My friend pissed me off! I can't believe she fixed her mouth to say this!


Well-Known Member
I'm doing online dating right now and recently an Asian guy answered my ad and we went out on a date. Well my Korean girlfriend asked me how dating was and I told her about the Asian guy. Here is what she had to say in her email to me:

PLEASE~~~ stay away from Asian men. Asian men and black women don’t go together. I know I know but that’s a truth… Not many black women look for Asian men either…. When I see Asian men dating black they ALLLL look abnormal. You know what I mean?? Either weird, wild, gang style…..I think I told you that before..
That’s why I’m telling you to stay away from Asian men…

I am sooooooo pissed off!. I don't know why Asians are so dayum racist towards blacks! I refused to respond to her ignorant email!
I find it hilarious that she would actually sputter that nonsense. Well at least you don't have to wonder about her intentions.
I'd cut off contact. I'd be tempted to make a quip about white men and their Asian mail order brides.
Don't let her foolishness dictate the way you feel. I say keep it moving and enjoy yourself. It's not her party anyways.

I'm doing online dating right now and recently an Asian guy answered my ad and we went out on a date. Well my Korean girlfriend asked me how dating was and I told her about the Asian guy. Here is what she had to say in her email to me:

PLEASE~~~ stay away from Asian men. Asian men and black women don’t go together. I know I know but that’s a truth… Not many black women look for Asian men either…. When I see Asian men dating black they ALLLL look abnormal. You know what I mean?? Either weird, wild, gang style…..I think I told you that before..
That’s why I’m telling you to stay away from Asian men…

I am sooooooo pissed off!. I don't know why Asians are so dayum racist towards blacks! I refused to respond to her ignorant email!
Thanks for the uplifting comments. I am so pissed right now. I just can't believe someone would say something so hurtful. I haven't responded to her but she just sent me a second email saying she hope she didn't offend me..........Oh really!!!!!!!!!!
Well, at least she didn't say it behind your back. Now you know who she really is. I wouldn't even bother responding.

Thanks for the uplifting comments. I am so pissed right now. I just can't believe someone would say something so hurtful. I haven't responded to her but she just sent me a second email saying she hope she didn't offend me..........Oh really!!!!!!!!!!
^^^ yeah, it's burning alright.

She basically told you only an "abnormal looking" asian guy would go for you. Drop her.
Am I wrong to be reading her email with an Asian accent? :lol:
PREASE...Stay away from Asian man! Asian man and bracka woman do not go togetha! :lol:
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^^^ yeah, it's burning alright.

She basically told you only an "abnormal looking" asian guy would go for you. Drop her.

...or he's wild or in a gang.


ETA: I'm sorry this happened to you, but it's really enlightening for me. I wonder if your friend's perception is a common one among Asian women.
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She's ignorant. Don't even bother responding to that email and don't talk to her about your dating life anymore. :ohwell: A true friend would just want you to be happy. She sounds jealous.
anyone know where i can get one of these...and he "tan" too!!! *lick*


Your "friend" sounds...salty! Maybe she mad cause don't no asian man want her. I would keep her out of my relationship (if anything sprouts with this guy) cause she will just get bitter and more negative!
OP I'm kind of side-eyeing you right now for saying friend...and not ex-friend. I hate it so much when black folks keep these racist folk around them as friends. Stop being friends with her and forget about what she said. You know it's not true. She just don't want you with "their" men.
This chick is not your friend. she obviously views you as less than, but you know she tell people, "I am not racist I have a Black friend".
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Am I wrong to be reading her email with an Asian accent? :lol:
PREASE...Stay away from Asian man! Asian man and bracka woman do not go togetha! :lol:

LMBO!!!! I just read that with the accent and cracked up!!! Lol

OP- sounds like envy to me... Time to evaluate the friendship. Maybe she thought she was looking out for you but that was ignorant
Just playing devil advocate : What the difference when black women say the only black men who date white women are losers, ugly, broke, Kangs ????
We all know that every black man dating white women are not losers etc. But, because we are black and we know/known many black men personally, we know that a lot of black men are dating white women because they think white women are better in some way than black women. I don't try to figure them out though. There's a whole lot of black men left.:look:

Just playing devil advocate : What the difference when black women say the only black men who date white women are losers, ugly, broke, Kangs ????
I think of it more of gender territoralism (if that's a word) .

It's kinda like the BM in IR rlsps who get upset when BW are in one, OR

Same thing as some WW who will try to warn BW off WM bringing up fetishism and ish while they are in IR

BW who get upset with BM in IR

WM getting upset with WW

AM getting upset with AW with WM and so on and so forth.

Just like with Black Men, Asian (specifically East) woman date out more than their male counterpart. Human nature being what it is, they've gotten use to being the one with more options while taking for granted that their asian men will stay put or not have as much options.

Believe me, as more of their men expand their options to date out, you're going to be seeing more of these types of reactions.
OP I'm kind of side-eyeing you right now for saying friend...and not ex-friend. I hate it so much when black folks keep these racist folk around them as friends. Stop being friends with her and forget about what she said. You know it's not true. She just don't want you with "their" men.

OMG!! This made me think about Troy Byer was on Steve Harvey show Yesterday . She is the black lady lawyer in BAPs, I guess she calls herself a relationship expert now. She said that she was previously married to a white man that just told her one day he could no longer be married to her because she was black . She said they are now friends. I was like :nono: :nono: :nono:

How can you be friends with someone who is clearly racist against you? She probably dogs you out to her real friends & family.

No, this chick is not your friend in any way and if you still think that she is your friend tell her you needed to cool off for a few and then sit her down face to face and tell her how her comments made you feel , maybe you'll teach her a life lesson...but I doubt it .