My hair grew the fastest when......(PICS)

When I spent 2 months in Jamaica - no junk to eat, wonderful hot weather and lots of sweating, I was on an exercise like crazy kick at the time so lots of blood circulation, and looking after my hair entirely without the aid of heat - canerows, plaits, chinee bumps, puffs, etc. I washed my hair in the river every week or so, and used a random conditioner. This was before I started my HHJ.
I've always been active and drank water... but drinking MORE water, sleeping a lot more, eating healthier (less fast food), and taking vitamins and msm powder. Here is my growth within about 14 days! I was like IS THIS REAL, but the color is a great tracker of progress. I'm going to STOP coloring and let my hair grow out because my hair doesn't really like color either.

wore wigs
cowashed twice a week
ate healthy
drank more water
spritz my hair under my wigs with my own mix
oiled my scalp with castor oil twice weekly
detangled gently
steam treatments
Then i went to get my hair cut short this past december and it looked like a ham since then..I am in the process of growing it back
Before two unexpected health issues. Now with adding vitamins, low mani and starting up is looking promising again.
during the summer I always have a growth spurt.
i cowash pretty regularly and just wear buns and puffs, and i run about 3-5 miles daily. in general, i'm just lazy and don't do much at all.
then i spend most of the fall/winter ****** up all that progress by overmanipulating, tryin to be cute.:wallbash:

but i think i'm weaning myself out of that crazy cycle now...i think.:look:
I've always been active and drank water... but drinking MORE water, sleeping a lot more, eating healthier (less fast food), and taking vitamins and msm powder. Here is my growth within about 14 days! I was like IS THIS REAL, but the color is a great tracker of progress. I'm going to STOP coloring and let my hair grow out because my hair doesn't really like color either.


How much water were you drinking? *Goes to the sink and pours a glass of water*
lol! I think it does too! You have such a great attitude, I think that really is a contribution to your growth too. Positive energy!

thanks krystalclear!!!!

your hair grows fast!!! you know, there only reason why i bleach myhair in front is so i cant see how much hair grows in a month. THATS THE ONLY REASON I BLEACH lol. if not for that i would just have all black hair:rolleyes:
My hair grew the fastest this summer actually, when I started co-washing twice a week and bunning my hair. Low manipulation and gentle handling at all times are key to success.
When I "forget" about it, and simply wet, apply my oils and braided it at night.

When Summer time comes.

When it's humid.

When I take ZXT.

I'll post pics soon.
My hair grows fastest when: I have it in braids like individuals or bigger, less manipulation. I just spray it with braid spray and go, then I wash it every week or two still.

And then I messed up when I jumped on the megatek bandwagon. My hair is already protein sensive, so I should've chilled on that and stayed happy with the great length that I already had. :sad: I'll see if I can find pics when I get home.

I am back on the right track, had in braids a few months ago and my length is getting back on track.

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This is a nice thread, OP. Mine grew fastest when I stopped combing so much, and just left it alone. My hair doesn't like to be washed frequently (like more than once a week). I do CW in summer sometimes twice a week, just for moisture, but my hair definitely grows the fastest when I braid it up and leave it alone for weeks at a time. Other than that, bunning and leaving it be also produce great results in the growth and thickness areas.

ETA: You can check out my Fotki for pics from July 2009 vs. Nov. 2009. Those results came from braiding (w/o extensions), using grease on my scalp, washing every 2 weeks or longer between washings, and wearing a LF to let my hair "rest and grow." I don't care if folks think its gross or judge me for not washing for like 3 or 4 weeks at a time while my hair is braided. My hair speaks for itself, and no, it doesn't smell after all that time...I don't overload with products. Sherrylove (if you all remember her) also went several weeks between washings, and has nice, long, past WL hair (the last time I saw her, she did); so did my great-grandma, and so does my grandmother.

I ABSOLUTELY agree with this Jewell. My hair started thriving by accident. I simply got too busy to deal with it, and lo and behold, that's when the growth really took off.

