Men & Money: Married Advice

OP I know this is rough and peopel sound kind of harsh but we are pulling for you.

I know someone going thru one HECK of a divorce. She was a SAHM, and was completely blindsided and paid a heavy price.

I know if she had come to this board with the signs, (hubby takes a sudden interest in working out, revamps his wardrobe, starts wearing cologne etc.) LHCF would have been able to tell her the deal, perhaps giving her a few months to get some things in order before the whirlwind.

They have a kid and had been married for some years, college sweethearts. :ohwell: :nono: :cry3:
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Good advice has been given in this thread.

@ the reasoning men are horrible with money and paying bills? Umm seriously? :look:
I could see if he forgot to pay the cable bill or something...but rent? and i dont think paying the rent is a priority because yall rent from his parents and he prob has the feeling that his parents would never kick him and the grandkids out so giving them their money on time is not a major priority. Hence the reason why I would never rent my home out to friends or family :look:

thank god you guys dont have a car. Seeing how he is insurance would prob lapse or the car could get repoed :(
Good advice has been given in this thread.

@ the reasoning men are horrible with money and paying bills? Umm seriously? :look:
I could see if he forgot to pay the cable bill or something...but rent? and i dont think paying the rent is a priority because yall rent from his parents and he prob has the feeling that his parents would never kick him and the grandkids out so giving them their money on time is not a major priority. Hence the reason why I would never rent my home out to friends or family :look:

thank god you guys dont have a car. Seeing how he is insurance would prob lapse or the car could get repoed :(

Time for me to go watch the "wedding day repo" video. :lachen:
Time for me to go watch the "wedding day repo" video. :lachen:

:rofl: The one with the black couple?? Where he had stopped making car payments to pay for the wedding, and the repo folks showed up while she was still in her dress?? Yeah, that episode was harsh.