My Third Husband Is 102 Years Old. Here's What Our Marriage Is Like.

Crackers Phinn

Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
This looks long but it's a quick read. The TLDR is t he header.

My Third Husband Is 102 Years Old. Here's What Our Marriage Is Like.
Janet Albaugh
4 days ago

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When I was 65 years old, I married a man 25 years my senior. This was the third marriage for both of us, and he was almost 90. Mutual friends introduced us ― his best friend was married to my best friend ― because we were both widows, and apparently I needed more of a social life.

It started out innocently as two friends hanging out. He liked to take me out to fancy Los Angeles restaurants. He had his handyman fix everything for me, and he brought his gardener to tend to my backyard. And then, on a morning walk with my neighbor, I slipped and broke my wrist. I couldn’t drive myself to doctor appointments, so he did. My house had stairs and his didn’t, so he convinced me to stay at his house with no strings, my own bedroom and bathroom, until I was well. I agreed. Honestly, It seemed reasonable and less lonely.

I don’t think people realize how easy it is to be married three times. We both chose partners unwisely when we were in our 20s, in New York, and both our first marriages ended in divorce after six or seven years. We were both happy to be single for decades, until we each met our great loves. We were blissful until we lost them both to cancer. Neither of us had children. I was a widow for four years and he for two.

My neighbor said I was seeing someone with one foot in the grave, but although he was just turning 90, he was very fit. I wasn’t “seeing him,” I would say to her (and to myself); I’m just helping him through widowhood. I was embarrassed to be “seeing” someone who was almost 90 because I never imagined such a thing. I thought I should be able to do better, and I felt uncomfortable about what my friends would think. He didn’t elicit romantic feelings from me in the beginning, let alone any idea of marriage. But he was always dressed in laundry-pressed Brooks Brothers from head to toe and elegant leather or suede bomber jackets, which somehow made him seem younger.

He had more energy than I did. Unlike others his age, he needed no walker or cane. If he dropped something, he did a deep knee bend to pick it up. He took two stairs at a time. He was a WWII vet and he went to Woodstock (probably dressed like Frank Sinatra). He was at the Battle of the Bulge. He had been a Golden Gloves boxer and a successful businessman. No matter how old I got, I would always be young to him.

It seemed like too early in the relationship ― we’d only been spending time together for about three months ― when he asked me to redesign his kitchen. I joked that no one ever cooked there. His beloved dead wife had filled the drawers, the oven and the dishwasher with file folders. But one day, I arrived at my temporary home, his place, to find that he had taken a pickax to the kitchen floor tiles and then shoveled them out the door. To do him a favor, I supervised the kitchen redo, new appliances, white paint on those awful cabinets and new chic countertops. I had the walls painted apple green, and even though I didn’t think I was living there permanently, the fresh, crisp color made me happy.

Little by little, he was investing in me and giving me stake in his house and his life. I knew he wanted me to supervise his life so he wouldn’t have to. I still owned my little house and could move back in anytime I wanted, but at his house I had a new kitchen and a housekeeper twice a week. She changed the sheets, did the laundry and polished silver without anyone telling her to.

And when my wrist healed within six weeks, I stayed on. My days were comfortable living with him and, before I realized it, weeks turned into months. I had neither siblings nor children and during the past year and a half I had lost my last four dear aunts and uncles who all adored me. He was their age and being with him made it seem like I still had family. Who was left to love me?

He had become my family. He began as a friend of a friend, became my friend and then an important person in my life. I moved into his house for convenience but his generosity really made me feel at home. Regardless of others, who focused on our differences, I truly came to love this man. When the next holiday arrived, he handed me a checkbook and said he would never buy me a present. If I wanted something, he said, just buy it myself. Not the most romantic gesture, but still, he was sweet. I know it was his way of wanting to take care of me.

After a few more months, we became intimate. He started to propose once a month but I refused his marriage proposals. I was embarrassed about how old he was and how others would see it. I was still sensitive that people would think I was marrying an old man with one foot in the grave to get his inheritance. What would it say about me to want to be with a man 25 years older than me? I did, however, agree to plan a trip for us and we took a wonderful expedition to the Galapagos. He was the oldest person on the ship by far, but he was always first at the top of the stairs or the trail.

By contrast to his robust health (never even a cold), I started to have atrial fibrillation that medicine didn’t control. I had some sort of heart drama two or three times a month. I had a code blue in the recovery room after an ablation procedure and they wouldn’t let him in because we weren’t family.

By now, we had been together for about a year. He was as close as I was getting to having a family. That was reason enough to get married, so we did. What did I have to lose? He was already the main person in my home life and my social life. We went out to dinner with his friends. He consistently reacted toward me with love, and I started to feel love for him, too. Although we both knew we weren’t going to replace our previous big passions, we could be happy together. I rented my house and let him into my bedroom permanently ― and, even with him being 90, we [was good in bed].

I gave up my creative outlet of cooking because he only ate things one would find in an elementary school cafeteria: spaghetti with meat sauce, chicken noodle soup or tuna sandwiches. I let Trader Joe’s and restaurants cook most of our meals, but I still cherish the time in the evenings we spend together.

After five or six years, we quit sleeping in the same bed because I fling my arms in my sleep and he has restless leg syndrome. It would be a few more years before the sex stopped. He still expects me to make him a sandwich for lunch. Putting a piece of cheese on bread is beyond him. He is a man of a different era. He can be a cranky old man; he complains that he can’t hear on the phone so he will never make a phone call or answer the home phone. I make all doctor appointments, refill all medications and troubleshoot all billing questions. The cable guy, telephone tech, plumber, etc. all deal with me. My second husband understood feminism and I never had these issues before, but now my husband had an idea of a “woman’s work.” I tried to change his mind about it to no avail, and it honestly didn’t bother me or make him a bad person.

I am the hostess and social secretary as I would have liked to be in any marriage at any age. By the time most women are into middle age and single, with children grown or no children at all, they are looking for companionship. I am no exception, and being with my husband eases my loneliness, regardless of what he expects me to do around the house for him.

I got a sweet man who is in good health and has no children. I have the security knowing I am provided for in his will. I don’t worry about him womanizing. I have single friends who are bereft to be alone. Many married women think they would be happier being alone, free and independent than being with someone two and a half decades older than they are. But the truth is, I feel very taken care of in my relationship
No matter how old I got, I would always be young to him.
My days were comfortable living with him
Who was left to love me?
Not saying she didn't grow to love him but I can see how these things helped push it along.
Although we both knew we weren’t going to replace our previous big passions, we could be happy together.
By the time most women are into middle age and single, with children grown or no children at all, they are looking for companionship.

The older I get the more I can relate. Passion and fire are great but a lot of us just want someone to be happy, comfortable, and cared for.

This may be a bit trife but why did I chuckle at the irony of her being a generation younger than him but having heart problems and being hospitalized while he's the picture of health?
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Well I think she has also lived a full life. She had a passionate marriage before. So why the heck not? Companionship is a need. If the relationship gives her that she's ahead of a lot of folks. But I also think, it would probably be a different bag of beans had this been her first marriage.
What do you think she would look at differently?
Stuff that stood out to me.


It seemed like too early in the relationship ― we’d only been spending time together for about three months ― when he asked me to redesign his kitchen....

I had the walls painted apple green, and even though I didn’t think I was living there permanently, the fresh, crisp color made me happy...

Little by little, he was investing in me and giving me stake in his house and his life.

He was getting her to turn his home into her home.

When the next holiday arrived, he handed me a checkbook and said he would never buy me a present. If I wanted something, he said, just buy it myself. Not the most romantic gesture, but still, he was sweet.

And he wasn't even getting no booty yet, Listen...…

After a few more months, we became intimate. He started to propose once a month but I refused his marriage proposals.

Financial security and a feeling of safety beat last longer than voodoo dyk, IJS.

I got a sweet man who is in good health and has no children. I have the security knowing I am provided for in his will.

What do you think she would look at differently?

I think when a woman has been married before, and to someone she wanted and saw as the love of her life, her motives are different. Even her reasons for being hesitant are different, because she's not trying to prove she can secure a ring. A woman at her age who had never been married is coming from the perspective of never having that public relationship validation, so I think the motivation would be rooted in different soil - not to say that means the marriage wouldn't work, but the perspective would be quite different.
Sounds like she’s happy... I feel like he’s getting more out of the situation than she is though. She probably could have found good companionship with a man closer to her age, but it sounds like she was afraid she wouldn’t. He sounds like a nice-ish man, but he knew exactly what he was doing. He has it made.
I think when a woman has been married before, and to someone she wanted and saw as the love of her life, her motives are different. Even her reasons for being hesitant are different, because she's not trying to prove she can secure a ring. A woman at her age who had never been married is coming from the perspective of never having that public relationship validation, so I think the motivation would be rooted in different soil - not to say that means the marriage wouldn't work, but the perspective would be quite different.
I wouldn’t assume an older never-married woman is looking for validation. If she has her own assets and isn’t trying to have babies I think her motivations will probably be more authentic across the board.
Meh, she has time to marry another man if she wants to once this guy goes. I rarely run into vibrant 90 year olds but if he really was that healthy and she found him reasonably attractive and felt provided for I get it.
This was very depressing to read for me. Like sheesh. She basically had no one.
Like I'm kinda glad that she ended up not alone, but that was kinda depressing :(
She’s in the age range when spouses die which is why a lot of her friends were single. Even with grown kids old age can be lonely.

The boomers are the first generation to really talk about the third phase of adulthood with candor.
I hope to still be getting some when I am old. My grandparents were LOL! If I am still blessed to be alive and healthy I would like as full of a life as possible. I didn't find this depressing, aging can be isolating and lonely, I am glad she found someone whose company she enjoys and who she can share her time with, nothing depressing about it to me.
I hope to still be getting some when I am old. My grandparents were LOL! If I am still blessed to be alive and healthy I would like as full of a life as possible. I didn't find this depressing, aging can be isolating and lonely, I am glad she found someone whose company she enjoys and who she can share her time with, nothing depressing about it to me.
....And is more of a nurse to her than she is to him....and ain't asking to split bills neither.
Good for them. So they’ve been married about 11 years, who would’ve thought? But it seems that in this country, the more money you have, the more likely you are to live longer and/or healthier. I’ve met many vibrant 90+ year olds in my profession and they’re always active and seemed like they had a few dollars. I joke (but not really) that I’d rather deal with the 75+ than younger ones at the hospital. In my demographic, people who are 75+ are healthier than those younger than 75.
Good for them. So they’ve been married about 11 years, who would’ve thought? But it seems that in this country, the more money you have, the more likely you are to live longer and/or healthier. I’ve met many vibrant 90+ year olds in my profession and they’re always active and seemed like they had a few dollars. I joke (but not really) that I’d rather deal with the 75+ than younger ones at the hospital. In my demographic, people who are 75+ are healthier than those younger than 75.

Not surprised.