What Sleeping With Married Men Taught Me About Infidelity

If I may be candid...I could easily be one of those people. I am married and can honestly say I could do without it. I dont think I'm assexual or anything but if you left it solely up to me and told me that nothing in my marriage would go left or downhill...I'd opt out of sex or at the very least have it a mere handful of times per year. But I keep up because it's not that big a deal to me to do it and it keeps the spouse content.
There are no small children to deal with, Im not stressed out on anything really...I just dont really care.

Your candor is much appreciated. I heading it but will add to this in a little bit.
ETA: was it always this way or is the low drive new? I ask because in the past, they were men that I stayed with who were just ok in bed but I kept around for other benefits-finances, companionship, etc. But it was definitely one of those situations where I would have rather watched paint dry, but went along to keep the relationship going.

With dh, I've been sleeping with him since 2006. He's really enjoys the act and is focused on pleasing me. We have extremely good chemistry and when it gets going, I always wonder why I don't do it more often. Maybe it's because I'm an introvert so I'd rather spend my free time all alone. But since I'm married, I make myself available and am pleased in the end.
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If I may be candid...I could easily be one of those people. I am married and can honestly say I could do without it. I dont think I'm assexual or anything but if you left it solely up to me and told me that nothing in my marriage would go left or downhill...I'd opt out of sex or at the very least have it a mere handful of times per year. But I keep up because it's not that big a deal to me to do it and it keeps the spouse content.
There are no small children to deal with, Im not stressed out on anything really...I just dont really care.

Thank you for your post @ChasingBliss. I don't know how long you have been married but you are not alone. I cannot tell you how many married women, and some men, who feel this exact same way. I don't know when and how but sex becomes something different after years of marriage. I have an older female friend (48) who shares your feelings. She and her husband are beautiful together. They seem so happy and in love. She has never spoken to me about infidelity on either part so I will assume it is not an issue of concern. However, she couldn't care less if she ever has sex with her husband. She says she feels more intimacy from her husband by talking over a nice glass of wine. For her, that is enough. I never speak to him without her being present so I don't know his feelings but he seems head over heels. And maybe he satisfies himself, who knows. All I know is that, they seem to fulfill each other in other ways. Their kids are grown and they are enjoying life.

The men I know who feel this way share these same thoughts but for different reasons. A few because their wives seem uninterested during sex so they no longer bother. Some of my male coworkers do not have sex that often because their lives are filled with kids, little league games, bills, stress, and a wife who is often unavailable (works just as many hours as they do). No sex has become routine so they no longer seek it.

I also have male friends and coworkers who put all the blame on their wives. "She is so busy being a mom that she forgets to be sexy." To those I am closer to I often ask, "Are you remembering to be sexy? Do you give her reasons to feel sexy? Do you make her feel desirable?" I can't stand it when they blame us but do nothing to help the issue. Women sometimes need motivation. It may be difficult to be sexy if you do not feel sexy or desired. Or, as my one friend eloquently puts it, comes home to "this nasty a** house, he's sitting amongst the filth, no dinner cooked, drinking a beer in those disgusting sweat pants, and can barely say hi because he's watching ESPN. I want to slap the Black off his face!" I died laughing. She was mad as heck but it was funny to me because I could envision it AND SHE IS RIGHT! How are we supposed to be ready to throw down when that is what many women go home to after a hard day's work?
Oh how I wish I could go into details to make this whole thing come together. But I will just say I have always had a low drive. Certain things can make it disappear all together.

I will say this much. There are a few people from my past where there'd be ZERO issues with me..my drive would probably increase..

We really need an incognito type thing around here. It would help sooooo much..Many of us have things we NEEED to share in that manner because we cant talk to anyone we know in real life. There is so much good avice here to boot.
Oh how I wish I could go into details to make this whole thing come together. But I will just say I have always had a low drive. Certain things can make it disappear all together.

I will say this much. There are a few people from my past where there'd be ZERO issues with me..my drive would probably increase..

We really need an incognito type thing around here. It would help sooooo much..Many of us have things we NEEED to share in that manner because we cant talk to anyone we know in real life. There is so much good avice here to boot.

I agree we need any incognito feature. I believe @PretteePlease said she’ll post things for people.
Oh how I wish I could go into details to make this whole thing come together. But I will just say I have always had a low drive. Certain things can make it disappear all together.

I will say this much. There are a few people from my past where there'd be ZERO issues with me..my drive would probably increase..

We really need an incognito type thing around here. It would help sooooo much..Many of us have things we NEEED to share in that manner because we cant talk to anyone we know in real life. There is so much good avice here to boot.

Yes to all of this
I don't like having another poster post for me since they'd know all my dirt. But that's very kind of her.

A board that I frequent has an anonymous feature that is managed by the admins. That would improve this board ten fold.

I wish this forum had an anonymous feature.

We ain't gettin no anon feature i wish we had one. I'm nosey and I wanna :popcorn:

I will say the man i had the best chemistry EVAH WITH IN LIFE was married.
We met online. We were only supposed to meet for lunch..............it turned into a 9hr date. We shut down the restaurant for lunch
went across the street for happy hour couldn't stop talking had dinner then sat in the car another 2hrs talking and listening to engine
on his GTR roar.

After about 3 months of seeing one another 5-7 days a week he told me he was separated but going through a divorce.
What da actual :censored:
The original story was that he was a divorced single dad. We never did overnights because i was a single parent too.
He never came to my house and i never came to his. Made sense because we were telling the same story. I was pissed
but sometimes you check out and you are just waiting on the paperwork. We weren't having sex so I kept seeing him.
Then after a few out of town trips it turned into cheaper to keep her and we don't want to be in separate homes so she
is moving back in. Said they had separate rooms never had sex she did her thing he did his. Lots of familial and cultural
pressures so they rather just put up a front. I mean i had a married friend living as room mates so it said hey this could be
true. I tried to still hang out because we just meshed so well. So mind you at this point we still hadn't had sex. We had a crazy
cat and mouse chess game going on since our first email. Not having sex kept a certain tension air that was DELICIOUS!!!
He liked that I treated him kinda bad and that I told him that I was the prize not him because other women treated him like gold.
he couldn't figure me out. He didn't know how I was able to resist his charms. How I was unfazed. Ummm the tension, anyways
we discussed the deception, the lies, the logistics of him going out when she was home and her going out when he was
home not to mention his globe trotting work schedule. We decided we were going to have sex. I'm a light weight I can not
drink. He got a room. I got my over night bag and check ed in. He showed up with 3 bottles of wine including Moscato :look:
It was bout to be on an poppin'. I hadn't eaten becase at that time we were working out together daily and told me if I made
my goal weight he would take me to Denmark & Norway with him. So there I was in the room drinking wine and eating a spinach
salad. A light weigh, hungry and drankin. I was drinkin I was drinkin I got angry when that liquah got up in me. He went in the
bathroom to freshen up and when he came out I was laying on the bed with a glass in my hand. And he stood in the doorway
lookin fine as :censored: and he said something that set me off.

A single thug tear came down my cheek and a told him he was a liar in my most passion filled low sexy voice. His face fell on the
floor. He sat next to me and was like PP what do you mean. I told him he was a liar and a deceiver and that it wasn't the wine
making me cry or say what i was saying and that i would remember everything i said the next day. We had a running not joke
that he had his running shoes on and that when he saw crazy comin he would run. So I knew me crying and smiling and drinking
was looking crazy as hell and I didn't care. This fool played with my emotions and I wasn't lettin him go without knowing how
I felt and it had to be in person and in private so that if i needed to cut a fool i could. As I was sitting sippin and crying he started
putting his clothes back on and i told him he didn't need to go I was going to :censored: his brains out suck his soul from his body
and leave him for dead. Well he wasn't bout that life and left :lachen: The next day he called me as I was checking out and was like
you ok. I was happy and chipper the sun was shining and I was all good I said my peace. I asked if we were meeting at the gym like
usual but i knew he was gone. I didn't care. We went without months without speaking and then he asked me to meet him one
night in the parking lot of the place where it all started and he apologized but that didn't fix anything. We talked for like a week on
the phone. We saw one another in passing at the gym but we never started back up. This was 2013

Fast forward to 2016 he called to apologize again and admitted that he was going to run if I acted crazy or not because he was starting
to feel too much and that he loved me but he wasn't leaving his kids the way his dad left them.

Fast forward to late last year. We saw one another in a parking lot. I sat in his new sports car and listened to the engine while we
talked about what was new in both of our lives. Then I told him about a possible tv show. He didn't believe me and I showed him
a few dms from different producers on my phone. For some reason his face fell and it looked to me like his heart was suddenly in
his stomach. He said he had to go and i had to go too. We talked for almost an hour. Then when i got home i realized my dm said
that my business
partner was my husband. He has hurt. I don't give a tuh.

We had the bestest chemistry and although we didn't have sex we did some wonderful filthy thangs at times I miss the him he
introduced me to. The single him, the cocky :censored: hole him, the big engine drivin him. I loved him but the married him
that he later introduced me to runined it all. So now i'm happy and married and the chemistry aint the same but I'm liking
real live vs the fairytail I was sold.
We ain't gettin no anon feature i wish we had one. I'm nosey and I wanna :pop:

I will say the man i had the best chemistry EVAH WITH IN LIFE was married.
We met online. We were only supposed to meet for lunch..............it turned into a 9hr date. We shut down the restaurant for lunch
went across the street for happy hour couldn't stop talking had dinner then sat in the car another 2hrs talking and listening to engine
on his GTR roar.

After about 3 months of seeing one another 5-7 days a week he told me he was separated but going through a divorce.
What da actual :censored:
The original story was that he was a divorced single dad. We never did overnights because i was a single parent too.
He never came to my house and i never came to his. Made sense because we were telling the same story. I was pissed
but sometimes you check out and you are just waiting on the paperwork. We weren't having sex so I kept seeing him.
Then after a few out of town trips it turned into cheaper to keep her and we don't want to be in separate homes so she
is moving back in. Said they had separate rooms never had sex she did her thing he did his. Lots of familial and cultural
pressures so they rather just put up a front. I mean i had a married friend living as room mates so it said hey this could be
true. I tried to still hang out because we just meshed so well. So mind you at this point we still hadn't had sex. We had a crazy
cat and mouse chess game going on since our first email. Not having sex kept a certain tension air that was DELICIOUS!!!
He liked that I treated him kinda bad and that I told him that I was the prize not him because other women treated him like gold.
he couldn't figure me out. He didn't know how I was able to resist his charms. How I was unfazed. Ummm the tension, anyways
we discussed the deception, the lies, the logistics of him going out when she was home and her going out when he was
home not to mention his globe trotting work schedule. We decided we were going to have sex. I'm a light weight I can not
drink. He got a room. I got my over night bag and check ed in. He showed up with 3 bottles of wine including Moscato :look:
It was bout to be on an poppin'. I hadn't eaten becase at that time we were working out together daily and told me if I made
my goal weight he would take me to Denmark & Norway with him. So there I was in the room drinking wine and eating a spinach
salad. A light weigh, hungry and drankin. I was drinkin I was drinkin I got angry when that liquah got up in me. He went in the
bathroom to freshen up and when he came out I was laying on the bed with a glass in my hand. And he stood in the doorway
lookin fine as :censored: and he said something that set me off.

A single thug tear came down my cheek and a told him he was a liar in my most passion filled low sexy voice. His face fell on the
floor. He sat next to me and was like PP what do you mean. I told him he was a liar and a deceiver and that it wasn't the wine
making me cry or say what i was saying and that i would remember everything i said the next day. We had a running not joke
that he had his running shoes on and that when he saw crazy comin he would run. So I knew me crying and smiling and drinking
was looking crazy as hell and I didn't care. This fool played with my emotions and I wasn't lettin him go without knowing how
I felt and it had to be in person and in private so that if i needed to cut a fool i could. As I was sitting sippin and crying he started
putting his clothes back on and i told him he didn't need to go I was going to :censored: his brains out suck his soul from his body
and leave him for dead. Well he wasn't bout that life and left :lachen: The next day he called me as I was checking out and was like
you ok. I was happy and chipper the sun was shining and I was all good I said my peace. I asked if we were meeting at the gym like
usual but i knew he was gone. I didn't care. We went without months without speaking and then he asked me to meet him one
night in the parking lot of the place where it all started and he apologized but that didn't fix anything. We talked for like a week on
the phone. We saw one another in passing at the gym but we never started back up. This was 2013

Fast forward to 2016 he called to apologize again and admitted that he was going to run if I acted crazy or not because he was starting
to feel too much and that he loved me but he wasn't leaving his kids the way his dad left them.

Fast forward to late last year. We saw one another in a parking lot. I sat in his new sports car and listened to the engine while we
talked about what was new in both of our lives. Then I told him about a possible tv show. He didn't believe me and I showed him
a few dms from different producers on my phone. For some reason his face fell and it looked to me like his heart was suddenly in
his stomach. He said he had to go and i had to go too. We talked for almost an hour. Then when i got home i realized my dm said
that my business partner was my husband. He has hurt. I don't give a tuh.

We had the bestest chemistry and although we didn't have sex we did some wonderful filthy thangs at times I miss the him he
introduced me to. The single him, the cocky :censored: hole him, the big engine drivin him. I loved him but the married him
that he later introduced me to runined it all. So now i'm happy and married and the chemistry aint the same but I'm liking
real live vs the fairytail I was sold.

Amen. Sex is not the end all and be all. I dated a Haitian man for about 6 months, met his friends and family and vice versa. He was handsome, smart, well educated, over sized peen and knew how to work it-I'd say great on paper. But there was something about him that made me feel that he was untrustworthy, one of those guys who you'd see on Unsolved mysteries with dead hookers in his trunk. He was talking about marriage but I just was having fun so I was dating other people on the side (without him knowing) since I figured he probably was dating others also.

Fast forward -I'm at the nail shop getting ready for my brother's wedding. I get a text from a stranger asking me to leave her husband alone. I try to figure out if it's a joke but don't get a response. I call him about it and he said he had no clue what it was about. I don't feel like dealing with drama, so we go to the wedding and have a wonderful time-charmed the pants off my parents.

The following week, I call the number and talk to the woman who claimed she was his wife. Explained they had several kids and he has a habit of having mltp affairs. We spent 30+ mins on the phone talking about the relationship-I told her to be aware of his friends/family since they knew what was going on and kept his secrets. She had no intention of leaving him, just wanted me out of the picture. I promised her that I would not deal with him again.

I contacted him and confronted him with the information. He admits to it all and claims he was planning to leave her. I wanted to continue since the sex was great and he was into fun things like outdoor play and we had a train date planned. However, I realized that I made a promise and I didn't involved in this train wreck so I properly cursed him out, told him about all my other guys which hurt his feelings because he assumed I was faithful (go figure). He tried to contact me for a few months but I didn't change my stance so that was that. I just chalked it up to life experience. I think it's the first time I realized that there were married men out there pretending to be available.

ETA: @PretteePlease I'm sorry it didn't work out. It sucks to have such great chemistry with a man who isn't worth your time. I loved the 'suck his soul from his body and leave him for dead' part:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
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This thread is tooo real. Thank you ladies. Some of the things discussed in there are things I have faced in my own young marriage. Lessons I have been learning over the past few months.

I think it's super important to be honest. I feel women like to talk about the wedding but don't talk about marriage until after the fact. It's like being a doctor. You see the bells and whistles but no one talks about the torture of med school.

I would rather lay it all out there-the good and the bad. That way, you're not entering it blind and also you don't feel like you're alone. Marriage is cool, but the women who told me that being married was a full time job told the truth.
I think it's super important to be honest. I feel women like to talk about the wedding but don't talk about marriage until after the fact. It's like being a doctor. You see the bells and whistles but no one talks about the torture of med school.

I would rather lay it all out there-the good and the bad. That way, you're not entering it blind and also you don't feel like you're alone. Marriage is cool, but the women who told me that being married was a full time job told the truth.

Agreed. It definitely is. And if you don't put the work in, it will spiral out of control and fast.
Yeah if that was the case throughout the relationship I can see it. But if y’all were getting it in before I don’t see men all of a sudden being asexual.

Not saying that there aren't asexual men out there, but I think some of these men are lying to their wives/girlfriends and getting sex from someone else. I know a married couple where the husband is using the excuse that he has a medical condition as to why he won't have sex with his wife - yet he's steadily getting sex from much younger chicks. There are a lot of men out there where if they're not physically attracted to their wives - they will get sex from someone else. The lack of desire from a man can sometimes be a tell tale sign that he's cheating.
Amen. Sex is not the end all and be all. I dated a Haitian man for about 6 months, met his friends and family and vice versa. He was handsome, smart, well educated, over sized peen and knew how to work it-I'd say great on paper. But there was something about him that made me feel that he was untrustworthy, one of those guys who you'd see on Unsolved mysteries with dead hookers in his trunk. He was talking about marriage but I just was having fun so I was dating other people on the side (without him knowing) since I figured he probably was dating others also.

ROTFLMBO :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Not saying that there aren't asexual men out there, but I think some of these men are lying to their wives/girlfriends and getting sex from someone else. I know a married couple where the husband is using the excuse that he has a medical condition as to why he won't have sex with his wife - yet he's steadily getting sex from much younger chicks. There are a lot of men out there where if they're not physically attracted to their wives - they will get sex from someone else. The lack of desire from a man can sometimes be a tell tale sign that he's cheating.

True. But also there are other iatrogenic and biological reasons for no to low sex drive in men-addiction to porn, low testosterone, latent homosexuality, religion, poor self esteem, anxiety, antidepressants, depression, hx of abuse, etc. Male sexuality can be complicated as well.
So I’m not going to lie, I’m low key paranoid about how pregnancy and motherhood will affect my sex life. I’ve always been the sex kitten type, very confident in my body and looks and I don’t know how I’ll handle the inevitable changes. And when you hear stories about how men lost complete interest in their wives while she was pregnant, it makes me nervous.
So I’m not going to lie, I’m low key paranoid about how pregnancy and motherhood will affect my sex life. I’ve always been the sex kitten type, very confident in my body and looks and I don’t know how I’ll handle the inevitable changes. And when you hear stories about how men lost complete interest in their wives while she was pregnant, it makes me nervous.

This makes me nervous, too.
Shouldn't be nervous. As long as you're in a relationship with a man who truly loves you, you'll be fine. I felt like Shamu the whale during both pregnancies but he still told me I was beautiful (lies) and we remained active till about month 8.

Now the actual baby part is hard but that is because it's a transition. If you have support from other family members, it would be much less stressful. My issue was that we lived away from our family so it was just the two of us working things out. It was horrible the first 6-7 months but we gained our rhythm and it helped cement the relationship.

As for your body, as long as you maintain the required 25-30 lb weight gain and remain active throughout the pregnancy, you'll be fine. I lost my mind and gained about 70 lbs so I had a hard time losing the weight.

But I've finally reached my goal weight and can fit all my size 4/XS clothes again, so a bounce back is possible. I won't touch upon the loosened/damaged skin since I want to be a ray of positivity :)
Shouldn't be nervous. As long as you're in a relationship with a man who truly loves you, you'll be fine. I felt like Shamu the whale during both pregnancies but he still told me I was beautiful (lies) and we remained active till about month 8.

Now the actual baby part is hard but that is because it's a transition. If you have support from other family members, it would be much less stressful. My issue was that we lived away from our family so it was just the two of us working things out. It was horrible the first 6-7 months but we gained our rhythm and it helped cement the relationship.

As for your body, as long as you maintain the required 25-30 lb weight gain and remain active throughout the pregnancy, you'll be fine. I lost my mind and gained about 70 lbs so I had a hard time losing the weight.

But I've finally reached my goal weight and can fit all my size 4/XS clothes again, so a bounce back is possible. I won't touch upon the loosened/damaged skin since I want to be a ray of positivity :)

Thanks for sharing, I love how you’re keeping it so real. There’s something scary about having little control over your body changing and having to be that vulnerable to a man. As long as my face still looks cute I can manage.
Thanks for sharing, I love how you’re keeping it so real. There’s something scary about having little control over your body changing and having to be that vulnerable to a man. As long as my face still looks cute I can manage.

The whole purpose of this board is to help each other out, so I'm glad your finding some of this stuff helpful. I felt I was in the dark about losing weight post baby. I had a few friends who regained their figures, but they were super elusive and would say dumb stuff like 'it melted all away' but never give any real details.

Listening to them made me feel like I was never going to make it. Thankfully I had a few friends who were honest and told me that I'm going to have to find time to take my tail to the gym and curtail my caloric intake. Looking back, it's just the basic plan for weight loss, but when I was down in the dumps, it gave me hope.
So I’m not going to lie, I’m low key paranoid about how pregnancy and motherhood will affect my sex life. I’ve always been the sex kitten type, very confident in my body and looks and I don’t know how I’ll handle the inevitable changes. And when you hear stories about how men lost complete interest in their wives while she was pregnant, it makes me nervous.

