My hair grew the fastest when......(PICS)

My hair got longest when I:

- Went natural
- Did Crown and Glory method - Alternated two months in braid extensions, then two months without extensions
- When I wasn't in extensions, kept my hair in twists, moisturised the ends often, and sometimes baggied them
- Washed and DCed and redid twists every 2 weeks
- was very gentle with my hair

So basically long term protective styling and low manipulation
This thread is great! Thanks OP!

Before LHCF - Used a good quality gingko biloba supplement to keep me alert during night work. I was also in a weave. I went from NL to SL in about 4 months and then went to the salon to get it pressed fortnightly and it all broke of after about 2 months. Gingko biloba is excellent for circulation to the scalp.

During LHCF - Nightly scalp massages with homemade sulphur mix - got 2 inches in 3 months.

Looks like anything that delivers blood to the scalp whether exercise, herbs, massage etc along with protective styling will make hair grow fastest. Oh yeah and PMA and good diet.
My hair grew the fastest when I did nothing to it and left it out, surprisingly, even when I wasn't eating the right foods! I have fine 4a/3c hair, so twisting, flat-twisting, braiding, detangling once a week with a big tooth comb does more harm than good for me, especially since I have HIH and get the itch to redo a protective style every 2 days lol. I may regret the ssk's later, but that's what dusting every few months is for, and most of my shed hair comes out in my hands during washing and styling, and I get the rest during finger combing/separating sections; and I found the less I do with my hair, the better coil definition I get when I wash 'n' go.
when i did nothing to it....i would put my hair in a pontail, condition it everyday but i didn't bother to detangle...actually, i only detangled once a month....
I don't know if it grew any faster but when I started taking vitamins regularly, leaving my hair in ps helped alot in retaining length. I went from about an inch from APL (12/27/09) to BSB (3/3/10) to now MBL 6/08/10... I just did a length check and I'm still at MBL ( I trimmed/dusted on 6/8/10) I think I'm going to wait 6 months to do another length check.
when I went natural: natural hair, natural products, braiding and moisturizing a lot.
and even faster when I changed my diet: less sugar and processed foods, lots of vitamins and proteins from whole foods (no supplements).
my hair grew really fast when I stopped dying it, I still blow dried, and flat iron, but not often, but what ruin me was the hair dye, so now I cut my hair, learned my lessons, and I will be growing it no cuts, bunning, and wash and goes for a while and see what length I will be this time next year.
I have to agree--protective styling all the way for me whether I was natural or relaxed. When I was relaxed I would baggie my ends and cover in a phony pony or bun. Now that I'm natural, I two strand twist or cornrow my hair, moisturize 3 to 4 times a week and rock wigs during the day. My hair is growing like a weed! I also take OneSource vitamins for women and try to stay active and drink lots of water. I'm just not consistent enough to say that's contributing or not.
my hair grew the fastest when I wash cowashing in between weekly washes & when I stopped using heat. thats why i'm currently on a no heat regimen..can't wait to see my progress!
My hair has always grown. The problem was retaining length. Being away from home for six months and not going to my regular stylist opened my eyes. Now that I'm home again I will never step foot into her salon again!
love this thread..... totally have A.D.D. so may never get to read it (lol)

MY HAIR grew the fastest when I washed daily!!! I noticed this again this summer after I BC'd and I had scalp fire (itch!!) thus I washed often

but it grew super duper fast when I had a back injury a few years ago and swam daily for 'pain relief/therapy'. I would WASH immediately after, add conditioner & get into the steamer for an hour.... dropped weight like crazy as well!... hair became so thick I still don't know what the hellll-o was going on

picture this, I'm going to work every single day with the same exposed hair (no wigs, etcl.) and they believed I had been adding weave (my family did as well actually) ... so it wasn't like I went away and came back with thick hair.... It just grew longer and thicker = despite frequent chlorine exposure (probably stripped the relaxer)+ washing daily+ conditioning daily + oiling the scalp with GREASE (LOL ... funny thing is that I would do one line with indian hemp, next line of my scalp with Dr. Miracle until I covered the entire head).. why I HAVE NO IDEA!! yes nonie has pronounced me weird so i'll go with that

but conditioning DAILY with each wash was included, 70% air drying, and using ORS oil lotion.....

5-6 times a week for months.... hair took on a life of it's own

p.s. besides the blonde color that turned orange from the chlorine, my hair seemed healthier than ever (in my life) despite --->Relaxer+blonde dye+ daily chlorine = go figure
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i have to say that i noticed the FASTEST growth when i kept it really simple, and wore phony ponies (hiding my hair in a ball), does that count as bunning? i was wearing my hair in a short cut that was shaved in the back. my niece wanted full updo's for her wedding. in four mos, i had a thick head of long hair and was able to have a big nice updo with all my real hair; they couldn't believe it grew so fast. wish i had the pics.

i noticed the MOST growth when i still kept my reggie simple, but never foregoing DC, and dusted every 2 weeks. I swear i saw length i hadn't seen since i was a child very quickly. btw, i was texlaxed and a weekly flat ironer (but air dried).
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This thread is great! Thanks OP!

