I need some advice y'all.... (LONG)

Oh! Ok, well how has it been going? He sounds like a great guy, is he hot? :grin:

Yeah he's a cutie. And he's taller than me even with my heels on (which happens to me rarely) :grin: Things have been going fine but I think he's upping the lovey dovey stuff. Like yesterday when we got off the phone he was all like Goodnight Pretty... And I'm like where'd that come from? We're supposed to go out tommorow night. He asked me what I want for my bday in 2 weeks but I have no idea. Any suggestions ladies? He said I can have anything I want. I'm thinking a spa day but we'll see.
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Yeah he's a cutie. And he's taller than me even with my heels on (which happens to me rarely) :grin: Things have been going fine but I think he's upping the lovey dovey stuff. Like yesterday when we got off the phone he was all like Goodnight Pretty... And I'm like where'd that come from? We're supposed to go out tommorow night. He asked me what I want for my bday in 2 weeks but I have no idea. Any suggestions ladies? He said I can have anything I want. I'm thinking a spa day but we'll see.
Shoot, girl get your spa day and a couple pairs of shoes/outfits while you are at it. Girl, if you know like I know, that guy sounds like a keeper to me. It sounds like you aren't really into him, cause if somebody that I KNEW like that stated that he wanted me, I would be on it. But, if he's not the one for you, just let him know so he can pump his brakes.
Shoot, girl get your spa day and a couple pairs of shoes/outfits while you are at it. Girl, if you know like I know, that guy sounds like a keeper to me. It sounds like you aren't really into him, cause if somebody that I KNEW like that stated that he wanted me, I would be on it. But, if he's not the one for you, just let him know so he can pump his brakes.

I do like him it's just I can be so anti. I'm very much the unemotional pisces. It's hard for me not be an ice princess. :ohwell: I'm not as bad as I used to be but I'm working on it.
WHIPZ!!! :lachen: I got another anything you want for your bday you can have offer from one of my other guy friends last night. I think I want a new purse. :look:

Boy, you're on a roll. You must be batting your eyes like the people in that thread!!!:look::lachen: You will have a good birthday this year indeed. Just remember to be a little bit more friendly...not too much outside the norm. I'm excited and its not even my birthday!:look: I like free no strings attached stuff!:look:
Boy, you're on a roll. You must be batting your eyes like the people in that thread!!!:look::lachen: You will have a good birthday this year indeed. Just remember to be a little bit more friendly...not too much outside the norm. I'm excited and its not even my birthday!:look: I like free no strings attached stuff!:look:

Shoot I better! Last year was too much drama. I don't want to have a bday party again until I'm at least 25. :nono:
I would never ever date a friend again. I lost my closest friend because of a relationship. Sometimes guys find it easier to hit on a woman they know, especially if they are low in the confidence department. There is always a side you will never see until you are actually in the relationship with him. all i can say is be sure that you are willing to risk the friendship before you go further.
I say take it sloooow. It doesn't sound like he is fully over the last relationship. If he still gets emotional when talking about her, he's not over it.

I wouldn't even bring up the late nites convo until he did. Don't make "getting with you" easy for him. Not saying to make it hard, but don't just slip and fall into a rlp. without it being a clear effort and aknowledgment from him that a rlp. is what he wants with you.

Let him court you, young lady. :grin: