HELP!!! Boyfriend Trouble

What is the question here? Do you want him out of the house or you want him to apologize and be nice again?

Get your key back regardless. Also you shouldn't let things boil over so long, the confrontation/discussion should have happened immediately when things went back. He knows what he is doing.

No point in posting his pic. His looks are totally irrelevant.
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Don't post his pic. Put him on the sofa tonight. Once he has left the house tomorrow pack his stuff up and put on the porch with a note. Then change the locks. I would not have a confrontation with him. Call yourself some back up as well in case he acts the fool tomorrow. Have a plan. In the future please please please be more careful. Women with young children (and not so young) have to be soooo careful. Boyfriends and step-fathers harm children that aren't theirs at an alarming rate. And often you may not know until it's much too late. You just have to be very careful and never let a boyfriend have so much access to your home or children. It really is dangerous. Please give yourself time to really get to know the next guy and maintain better boundaries for a longer length of time--6 or 7 months is not enough time to be sure a man deserves the privilege of spending lots of time with your children. And IMO boyfriends should not be babysitting and should never be bathing your children. Not saying you allowed him to do these things.

This definitely didn't sit well me with me.

I'm sure this hasn't just started within the last month or so. That would mean after probably less than 6 months, this dude has unlimited access to your house and you have young children. Not a good look. :nono:
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i want to post a pic of this dude lol....but dont want to make anyone mad on here...hehee

I'm sure that was said from angry or frustration with his actions. Glad you thought about before you did it.

Any updates?

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ANUBIS. Sounds like you know exactly what you need to do (get rid of him and get counseling) I hope everything works out well for you.

I agree w/ the posters above w/ you being more careful in the future.

I'd suggest giving yourself some time to heal and do the inner work needed before going on to your next relationship.
If his work is 5 mins up the street why does he even need to borrow your car??? What happened to people walking places??
Subbing. Outside of just the safety issue OP you may want to be careful to how soon you bring a man into your children's lives based on attachment.

No need to get children attached to someone who's only short term.
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