This exactly how I feel, and could only admit to my partner. With more education I'm sure it would ease my mind on this topic.

We seriously should consider a Sex and Sexuality, Sexual health, and Sex education forum. I think it would be beneficial.
This exactly how I feel, and could only admit to my partner. With more education I'm sure it would ease my mind on this topic.

We seriously should consider a Sex and Sexuality, Sexual health, and Sex education forum. I think it would be beneficial.
It was considered and the answer was a no because of the religious foundation of the forum. This was yearrrrrrrrrrrrs ago though
Decided to delete my rant. Sorry...
This makes me nervous, too.

@qchelle and @FemmeFatale, thankfully, my husband's attraction to me increased when I was pregnant. He thought I was so sexy . He made me feel so desirable that I didn't have time to focus on the fact that I felt like the Goodyear Blimp. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about how your husband will feel. Most men that I have run across find their SO the most attractive during pregnancy. And maybe it's a mental thing (carrying his child) that drives their attraction.

After delivery, I have to admit, postpartum can be a beast! Just let his compliments and affection override everything else. And do not downplay his compliments. If he comments on how beautiful you are, take the compliment and please do not ask him, "Do you think I'm fat?". It doesn't really matter. You carried a human being inside you for 9 months, of course you aren't swim suit ready. But you will be soon enough so enjoy the experience and do not worry about how Mother Nature does her thing. Your waistline will return quicker than you think.

You know what, now that I think about it, my husband is just a horny toad. There isn't too much that I do that doesn't turn him on :look:. Horny toad or not, your husband's will think you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Do not worry.
@qchelle and @FemmeFatale, thankfully, my husband's attraction to me increased when I was pregnant. He thought I was so sexy . He made me feel so desirable that I didn't have time to focus on the fact that I felt like the Goodyear Blimp. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about how your husband will feel. Most men that I have run across find their SO the most attractive during pregnancy. And maybe it's a mental thing (carrying his child) that drives their attraction.

After delivery, I have to admit, postpartum can be a beast! Just let his compliments and affection override everything else. And do not downplay his compliments. If he comments on how beautiful you are, take the compliment and please do not ask him, "Do you think I'm fat?". It doesn't really matter. You carried a human being inside you for 9 months, of course you aren't swim suit ready. But you will be soon enough so enjoy the experience and do not worry about how Mother Nature does her thing. Your waistline will return quicker than you think.

You know what, now that I think about it, my husband is just a horny toad. There isn't too much that I do that doesn't turn him on :look:. Horny toad or not, your husband's will think you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Do not worry.

I just want to echo these sentiments. My husband was always telling me how beautiful I was when I was pregnant and I felt beautiful. Even after pregnancy, when I was operating on little sleep and still wearing maternity clothes because my regular clothes didn't fit my husband would tell me at random times how good I looked. He would whisper in my ear, "You're so pretty." Most men find pregnant women attractive. There is a certain glow that a pregnant woman has that can't be bought at any beauty counter.
I just want to echo these sentiments. My husband was always telling me how beautiful I was when I was pregnant and I felt beautiful. Even after pregnancy, when I was operating on little sleep and still wearing maternity clothes because my regular clothes didn't fit my husband would tell me at random times how good I looked. He would whisper in my ear, "You're so pretty." Most men find pregnant women attractive. There is a certain glow that a pregnant woman has that can't be bought at any beauty counter.

Your husband sounds like a sweetie. I must say, when we need them the most, they tend to come through. I'm glad he made your experience a positive one. It definitely makes a difference.
This exactly how I feel, and could only admit to my partner. With more education I'm sure it would ease my mind on this topic.

We seriously should consider a Sex and Sexuality, Sexual health, and Sex education forum. I think it would be beneficial.

I would love that. A safe place to share stories, give tips, and for advice. Sexuality is massive part of our lives and think as black women, we need extra support because a lot of the stuff out there isn't geared towards us.

Mods-is there anyway this could happen? You could ask us to provide id to verify our ages and password protect the thread so only paying members of age can participate. Shoot, you can even charge extra. Thank you in advance.