Generations of LHCFers?

What class?

  • Class: Before 2000

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • Class: 2000-2002

    Votes: 19 3.7%
  • Class: 2003-2005

    Votes: 122 23.5%
  • Class: 2006-2008

    Votes: 248 47.8%
  • I gave up on hair hasn't gotten longer

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I've reached my length goals and now post infrenquently (lurk)

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • I've reached my length goals and will always post

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I haven't reached my length goals...YET!

    Votes: 116 22.4%

  • Total voters
Class of 2003-2005. I discovered this site while on Black Hair Media in 2004. I officially joined in March 2005 because I just had to see pics of Sylver2's scarf method!:grin: After that I was hooked. I was textlaxed and bsl back then.

I have achieved my main goal of successfully transitioning to natural hair.

My ultimate goal is to have waist length natural hair. So we will see what happens. This board has been so inspiring and informative. I will probably always be a member. I mainly post when I feel it can be helpful. I primarily lurk and pm on occasion.:yep:
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Joined in 2003.... had alot of fun and progress thru out the years....Crazy time flies

Don't SpeakDefeat!!! You name alot of gals I remember! FlowerHair; Labett.....brings back memories

Tracy, CaramelHonee, Lindsey.....bring back more memories!

For the past few years I have found myself laughin it up in the ENT and OFF topic threads.............these chicks are hilarious!! When you find what works for you and you have progress with tend to move elseehere in this Forum.........there is SOOOO much information here its amazin

Sometimes when I have a question about something in RL I do a search here and DaMn someone is talkin about it........
man...I just got here this year :perplexed. I joined, but then didn't really do anything for a while because I was overwhelmed with all the info. My goal is healthy, full BSL so it'll be couple of yrs (hoping to avoid any more setbacks)...:yep:
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Class of 04 in da house!
I remember when I first joined I looked up to many ladies that no long post as often some being Kitchentician, Sherrylove, Peachtree and Southerngirl to name a few. I don't post as often anymore, but I still come to check in, answer some pm's and to see what's going on every now and then. I'll never leave completely :)

Your hair is gorgeous. What is your regimen? Are you relaxed or natural?
class of 2003-2005 i reached apl in 05 and then i cut my hair into a pixie cut and i had it cut again in 07 grew it out close to shoulder, and then cut in again in 08. i'm not going to cut anymore so we will see. i don't hang out on the hair boards much. a lot of us hang out on other forums on this site.
2003-2005 class, I have been here forever, had a name change, started off relaxed and ended up natural. I do like it here. I have weathered the storms.
Lol, i'm class of 2003-2005.
I lurked for a while, then, when I joined, I started out as a Brastrap Natural..
(i was so into the natural hair movement, with the styles.. I wish I could remember the names and fotkis of my inspirations... and their styles)

Then, i cut it, texturized it.. texlaxed it...
Now, i'm Brastrap and Texlaxed...

I'm aiming to grow to great lengths... waistlength and beyond...
I joined just this year :grin:~ I think I will still be around after I reach my goal. I can take the newbies under my wing. Hopefully then I'll be one of the veterans that's being stalked :look:.
Hmm... Ive actually been lurking since 2004. lol. I went through so many stages before now. My hair had been between SL and APL for years. It was about mid-back when first relaxed, but everyone know how that goes. I didn't really know what I was doing. I tried to grow out my relaxed hair for about a year but I just wasnt educated enough so I stoped relaxing all together. I transitioned for about two years and then relaxed again 6 months laters. Since then my hair has been growing but I have been neglecting it so it is not as healthy and long as it should be. Anyways I'll claim class of 2006-2008. :)
Class of 2007!
I decided to transition before I joined and my last perm was October, 15 2007.
1 year transitioning in 2 weeks. I'll be here for a while, till I reach my waist goal and then I'll chop the relaxed mess off.
This place is a blessing, not just for hair but all kinds of advice and encouragement.
Y'all ladies are wonderful!
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I think I joined sometime in mid '07, but I was a lurker. I didn't officially become apart of (aka pay the fee, lol) until late 07'-early 08'.
This thread brings back good memories. You guys are mentioning user names I haven't read in a long time. I wonder how they are all doing and if they met their growth goals :rolleyes:.
I'm class of '07...Although I'm just a Sophomore right now, I still have maybe another 3 yrs to go...I may very well do another 4 yrs to really meat my goals, it depends on my hair growth. For some reason I'm averaging .25"/mth...I only have 3" so if I can get 21"-24" more..otherwise I'll still be in LHCF University of Hair Growth!
Not sure when I joined. I guess this post will tell me. I'm a lurker mainly.

Not at my hair goals, been at a standstill for a minute. I guess I need to put the scissors down.

I hate my hair today.
been around this joint for a while now, class of 2003! Ive come and gone on and off during this time, I think this is one of the longest 'stints' around here I have pulled in a long long time

Its probably almost over, who knows though:drunk:

I got ALOT of out this 'stint' of being around here this time, I got a whole new regimen of products , a way more expensive one too :spinning:

but I'm lovin it!:yep:

eta I have reached my goal and I'm still reaching for more if possible :yep:
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I know my profile states I joined in 2006 but not really. I might have made an account then and never paid the site any mind. If I had kept my length from 2006, I'd be looking at ankle length hair, no kidding! So, if folks look at mine and think, "geez, that's all she's got from 2006?", not really. I just got to the point now that I'm not cutting. In fact, just henna'ed to control new growth and a few pesky greys. I'm in it for the long haul. But I agree with you about people moving on when they figure out what works for them. Oftentimes, we are at a point where we hate what we've done or what has happened to our hair not within our control and we need to actually read and see success stories This is a miracle site!
Elder head here!
I was there when LHCF branched out from another site to become LHCF(2000-2002).
I'm an old head. Class of 2003. Sometimes I lurk, sometimes I post. It just depends on my mood. I spend more time answering pm's and emails than anything.

I remember Adrienne, Hairlove, Boadecia, Supergirl, Allandra, Peachtree, Cybra, Nay, CaramelHonee, and so many others that had albums filled with beautiful pictures. I need to go look some of those ladies up to see what's going on with them.

Wow! many memories! one name pops in my head: Caramela!
She had/has beautiful hair, she introduced hennalucent treatment from sally's to us(I still do it to this day!) and showed us her nice flexi-rod hair sets.
and jade who posted the picture of her classic lenght hair once or twice!
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Joined in 2003 when the site was free, but didn't pay and make my first post until 2-3 years later. I had healthy relaxed APL hair, but eventually decided to become natural through finding so many natural inspirations on here-mkstar, ayeshia, nay and bubblnbrnshuga to name a few (I used to swear that I would never go natural). If it weren't for this board I would still be relaxed. When I was relaxed I used to stalk Sherrylove and Adrienne's fotkis constantly. I never knew of such long hair until I saw theirs.
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I joined in 2005. I was so excited to find this website. I have reached my goal length but I will continue to post and set new goals.

I remember the following people
mkstar826 (Melanizm)
been around this joint for a while now, class of 2003! Ive come and gone on and off during this time, I think this is one of the longest 'stints' around here I have pulled in a long long time

Its probably almost over, who knows though:drunk:

I got ALOT of out this 'stint' of being around here this time, I got a whole new regimen of products , a way more expensive one too :spinning:

but I'm lovin it!:yep:

eta I have reached my goal and I'm still reaching for more if possible :yep:

um Iris make a thread on your least this inquiring mind wants to know!
i don't talk about hair much either
Joined in 2007. I haven't reached my length goals as yet. I've got two more years worth of grow to get!
I know my profile states I joined in 2006 but not really. I might have made an account then and never paid the site any mind. If I had kept my length from 2006, I'd be looking at ankle length hair, no kidding! So, if folks look at mine and think, "geez, that's all she's got from 2006?", not really. I just got to the point now that I'm not cutting. In fact, just henna'ed to control new growth and a few pesky greys. I'm in it for the long haul. But I agree with you about people moving on when they figure out what works for them. Oftentimes, we are at a point where we hate what we've done or what has happened to our hair not within our control and we need to actually read and see success stories This is a miracle site!

That's me too. I first joined way back in the day when it was free to join. I posted a few times back then, a few times in '05, but I never stuck around or read much. I was at another hair board of much of that time, and being active at 2 boards would just take up too much time. Plus when i joined there were way more relaxed ladies than natural ladies, and there were some WW3 type of threads going on here. People were mad that folks were transitioning and everything! :lachen:

So although I joined in 2003, I guess I first became "active" here around the end of November/early December 2008. I'm tired of cutting my hair every year and am trying to go a full 5 years without cutting it.