My boyfriend is leaving UPDATE


New Member
"What goes around comes back around, my baby"--- Beyonce "Best Thing I Never Had"

This story is unbelievable, but I promise everyone that I'm content and I'm happy because it's over.

So the day my brother's game came up missing, my boyfriend--- my ex, was at my house. He said he didn't see it....

That was a few weeks ago. Saturday after going to the movies and such, he had to go to Chicago for a business trip. Now Chicago is my second home, I know all about the location.

Yesterday, I started asking him about where he was
at and such and he couldn't tell me. So you're in a city and you don't know if

you're downtown or the crossing streets. Oh. Okay. Then I wanted him to FaceTime me, which is video chat. He said the hotel didn't have wifi. Come on somebody, this is 2011. Your company flew you first class, but put you I'm a hotel without wifi?

My major is criminal justice, if I want to find out something I will. Remember how he's on my phone bill. I tracked his phone. He was at home. I confronted him. He said he wanted to surprise me. He's been at home for hours. Oh. You wanted to surprise me huh? Well my house is five minutes from the airport, why didn't you come by after you got back.

I went to his house, threw everything he ever gave me on his porch and walked off.

This morning he confessed to taking my brother's stuff. He made up some crazy lie about it that I will not entertain. He said he's going to pawn this PS3 that me and him went half one months ago, to pay me back. NO SIR. I paid the early termination fee, turned his phone OFF. I changed my number and i will be getting a restraining order. I don't want him on my property, whatsoever. I don't want anything from him. My mother doesn't know he did it, but she's going to make a police report and it will lead back to hom, and that's fine.

Well thank God for grace and covering,you dodged a huge bullet.Take the lessons from the situation,grieve and move the hell on..
I don't know if you can get a restraining order but good detective work. I don't understand why people give stuff back when the relationship is over. I'd keep it everything...
I forgot to add that. He likes to make threats or show up at my house when I'm pissed at me. I'm not going for that this time.
If I am remembering correctly from your previous thread OP...this is the guy that said he had a job offer elsewhere and wanted to take a break from the relationship? So come to find out the job offer was fake? Was it all because he wanted to break up with you? He sounds like a real fraud. It is good that his true colors showed before you invested anymore time in him. Just try your best to move on OP. You seem like such a nice female and you deserve someone that will be honest and upfront with you. And just think of this situation as preparation for your King. Sometimes you have to kiss a couple of frogs and toads and other sea creatures to get there...

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I'm not sure if the job was a fake or not. Honestly he lied too much and I don't know what was real or not. And you're so right, I have to go through the bad to get to the good. I cried my last tears, I'm so done with this. There is not coming back from this. He will not be able to contact me. If he tries to email me, I'll delete my account within seconds.

And thank you sooooo much for the advice.
If I am remembering correctly from your previous thread OP...this is the guy that said he had a job offer elsewhere and wanted to take a break from the relationship?

Sometimes you have to kiss a couple of frogs and toads and other sea creatures to get there...

@KoriKiyomi, (At Red) Are you freakin' serious! This is the same dude from the other thread, Wow! Well, now you see his true colors for yourself. Sometimes, regardless to what anyone says, you have to feel the wrath for yourself, in order to make your next move. Well, Bye-Bye's to Ole' Boy, Good Writtens, Asta La' Vista, Tootles and all that good stuff!

(At Blue) I totally agree with @viciousdreamr02. Sometimes you have to get the "Bad" to apprecite the "Good". So now you understand what you're worth and what you were missing. :yep:

ETA: Happy Birthday (Belated) viciousdreamr02!!! :rolleyes:
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I am very happy you saw his true colors because I know in your heart you wanted things to work...but God reveals all. :) Stay strong, OP!! A thief and a liar? What a bullet dodged!!
I was hoping your situation would come to a head sooner than later. I hated the thought of you visiting him on your off days and him lying to you and cheating on you. So now it's over and you can move on. Time to focus on school and making new friends. Please don't ever pay for a man's phone again, like ever. The next man you are with remind yourself that he is your man, not your child. You want a man you can partner with not take care of and baby.
I am very happy you saw his true colors because I know in your heart you wanted things to work...but God reveals all. :) Stay strong, OP!! A thief and a liar? What a bullet dodged!!

I was hoping your situation would come to a head sooner than later. I hated the thought of you visiting him on your off days and him lying to you and cheating on you. So now it's over and you can move on. Time to focus on school and making new friends. Please don't ever pay for a man's phone again, like ever. The next man you are with remind yourself that he is your man, not your child. You want a man you can partner with not take care of and baby.

Ditto to both of these.

I'm so glad this happened. Not everyone is lucky enough to have things blow up before they make a decision that will inevitably cause heartache down the line.
Ditto to both of these.

I'm so glad this happened. Not everyone is lucky enough to have things blow up before they make a decision that will inevitably cause heartache down the line.

Yep, better sooner than later. Now you know and can keep it moving. It doesn't feel like it now, but this is a blessing.
I'm sorry, I just have to ask, op. You "tracked" his phone? How? Was this a plan thing because his line is on your plan? What did you do to track his location? Can I track my DS and DD's phones since they are also on my plan?
*Hugs* You was doing his behind a favor, he was a LOSER! I'm glad you were so proactive in getting that negative energy out of your life.
This morning he confessed to taking my brother's stuff. He made up some crazy lie about it that I will not entertain. He said he's going to pawn this PS3 that me and him went half one months ago, to pay me back. NO SIR. I paid the early termination fee, turned his phone OFF. I changed my number and i will be getting a restraining order. I don't want him on my property, whatsoever. I don't want anything from him. My mother doesn't know he did it, but she's going to make a police report and it will lead back to hom, and that's fine.


There is no way this dude works for a company that flies him anywhere, let alone first class. He steals things and resorts to pawn shops in order to have money? :lol: Dude is straight unemployed. Glad you got out of that one.