Before LHCF - Used a good quality gingko biloba supplement to keep me alert during night work. I was also in a weave. I went from NL to SL in about 4 months and then went to the salon to get it pressed fortnightly and it all broke of after about 2 months. Gingko biloba is excellent for circulation to the scalp.

During LHCF - Nightly scalp massages with homemade sulphur mix - got 2 inches in 3 months.

Looks like anything that delivers blood to the scalp whether exercise, herbs, massage etc along with protective styling will make hair grow fastest. Oh yeah and PMA and good diet.

Can you elaborate on this Gingko Biloba? I went out and bought and some:grin:
When I only washed my hair once a month and used dax on my scalp every week... I know it sounds nasty but gimmie a break I was a kid and although I have a reggie now lol my hair still has yet to reach the length or growth rate it had :(. Eh well it is more manageable these days.
Can you elaborate on this Gingko Biloba? I went out and bought and some:grin:

Hey AfricanQueen sorry I did not see your post as I have only just returned to this thread. I started using Gingko when I was working night shifts and looking after my babies during the day. I started taking Nutrilite's Ginkgo wth Gingseng for energy and to keep the brain alert. Gingko helps with blood circulation and in particular to the extremeties - especially the brain. Well I was weaved up and started taking this good quality supplement and after 3 months my hair had grown like a weed. I could not believe it as I have the most slow growing hair ever.

I then googled Ginkgo and hair growth and there were lots of articles about it. So it probably did have something to do with my hair growth. I dont take the Nutrilite Ginkgo anymore as it is quite expensive but if you can afford it, it is probably the best one. I take a H&B (UK's GNC) Maximum strength Gingko. I have only been taking it for a month so not sure what the results are yet. Hope this helps
I am walking around with lots of grey because i can not do color either and grow my hair. I never had a problem growing my hair until I notice that is was not growing or should I say breaking off. I had to figured what it was that was breaking my hair. I found this site again and I was forced to bc. I had so much growth this yr I am hoping that I can keep it all this yr coming. I hope my hubby love grey hair because that is what I am going to have.

Ever think of using a henna/indigo to cover greys?
I've always been active and drank water... but drinking MORE water, sleeping a lot more, eating healthier (less fast food), and taking vitamins and msm powder. Here is my growth within about 14 days! I was like IS THIS REAL, but the color is a great tracker of progress. I'm going to STOP coloring and let my hair grow out because my hair doesn't really like color either.


Thank you, are one of the few people who ACTUALLY answered the question ....basically what contributed to GROWTH whereas many others gave answers that related to retention.
My hair grew fastest when I consistently co-washed on a daily basis, wore low manipulation styles, and used little to no direct heat. For some strange reason, my hair also grew fast whenever I wore sew ins. I guess because of retention from low manipulation.
@ Mari J , thanks Sooo much for the list. I joined in the summer and still some of the terms are new to me.
Hey AfricanQueen sorry I did not see your post as I have only just returned to this thread. I started using Gingko when I was working night shifts and looking after my babies during the day. I started taking Nutrilite's Ginkgo wth Gingseng for energy and to keep the brain alert. Gingko helps with blood circulation and in particular to the extremeties - especially the brain. Well I was weaved up and started taking this good quality supplement and after 3 months my hair had grown like a weed. I could not believe it as I have the most slow growing hair ever.

I then googled Ginkgo and hair growth and there were lots of articles about it. So it probably did have something to do with my hair growth. I dont take the Nutrilite Ginkgo anymore as it is quite expensive but if you can afford it, it is probably the best one. I take a H&B (UK's GNC) Maximum strength Gingko. I have only been taking it for a month so not sure what the results are yet. Hope this helps

:yep: Thanks do much lillovely for putting a sista on! Happy hair growing!
I was in Nigeria and could afford to get my hair cornrowed every week...I went from a lifetime of NL to well below my shoulder in about a year :grin:

And THEN...I decided to go natural and had to cut it all off...:lachen:
I left it alone. At my old job I got to the point where I simply did not care about my appearance anymore, so I was simply washing, conditioning, blow drying it and putting it back into a ponytail. Incidentally I was also stretching my relaxer because I did not care if my hair did not lay flat. At one point I made it to 16 weeks post relaxer.

My hair simply likes to be left alone.