It wasn't until I stop putting heat on it, stopped going to salons, stopped having it trimmed for no reason every month or so, and refused to touch it, that it impressively did it's thing.
I ABSOLUTELY agree with this Jewell. My hair started thriving by accident. I simply got too busy to deal with it, and lo and behold, that's when the growth really took off.

It wasn't until I stop putting heat on it, stopped going to salons, stopped having it trimmed for no reason every month or so, and refused to touch it, that it impressively did it's thing.

Thanks so much for this response.

I'm threading my hair at the moment and plan to leave it alone for at least a month God willing.
my hair grew fastest when i joined this forum.

around the end of january, early february of this year my hair was like this:


i then started taking sls poo's out of my reggie and adding ayurveda,
using mt one month, then using mtg another month, cowashing regulary, taking vitamins, eating a protein rich diet with lots of beans and nuts, making egg shakes, using organic conditioners and dc'ing on dry hair at least twice a week.

on june 30th., i permed, and my hair turned out like this:


oh, i almost forgot, i eliminated all heat usage and now, i only wrap or rollerset.

i haven't permed again yet, but i hope to continue to see progress.
i'm growing out layers, so it isn't easy, as my nape/longest layers seem to be growing faster than the rest.
please excuse the size of the pics, but i'm still learning.....
Last edited: that I think of it, my hair grew fastest when I was taking herbs for breast enlargement (fenugreek, wild yam, saw palmetto, damiana and a few others), and I was washing/pressing once a week. I wasn't trying to grow my hair then, though.

ETA...the other time my hair grew fast was when I was visiting the grandparents one summer in NC. Ms. Pee Wee pressed my damp hair with Bergamot grease and I wore plaits or a ponytail for two months. I think the humidity and constant tension on my scalp contributed as well as the retention from low manipulation....oh, and maybe grandma's cooking. :grin:
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Thanks for the thread OP.

I just took down my wet twists (ps that lasted for 4 weeks).
I did a length check and I am now between APL and BSL - 5 strands are bsl lol

I think that the following contributed to my recent growth;
Wearing a protective style
low to no manipulation
Going to the gym or for a run once/twice a week
Washing my hair/scalp after gym (I use african black soap or castille soap)
moisturizing my twists with water every day and sealing with shea butter
Eating healthy
Drinking chlorella every morning
Drinking lots and lots and lots of water.
Wearing a satin headscarf to bed
Not focusing on my hair too much
Cutting back on the parties and social functions (JMHO)
Having a PMA (positive mental attitude)

If I can keep this up until the end of the year I should be WL stretched by the end of 2010.
I am going to try single plaits as a PS for the next month
My hair grew the fastest when I did (almost) daily cardio for a year. During that time I rollerset once a week, oiled my scalp with sulfur 8, and pretty much kept it in a ponytail the whole time. Never used direct heat. My focus was weight loss, but I went from ear length to shoulder length (retained every single inch). I wish I had pictures :ohwell:
My hair grew the most when I was pregnant with my 1st child and taking prenatals. I was relaxed at the time. Prior to getting pregnant, I was getting glue-in weaves for length in the front and my hair was so damaged. I got it cut to neck length to get rid of the damage. By the time I had the baby, my hair was MBL and my ends were thick. I attribute this to a healthy diet while I was preggers, pre-natal vitamins and water, and not messing with my hair a lot. I kept it clean and conditioned and bunned up most of the time and I trimmed maybe once every 3 months. Once I realized how long it was, I started doing too much with it and it broke off again! that I think of it, my hair grew fastest when I was taking herbs for breast enlargement (fenugreek, wild yam, saw palmetto, damiana and a few others), and I was washing/pressing once a week. I wasn't trying to grow my hair then, though.

ETA...the other time my hair grew fast was when I was visiting the grandparents one summer in NC. Ms. Pee Wee pressed my damp hair with Bergamot grease and I wore plaits or a ponytail for two months. I think the humidity and constant tension on my scalp contributed as well as the retention from low manipulation....oh, and maybe grandma's cooking. :grin:

ot -did the herbs work for breast enlargement?
My hair grew the most when I:

-was getting Sebastian cellophanes every 6 weeks
-stopped relaxing
-braided it up and left it "alone" (I still shampooed and dc'd weekly)