My heart is hurting right now...


New Member
Please do not quote this post.

My heart goes out to my mom right now yall. She leads such a simple life and has faced some trying times. She hadn't dated since I was in high school (over 10 years ago) and she recently found a man that treated her very well and that she formed a nice bond with. She introduced him to my family and vice versa.

She's somewhat of a loner; I'd never seen her so happy as she's been in the past year they've been together.

I got a call early in the morning last week from her. I missed the first call and by the second call as soon as she spoke I knew SOMEthing was wrong. He had gotten into a car accident and died suddenly the night before. :sad::sad::sad:

I'm in Georgia; so I went down last weekend for the funeral and to support her. She didn't even cry this much when her mom passed away; the look on her face right now is sheer sorrow and it saddens my heart and makes me hurt for her. She had told her sister before I got down there that she's given up and that she was just meant to be alone...I brought her back to ATL to stay with me this week because they worked together in the same department so going back to work is going to be SO hard for her. :nono::nono::nono:

The family treated her so well from what I saw while I was there. I am concerned when she goes back about how she will cope. I just wish I could take some of her pain away. :cry:
I am so sorry for your Mother's loss. I know she must be devastated.

I am glad that you are there for her.
OP, I would like to offer my condolences for your mother's loss! Just continue to be by her side! God knows her heart! He will take her pain away so don't try to take this job on by yourself. :hug3:

Sooo tragic! I am sooo sorry about her loss. That must really hurt and for you to see your mother in pain must also be devestating. My condolences to his family and her. I hope she will heal and remember the joy he brought into her life. :bighug:
This is just the saddest thing. I am so sorry for your mother. It's just so heartbreaking.
It just makes me feel so bad because she is not usually a happy type of person and she had been so happy with him. And when I went down for the funeral I realized the family was introducing her as their "in law" because apparently they were talking marriage (I didn't know). :sad:

Thanks for the kind words. I want to DO something but I feel like there's not much I can do. I keep on thinking of all these things to suggest to her to help like grief counseling, getting out daily and exercising, journaling, prayer/meditation, but all I really want is to take away the pain I know that is going to come once she returns back home to her empty house and to work where they spent every day before, during and after work together. But I realize I can suggest things but can't take away the pain and that's what hurts the most...
Times like these are just so sad. I don't want to dwell no the sad parts but the things she says just breaks my heart. She says she felt bad because she bought him a shirt of him and her for Valentine's and he wanted to wear it to work immediately and she told him he had to wait for a special day. So she said she felt bad because he never got to wear it. So she wore it the day before the funeral.
This made me cry. I'm so very sorry. I will definitely keep you guys in my prayers. A friend of mine went through this (still IS going through it... They had just gotten married.)

My soul aches for them both. Watching my mom lose my dad hurt so bad. My thoughts are with you... she's lucky to have you. Let her know that she's not alone. Much love to you.
You are such a wonderful daughter. It's heartbreaking what your mom (and you because you are watching it) has to go through. She was not meant to be alone. She found someone who loved her and treated her well. Have her focus on the positive and fond memories she has of him. She found someone like that once, she can do it again. It may take time, but it will happen.

My heart is so full of sorrow for your mom. I am deeply sorry that she is enduring such pain.
I will pray for her.
Please know that you and your mom are in my thoughts and have my prayers during this difficult time.

So sorry...:bighug:
Times like these are just so sad. I don't want to dwell no the sad parts but the things she says just breaks my heart. She says she felt bad because she bought him a shirt of him and her for Valentine's and he wanted to wear it to work immediately and she told him he had to wait for a special day. So she said she felt bad because he never got to wear it. So she wore it the day before the funeral.

I didn't cry till I read the bolded. It's such an important reminder to be more carefree. But there was no way she could have known he had so few days left on earth. Just keep doing what you are doing for her. I have no idea what I would do without my husband.
I'm so sorry to hear that: ( I think the best thing to do is just be there for your mom as she goes through the grieving process and beyond. Just be the good daughter that you already are.
Wow, that is truly saddening. I heart goes out to her because loving and losing is one of the greatest pains in the world.

I pray for her strength to not give up and she is so blessed to have a daughter like you.
My sympathy for your mom....I know it hurts you as a daughter to see her in so much pain esp. after she had been so happy. Very, very sad :(

Hugs for both of you :needhug: