Most LHCFers with Long Hair Have Weaves


Well-Known Member
(warning, rant ahead)

...that's what my friend said. the disappointing thing is she's a stylist! she's been having trouble growing her hair so i showed her this forum while she was doing my hair. i figured it'd be inspiration seeing all the beautiful long hair of all textures. NO!! if it was long type 3 hair, it was only long because of the texture and she couldn't grow her type 4 hair long. when i showed her long beautiful type 4 hair, it was a weave. (actually, even some of the type 3's she thought were weaves.)

when will we ever STOP believing that black hair doesn't get long?!?! come on!! i thought we got rid of the good hair/bad hair stuff a few years ago. guess not. i was sooo annoyed. i think i ended up yelling at her.

i'm sick of the same stupid, ignorant (possibly colorist) argument from folks. i remember when a well known LHCF member accused me of having a relaxer because my hair is curly/wavy and i'm darker skinned. its so DUMB!!!!! genetics are genetics! and they can and do mix up in all different ways. so we can come out all kinds of gorgeous ways. just cause you're dark doesn't mean you'll have type 4d hair. and light skin doesn't guarantee type 2c hair. i've seen every combination and they're all gorgeous.

here's to hoping we can kick these ignorant beliefs out the door with 2008 and welcome in 2009 with new beliefs.

just annoyed...had to share.
That's sad that she thinks like that and she's a stylist. How can she possibly help someone grow long, healthy hair if she doesn't think it's possible? I'm not a stylist but I did doubt that I could grow my hair long, so I can empathize; although, I was willing to put all my effort into trying and I did not assume anyone wore a weave. Show her these pics of my just-relaxed 4A/B hair....sometimes you just have to have proof.
I wouldn't bring it up again. Some people no matter what arent gonna change their minds. I dont even talk to people outside of the hair board about hair anymore. I'd get frustrated with the ignorance..

It's a shame she's a stylist and has that attitude about hair. Not saying your friend does this OP but I feel like some stylists are like well she has bad hair anyway, so I can do whatever to her hair, it'll never grow anyway:rolleyes:
I might expect that from someone who isn't a hair stylist, but wow:nono:

Unfortunately alot of ppl think that if you have long hair, it's a weave or you must be mixed with something, but I can't say I blame them. Alot of black women are walking around with some messed up looking short hair, and not by choice. So other ppl see this and of course they think black hair can't grow, but coming from a stylist:sad:
That's sad that she thinks like that and she's a stylist. How can she possibly help someone grow long, healthy hair if she doesn't think it's possible? I'm not a stylist but I did doubt that I could grow my hair long, so I can empathize; although, I was willing to put all my effort into trying and I did not assume anyone wore a weave. Show her these pics of my just-relaxed 4A/B hair....sometimes you just have to have proof.

Wow @ your hair!:grin:
Don't worry. At least you tried to help her. Leave her be with her ignorant mindset.
My aunt has been going to the same hairstylist for years and still has ear length hair. I just SMH cause this lady is frying her hair to death with a marcel iron everytime but she insists on going to her because my family goes to church with her and my grandmother and her mother are very good friends.
That's sad that she thinks like that and she's a stylist. How can she possibly help someone grow long, healthy hair if she doesn't think it's possible? I'm not a stylist but I did doubt that I could grow my hair long, so I can empathize; although, I was willing to put all my effort into trying and I did not assume anyone wore a weave. Show her these pics of my just-relaxed 4A/B hair....sometimes you just have to have proof.

Lav ... this is me reacting to your hair: :thud:
That's sad that she thinks like that and she's a stylist. How can she possibly help someone grow long, healthy hair if she doesn't think it's possible? I'm not a stylist but I did doubt that I could grow my hair long, so I can empathize; although, I was willing to put all my effort into trying and I did not assume anyone wore a weave. Show her these pics of my just-relaxed 4A/B hair....sometimes you just have to have proof.

WOW! your hair is beautiful! love your (whatever its called) pic in your sig...the one with your hair curled. beautiful!!
The vast majority of stylists may know how to style hair very well but there are only a few who are hair care enthusiasts. People who are knowledgeable about hair types and the different hair care routines associated with the different types know all hair can grow. I have type four hair and thank God I stopped going to my stylist and started learning on my own. Forums like LHCF are going to be cause of the end of that kind of thinking and stylists will have to step up their game because the more we learn, the less we'll need them.
bless her lil heart...I'ma still need her to go sit in the corner for 5 minutes,though.....
That's really sad, and it's likely that she will continue thinking that way. If she doesn't believe it's possible, then she can't strive for it, and she'll probably never have it. And it's sad because she is a stylist and seems like, if anybody would know that it's possible, she should.
I just have to laugh at this type of ignorance now. It's time out for that foolishness.
Let her believe what she wants to believe. As long as we keep seeing growth, health and progress for our own hairs - that's all that matters :)
I just have to laugh at this type of ignorance now. It's time out for that foolishness.

yes! and you are one of the heads i showed her. you, chicoro, flowerhair...quite a few others. it annoyed me because she was an assitant to a very well known stylist and now she's out on her own. she should be open to continually learning...anyway, its frustrating because i encounter this attitude often. even within my family. i guess it shocks me because i'm such a believer in what are hair is and can do and can be and everything else. and i surround myself with LHCF when it comes to all things hair and (most) everyone here are believers too. anyway...just annoying.
bless her lil heart...I'ma still need her to go sit in the corner for 5 minutes,though.....

I am soo stealing this pic!!! :lol: To the OP, you just have to let people think what they think. Just prove her wrong by growing yours. Q
yes! and you are one of the heads i showed her. you, chicoro, flowerhair...quite a few others. it annoyed me because she was an assitant to a very well known stylist and now she's out on her own. she should be open to continually learning...anyway, its frustrating because i encounter this attitude often. even within my family. i guess it shocks me because i'm such a believer in what are hair is and can do and can be and everything else. and i surround myself with LHCF when it comes to all things hair and (most) everyone here are believers too. anyway...just annoying.

And I honestly believe this is why a lot of us couldn't grow hair going to some beautican/stylist who has this mindset. I know my hair was being cut off quicker than it grew!! Once I took my hair in my own hands, I saw a turn around. An educated stylist is golden!!!
I no longer even get upset by those kind of remarks. Too much wasted mental energy for me. If people think I'm texturized or wearing a curly wig/weave it doesn't hurt me any. Now if they want help or advice on how to get their hair to be all it can be then I'll be right there for them. ;)
That's sad that she thinks like that and she's a stylist. How can she possibly help someone grow long, healthy hair if she doesn't think it's possible? I'm not a stylist but I did doubt that I could grow my hair long, so I can empathize; although, I was willing to put all my effort into trying and I did not assume anyone wore a weave. Show her these pics of my just-relaxed 4A/B hair....sometimes you just have to have proof.

Beautiful hair and growth in less than 3 years.
I was being all PC on another board and said that if you have hair that grows from your scalp you have good hair... It was followed by a BULLS**T!... and only people with nappy hair say that...

I know that's not what this is about, but folks will believe what they want. I just let them, lol
I hate to admit it but I never thought my hair type could grow so long...I use to think (when I was a lot YOUNGER) that only people with type 3 or 4A could grow their hair too...I grew up in the 80's-90's when you had to have "good hair" to have long hair...I've learned so much since then...
If that was true then why do you see so many children with long hair when all they got is they Mama, some blue grease & and a giant cup of water taking care of their hair? It's not till most of us started GOING to "stylists" in the first place that our hair suddenly lost the ability to grow.

How Ironic.
She sounds like the type of stylist who would hack your hair off in a second and tell you to get a touch up every 2 weeks.
I don't bother trying to explain hair care to people anymore.

I would expect such a remark from a stylist. After all, their skills are so sharp that many black women are walking around with chewed-up edges, see-thru hair that even a rake could walk on through and comb everything out and nice hot grease to top it off.

Real nice.
A stylist sees 50 times more heads up close and personal - and after all that experience she STILL says something like this:wallbash: When a stylist colored THEN relaxed my hair, and it went from apl to not enought to get between your fingernails, it grew to shoulder with PermRepair and Blue Magic in 12-14 months. And I was ignorant of hair care then.

Be afraid, be very afraid!!!!
when she's you with long hair and hers still short, she won't be able to tell you it's a weave. hmmph.