My Hair Grew Fast When _______________

My hair grew almost 2 inches in 11 weeks when I had it braided in a circle (our natural growth pattern) and worn under a lacefront wig. I cut the lace completely off and left out the very front of my own hair. I was able to co-wash every few days and massage my scalp ever single night.

What did you wear between the wig and your hair? a stock, silk cap, nothing?
I have to add the MHM. That method taught me the discipline and routine needed to give my hair as much moisture as possible and I can honestly say my hair progressed quite well thereafter.
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I do remember that back in the day although i never participated. What did the Bootcamps entail? Do we still have them?

I don't know if anyone does them anymore, but here is what the sign up threads looked like...

***If you have questions about Bootcamp, please PM me as I may miss it in this thread. Thanks and Happy Hair Growing***

Due to popular demand
grin.gif is the sign-up thread for 2011 LHCF Bootcamp!!!

Everyone, please include your STARTING POINT PICTURE with your sign-up post. Thanks!

Length Retention Challenge!

It is a combination of some of the most successful LHCF challenges (based on my thread research
) and those that require the most discipline. This challenge is not for the faint of heart, fickle, or easily swayed but for those who are unwaveringly determined to retain every mm of growth that comes out of their scalp in 2011.

Here are the RULES:

1. No Direct Heat (Hooded Dryer is acceptable)
2. No Trimming (Dusting is allowed)
3. Deep Condition w/Every Shampoo Wash
4. Wear Only Protective (Buns, Braids, Twists, Weaves, etc.) or
Low Manipulation (Braidouts, Rollersets, etc.) Styles

This challenge will have 4 sessions.
Session One: January 1 - March 31
Session Two: April 1 - June 30
Session Three: July 1- September 30
Session Four: October 1 - December 15

Those who make it through all 4 sessions will reap the greatest hair reward!!

Cheat Sheet

You will have one emergency pass for each session. Use them wisely! Please post to the monthly update when you have used one.

<---- My mean face

If you are serious about this challenge, you can decide on a punishment if you do not live up to the requirements. For example: No fried food for a month, 2x my normal exercise for two weeks, No LHCF website for two weeks, No new products for two months, etc.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Throughout the challenge, we will post monthly updates.

Sign up now! Cut and paste please

I am going to commit to ____ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be _______________. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture:
(Please add no later than January 1, 2011)
When my mom did my hair. Yasss, growing up she did my sister and my hair faithfully everyday with a tall plastic cup of water, dip the brush in the cup of water, apply grease to our hair, and pull on the hair as she applied the grease from root to tip. Seriously, if I had her continue doing my hair I wouldn't have to wear wigs as I await my hair to be thick since I have length after ignorantly abusing my hair with so much heat...thinned it out. I should pay her. lol

my mom did that too..she either used her wig brush or teasing brush or this other brush they don't make anymore. she would part with the rat tail comb. detangle with this other comb then dip the brush apply the grease and brush through. we had huge afro puffs due to the growth. i plan on doing this again and wearing wigs as protective styling in the fall and winter and early spring. too hot for this now.
When I am taking supplements that you can't get in adequate amounts from diet no matter how healthy you eat such as silica, MSM, collagen, gelatin, omega 7.

ETA: If you ladies can think of more of these sort of nutrients, I would love suggestions?
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When I don't comb my hair everyday. Literally, when I put my hair in a french roll and don't touch it. My hair will grow like a week.

Also, when I'm in braids and wigs. Right now, I'm wearing braids (faux locs) so my hair can grow.
my hair grew fast when I stopped obsessing over it and I cut down on my washes ( only once a month)

they say everything grows in dirt. I once saw a lady in the grocery story with hair down to her hips, her hair was dry and brittle but nevertheless she had the length. I commented on her hair and asked her how she got it to grow so long. She was ashamed and said I really don't do anything I probable wash it once or twice a year.

These thread has me wanting to go to the farmers market to get some eggs and make deviled well we call them angelic eggs.
i started chai seeds this week waiting to see the results, they have 5g of protein per ounce along with a ton of other nutrition.
I've been upping my protein intake. But 135g wow!!!! That's amazing! It's a struggle for me to get to 60g a day and that's with shakes and protein bars.

What shakes and protein bars are you eating? Quest protein bars are like 20g of protein per serving, and with protein shake (pre and post) workout I try to use at most 40g per shake. Also, combing foods like eggs, bacon and sprouted bread increases the protein content.

You don't necessarily have to eat that much protein. I do it to preserve as much lean muscle mass as possible while "leaning" so that my metabolic rate doesn't slow down.
When I am taking supplements that you can't get in adequate amounts from diet no matter how healthy you eat such as silica, MSM, collagen, gelatin, omega 7.

ETA: If you ladies can think of more of these sort of nutrients, I would love suggestions?

@julzinha - you are taking Vitamin C with the MSM and collagen, right?