My Hair Grew Fast When _______________

...I did the Hokey Pokey, and I turned myself about.

Sorry, I couldn't resist :-D

But my hair grows the fastest in the summer months and when I keep it stretched. My hair has been growing like weeds.

Edited because I'm no longer transitioning to Braidlocs. The rest is still the same.
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Sorry for the delay @sugarbaybie

There were 5 other people at work who received eggs. The first 3 months it was only about 3 or 4 eggs per week. Later I got everyone else's share. I ate an egg daily.
one egg a day? WITH the yolk? Hunty lol your hair might have been long but that cholesterol was jumping off the charts! rofl
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I BC'd back in 2010, took vits, used Ayurveda powders, and using jheri curl activator and moisturizer on my natural hair. My hair grew like weeds and the retention was on point. I destroyed it in 2012 by relaxing so I had to transition again.

I'm getting good growth now with a vegetarian/vegan diet and low/no-manipulation regimen (loc'd my hair).
I wear braids for 2 months and my hair grows 2 inches. Then I go to the salon when I take it down and the stylists cut all my growth!!
I'm starting to eat more protein again since it's the best way to speed my growth. (Eggs, nuts, beans, shakes and meat). Dh grilled steaks last night... Tonight I'm baking flounder. I will most definitely reach my modest hair goals this year. 3 inches by December
My hair grew the most while wearing wigs, DCing only twice a month, exercising 3-4 days a week, JJ Smoothie Cleansing, lots of water daily, protein shakes and consistent vitamin intake, especially Beautifully Bamboo, MSM and collagen by Neocell and silica.
Hopping offa bandwagons.
Stop using products with BTMS in them. This stuff acts like silicones on my hair, prevents moisture and proteins from penetrating my strands and leaves my hair extremely dry and fragile.
Incorporating protein conditioners and leave-ins in my regimen grew my hair quickly and helped me retain the length.
Cowashing every other day with a highly moisturizing conditioner like Hairveda products.
DCing weekly with heat.
Glycerin. My hair LOVES this stuff.
Sealing. I used to skip this step then couldn't figure out why my high porosity hair was always so dry.
GENTLE daily scalp massages with my wooden bristle brush.
Protective styles. I used to be anti-protective styles but now I'm a hardcore convert because it's working on my own hair. Protective styling WORKS.
My hair grew the most while wearing wigs, DCing only twice a month, exercising 3-4 days a week, JJ Smoothie Cleansing, lots of water daily, protein shakes and consistent vitamin intake, especially Beautifully Bamboo, MSM and collagen by Neocell and silica.
Consistency is key! When I didn't replace my daily vitamin (which I didn't realize also contained biotin) my hair went back to it's .5" per month. I'm back on track now.
I feel like my hair is growing more than it ever has before and the things that have made the biggest difference are: wetting my hair daily (I either co-wash in the morning, or before bed I spritz my hair with water, seal with coconut oil and braid my hair into two french braids), henna treatments weekly or every other week (helps strengthen my hair to prevent breakage) followed with a moisturizing DC and protective styles about 3-4 times a week.
Working out 4-5x a week, a high protein diet, wearing box braids and moisturizing my hair daily (sometimes 2x a day) with a spray moisturizer, using a good blend of oils on my scalp, co-washing frequently, consistent usage of vitamins ( I also miss the Nioxin vitamins they worked wonders), and shampooing and deep conditioning every week