Need some advice... (long)


Well-Known Member
I dont even know what the title of this should be. I am so mad...
OK, so here it goes, gonna put my business all out there...
My husband is an overseas contractor in Afghan. He has worked there three years. He orginally went over because he had alot of debt. He handles all of the finances and gives me a nice big allowence. The problem with this arrangement is that I have no idea of what the "books" look like. He does all the banking online, we will plan to do things,then a week later he'll say to cancel whatever or to not to write the check, or to tell the person to rip up the check that I wrote and to write it from another account... and then when I ask him where the money is, he just says " I can't do everything" well, I know that he doesn't balance a check book. He pays bills and does budgets stuff from his head.. which to me is CRAZY!! And, this week was it. I had budgeted buying stuff to landscape the yard and to get some work done in the house, when it came to write the check he was like well, the money isn't there. I was like where is it? He said I had to pay bills, and I am like no sweety, you calculated this in remember?
I am to the point where now I am demanding that he show me over the phone how he does the bills online. Where the money goes, which bills he pays and how its paid. I finally told him that a marriage is a partnership and this is not a partnership. I feel like the hired help. I get paid, but have no input of the money that comes in this relationship and to me that is crazy. This is not even about me getting a job,because if I did and ingnored the sitution, he'd still be screwing up his end of the money!! With the big amount of money he makes to me he is not good at doing finances. If he were, with the money he makes he should be debt free. No one can understand how can he make what he makes and still have bills (I dont use any credit cards at all)
I sent him an email telling him how I feel, saying that I will no longer sit by and let him do the finances alone. That this is a partnnership and I need to be included. Final straw was when I get a piece of mail today. He took out a half a million insurance policy for me without telling me. Well, I read the fine print and if he were to die tommorow in Afghan, they wouldn't even cover him. I told him that he should have confided in me, that I would have asked the company to send me the fine print and I would have read it first before I dished out any money. Now, since I have power of attorney I have to call the company on Monday to cancel a policy that wont cover him all because he had to do it by himself.
OK, I am off my rant.
Input please ladies.
You post quite often about your husband being away in Afghanistan and your big allowance as a stay at home wife so I always presumed that you handled the finances for the household.

Maybe you need to ask him to let you manage the money until he is back in the US. He is the one who could get an allowance. I mean, what cash does he really need while in Afghanistan?

I would couch it as him being debt free by the time he is back on US soil because you will make sure his debts are paid down.

Where is his money going since it seems that he is not paying down on his debts with his salary?

By the way, I do not think he will be able to show you on-line how he does the banking. He can maybe walk you through it but I doubt that both of you will be able to log on to the various accounts at the same time from 2 different places.

I dont even know what the title of this should be. I am so mad...

OK, so here it goes, gonna put my business all out there...

My husband is an overseas contractor in Afghan. He has worked there three years. He orginally went over because he had alot of debt. He handles all of the finances and gives me a nice big allowence. The problem with this arrangement is that I have no idea of what the "books" look like.

He does all the banking online, we will plan to do things,then a week later he'll say to cancel whatever or to not to write the check, or to tell the person to rip up the check that I wrote and to write it from another account... and then when I ask him where the money is, he just says " I can't do everything" well, I know that he doesn't balance a check book. He pays bills and does budgets stuff from his head.. which to me is CRAZY!! And, this week was it. I had budgeted buying stuff to landscape the yard and to get some work done in the house, when it came to write the check he was like well, the money isn't there. I was like where is it? He said I had to pay bills, and I am like no sweety, you calculated this in remember?

I am to the point where now I am demanding that he show me over the phone how he does the bills online. Where the money goes, which bills he pays and how its paid. I finally told him that a marriage is a partnership and this is not a partnership. I feel like the hired help. I get paid, but have no input of the money that comes in this relationship and to me that is crazy. This is not even about me getting a job,because if I did and ingnored the sitution, he'd still be screwing up his end of the money!! With the big amount of money he makes to me he is not good at doing finances. If he were, with the money he makes he should be debt free. No one can understand how can he make what he makes and still have bills (I dont use any credit cards at all)

I sent him an email telling him how I feel, saying that I will no longer sit by and let him do the finances alone. That this is a partnnership and I need to be included. Final straw was when I get a piece of mail today. He took out a half a million insurance policy for me without telling me. Well, I read the fine print and if he were to die tommorow in Afghan, they wouldn't even cover him. I told him that he should have confided in me, that I would have asked the company to send me the fine print and I would have read it first before I dished out any money. Now, since I have power of attorney I have to call the company on Monday to cancel a policy that wont cover him all because he had to do it by himself.

OK, I am off my rant.

Input please ladies.
You post quite often about your husband being away in Afghanistan and your big allowance as a stay at home wife so I always presumed that you handled the finances for the household.

:look: I presumed this too..ITA with the rest of your post.
He does stuff like, he paid off his truck in two years, but to me, I would have been paying off credit cards that had high interest rates. His truck did not have a high interest rate.
I guess I would ask to do the same thing your doing. Demand to see the bank statements and pay them myself. I have an ex that is an overseas contractor and he makes a ton of money over there.
Honestly. I'm suspect of him constantly over seas, and you having NO access to the money or knowing where it's going to. I seems as if he can/is do/doing God knows what over there!... and all he is doing for you is writing a check and sending money. Something is very wrong. I'd get the investigating if I were you. You guys are MARRIED this should not be happening.
You and your husband need a serious FACE TO FACE chat. He needs to show you exactly whats going on with the finances.
I really don't think you are going to get very far trying to talk to him over the phone. (It hasn't worked so far).

I have a massive problem with the fact that he went overseas THREE YEARS ago to try and sort out the debts, he's earning very good money and he still hasn't achieved this goal... WHAT? :ohwell:
On top of that, he's hiding the finances from you!
Something is seriously wrong.
Why don't you have a joint account?

Whats a marriage without honesty and trust? He's not being honest about something and you need to get the truth out of him.
When will he be back in the US?
I am going to assume that your hubby is a good man that he is just not good with money. A lot of men and women have this problem. Plus some men think that controlling the money is equated with being the leader of the household..yadda yadda. My first question did you two decide together that you shouldn't work? I'm not hating, I don't work either (maternity) and my husband handles all the bills and we got BIG ones. If you didn't decide and he told you not to (work) then you might have a "I'm The Man and Little Women Stay's Home types"..if that's the case then I doubt if he starts giving you control of the money. These types of guy do not let go of control( via the money).
Now even though I don't work I have access to our joint account and he even give me access to his buisness account( via debit card). My husband does not like to tell me when things are looking scary, because he wants me to always feel secure and not worry about our future. I know he is just trying to be protective and a good steward. He also knows I would freak out and be extremely depressed if I was informed when things are looking really bad. Fortunately these scary times are few and when I press him for information he gives it to me, so its full disclosure. Now, I tell you this because it was a process, my husband, is one of those macho men, and he likes to manage our money and pay all the bills, and provide blah blah. I on the other hand like a little financial control too. So when I am not in baby/mommy mode I earn a decent living (chiropractor) and have my own money and when things look scary..I remind my husband I got his back and he does not have to juggle accounts. I pay the power, the phone, the cable, insurance or any thing I can think of... when times are bad because sometimes I can show him better than tell him.
It's possible your husband Insurance purchase is just one of the things he does to misappropriate the money. He might have bad investments out there, helping his mother(family), or even over paying on the house(like he did the truck). If you have not been married long you will get to know the man you are married to.. including his strength and weakness. I think you know finances are a weakness for him and you need to be proactive and if need be take the lead.
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Cicilypayne, you hit the nail on the head!! That is EXACTLY MY TYPE OF HUSBAND! I'm The Man and Little Women Stay's Home types
Everytime I say that I will go look for work, it is 1000% againts it. I am starting my own all natural skin care biz and he is like just focus on that. We have been married a year, and today was the first day he showed me the bills. I was like WOW! It was alot. He gave me all the passwords and decided that he would talk things over with me instead of doing things, (like buying big insurance policys and paying off trucks) without telling me. He is a very good God fearing man, so I dont think he has like some double life or anything. And your right about saying that your husband always wants you to feel secure, because that is what my husband just said. He said he never wanted me to have to worry about bills, and that he always wanted me to only feel secure. And if I wanted to really help , that I would just focuse on getting my biz off the ground. Thanks for the insight cicilypayne!!!
Ok....I'd feel very leery if I were in this situation, but I'm used to handling the finances and knowing me and my husband's networth at any given point. So the idea of being clueless is scary for me. Even if you don't work, that is no excuse not to know where you and your husband stand financially. I agree with the other posters that if he's in Afghan (I'm assuming in the oil & gas industry) then he makes alot as an expat and should have minimal expenses.

In no way am I suggesting your husband as ill intentions, but allowing someone to solely control something that involves you BOTH will only hurt you in the long run.

I'd advise you do the following:
  1. You start handling the finances. I'd advise you read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. It's an easy read and a true eye opener regarding how easy it is to get out of debt, if BOTH partners are involved and actively work together to eliminate it.
  2. Pull both of your credit reports. Go to its free. I know you said he gave you all the information but I question if he told you every thing. :nono: If he's been working overseas for 3 years he should have easily eliminated the debt by now. I'm not suggesting he's maliciously hiding debts, but if he's not good at handling finances he may be embarrassed to show you the full extent of the damage.
  3. Once you have a real understanding of you and your husband's financial situation, sit down and write a serious budget and stick with it. Keep track of everything. Again, The Total Money Makeover has some very detailed examples you can use. Once you've completed it, send your husband a copy and you guys should review (over the phone if that's the only way possible) and AGREE on the plan.
  4. Get your debt reduction AND savings plan into action. Plan to have monthly Budget meetings. That way you both can see the progress you're making and feel comfortable you're on the right path.
Don't get frustrated, just get focused on getting you and your husband on track. Sometimes men need help, but are too "manly" to admit they are having a hard time. So just take the lead, come up with a plan and show him everything will be ok with you managing things, at least while he's overseas.

IMHO... I hope this helps!:yep:
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I encourage all married women to know what is going on with the finances in their marriage. It's very unsettling not to know. If I'm kept in the dark, I'm going to atomatically assume that something's not right.
Girl, my DH is deployed, and our situation isn't the same as yours, but I know what you mean when you're "wondering where the money went." Just talk to him and woo-sah!
Some people say deployed people blow money like crazy because they have nothing to do when they are off, so maybe that is the case?
Most of the other posters have given you sound advice. You need to know even if you are not actually handling stuff. God forbid if anything should happen would you know where to begin.