still ok w/out being blunt or shaped? i really dont want to cut off more than needed cuz my hair grows at a snails pace (i barely have eyelashes and shave my legs every 6 weeks or so - lol). i am 3c at the nape and edges and 4a in the crown i think, but rite now i have the BKT in my hair to make it manageable.

hey there transition buddy :)
my ends definately do not bother me because my hair is never styled to be bone straight, so my ends won't be seen :)
yay!!! So how has the transition been going? what styles do you wear? what products do you use.

as for me i've just been co-washing and bunning using herbal essence hello hydration conditioner.

its going pretty good. Im trying to tame the inner PJ.
Im bunning too. Im currently on a wash for growth challenge. I wash with nioxin or shikakai. Im workin with tresemme products for cowashing at the moment. I scarf my edges with a aloe/glycerin leave in and my whipped shea butter.

I have the usual growth rate of 1/2" per inch. what about you?
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Hi! Ladies, I am almost done with my transition, I just really miss my natural hair and it looks just like my texlaxed hair so I think that is a waste, I still have shrinkage, I still have frizz if I do a rollerset and and Humidity get to it, I was Loving the Tex lax at first. I know for some it works out great, I just miss my natural hair smelling good and feeling like a cloud. Even though I am still rocking a Twa, I have about 2 more inches of Texlax hair to grow out and I will be all natural so I would say by July it shall be done, I don't want to cut it yet because I want my 2 more inches of natural to grow out also LOL!!!
how is everyone doing. I am ok, currently in braids just needed the break form my hair. Am going into my 9th month of transition so getting there slowly, quite slowly since am not bcing this year.
I am 4 months post and am starting to have MAJOR issues. My hair keeps getting very very matted and tangled close to the roots. I think that the only think I will be able to do to avoid it is a wash and go several times per week. I tried my usual routine of washing (either a co-wash or with sulfate free shampoo), tying down with a scarf, and doing a rollerset (Sylver's scarf method) like I have done for the past couple of months but tying down my new growth with a scarf is causing it to matt...

I have had a frustrating week and thought about relaxing, but I know that it isn't what I really want to do. Besides, I have always had issues with my hair even as a permed head, so turning back now is not much of an option for me. That's what I'll keep telling myself anyway...

I'm gonna use a clarifying shampoo in the morning, maybe that will help somehow :perplexed
its going pretty good. Im trying to tame the inner PJ.
Im bunning too. Im currently on a wash for growth challenge. I wash with nioxin or shikakai. Im workin with tresemme products for cowashing at the moment. I scarf my edges with a aloe/glycerin leave in and my whipped shea butter.

I have the usual growth rate of 1/2" per inch. what about you?

I don't know, my hair seems to actin up lately. When i first started to transition it looked like it grew at about 1 inch per month. but for the past few months it hasn't been doin nothin:perplexed. then i was looking at my hair today and it seemed like it magically grew/got thicker and easier to manage over night.

I'm just gonna go with the flow and see what happens
I don't know, my hair seems to actin up lately. When i first started to transition it looked like it grew at about 1 inch per month. but for the past few months it hasn't been doin nothin:perplexed. then i was looking at my hair today and it seemed like it magically grew/got thicker and easier to manage over night.

I'm just gonna go with the flow and see what happens

I done jumped on the OCT and MT wagon.
yeah i thought about that. but i jumped on the silica bandwagon. hopefully that'll work:grin:. i just flat ironed my hair and it definetly grew, so i guess i'll just have to wait and see.
about 4 months post but I just did a mini chop a couple of weeks ago. is that allowed? i cut about 3-4 inches of relaxed hair off so that i'd have more of an even distribution of NG and relaxed hair - maybe half and half now, i think.
I can be your buddy...count me in! My last rlxr was jan 08!! This is the longest I've ever gone since i relaxed my hair over 15 yrs ago...
I hope this time around will be better. Im planning to grow out my texturizer for 88 weeks no less. Im excited and rejuvinated:yay:
I am 4 months post and am starting to have MAJOR issues. My hair keeps getting very very matted and tangled close to the roots. I think that the only think I will be able to do to avoid it is a wash and go several times per week. I tried my usual routine of washing (either a co-wash or with sulfate free shampoo), tying down with a scarf, and doing a rollerset (Sylver's scarf method) like I have done for the past couple of months but tying down my new growth with a scarf is causing it to matt...

I have had a frustrating week and thought about relaxing, but I know that it isn't what I really want to do. Besides, I have always had issues with my hair even as a permed head, so turning back now is not much of an option for me. That's what I'll keep telling myself anyway...

I'm gonna use a clarifying shampoo in the morning, maybe that will help somehow :perplexed

I am unofficially on this challenge. I have been lurking in this thread for a while.

I am 14weeks post. I have always had the issue with matting and tangling at the root. This is what helped me.

Get a very good detangling conditioner. I use LTR or Silicon Mix. Braid your hair in sections before washing and finger comb as much shedded hairs as you can. Wet your hair and gently shampoo and rinse while you have the braids still entact. Then get rid of the excess water. Apply your conditioner focusing on the roots. Unbraid each section one by one and detangle gently. Then braid back up. Do this to every section. If I deep condition under a hood dryer I just apply condition to my braids after my shampoo and then after 20 minutes under dryer I detangle each section. Then I rinse with braids entact. After that I pat my hair dry and apply my leave in section by section, detangling once again(by this time detangling should be very easy and effortless). Then I airdry in ponytail. My hair hasn't had any matting since I have discovered this method.
As of today I am 365 days post relaxer. :woot:
YES-yes, I made my one year mark. :pray:
I'm living in cornrows.
• I am still looking for a good air drying routine.
• I haven't used a flat iron since October
• I haven't trimmed since early March
• I haven't used a blow dryer since early March (it was an emergency)
• I baggy my ends every night. (I started doing this in April) but my ends
are still very dry and very prone to breakage lately.

And NO BC!:woohoo2:

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OOOH! I would love to join! Im a NEWBIE. My last relaxer was at the end of November 2007! In the beginning I just pressed. Now Im giving heat a break for a month and then Im probably going to go back to heat in July. Currently I have just been washing every 4 days DC with Heat with either protein or Mosturizing every wash. and doing either braid outs or blowdrying the roots and wearing it in a clip.
Count me in friends! :grin:

I'm also transitioning and although I really want to see what my natural hair is like without the relaxed hair weighing it down, I don't want to give up the length just yet.
I'm 9 months in and reckon I have about 5.5 inches NG in the crown. All in all my hair is about a cm away from APL (Ive managed to retain the relaxed hair and have trimmed an inch every so often).
Has anyone noticed that their hair has become EASIER to manage as the new growth gets longer? Maybe it's me but detangling is no where near as bad as it used to be a few months back.

By the way, the pic in the avatar is my 'not-so-strict' attempt at the C'n'G technique.

Happy Transing......
Okay so I've like joined this thread in my head about a month ago, but I'm making it official now...

Haven't texlaxed since January (by accident) and I'm now going to see where this leads me... I'm taking ths a day at a time

If it's not too late I'd like to join

Hi :wave: Good luck to all the transitioners
I'm in! I'm nearly 5 months post and want to get to APL before I do a mini cut. The plan is to keep cutting up to APL length until all this straight a$$ relaxed hair is gone!