Generations of LHCFers?

What class?

  • Class: Before 2000

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • Class: 2000-2002

    Votes: 19 3.7%
  • Class: 2003-2005

    Votes: 122 23.5%
  • Class: 2006-2008

    Votes: 248 47.8%
  • I gave up on hair hasn't gotten longer

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I've reached my length goals and now post infrenquently (lurk)

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • I've reached my length goals and will always post

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I haven't reached my length goals...YET!

    Votes: 116 22.4%

  • Total voters
Let me post and see, I think I started lurking in 03 though.

ETA: OK, yes, I started lurking in 2003, signed with my original log in in 04 and started paying in 05 with my current username. So what does that make me?
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I'm an old G even though my date says 2004 I was here when it first started. I was a member of the BHSGO on Yahoo groups and when they closed I believe the founder started this board and a lot of the BHSGO members came here. I had a different user name but I forgot what it was before. I fell off the wagon many times so I would only lurk now and then but now I'm determined.

Me. I came from that group as well. I used another poster name though. 1999. Yeah, those were the days......Shebanoire. bonjour
I lurked for almost a year before I joined, so in a strange way identify with the people who posted alot when I started lurking:lachen:.

What I love about this board is that its been around for a while and you can 'tap into' the knowledge of old heads by doing searches. There's a whole lot of 'collective knowledge' LHCF has because so many people have shared here.

I agree that a lot of people who don't post anymore/as often had amazing progress.:yep:
I lurked for almost a year before I joined, so in a strange way identify with the people who posted alot when I started lurking:lachen:.

What I love about this board is that its been around for a while and you can 'tap into' the knowledge of old heads by doing searches. There's a whole lot of 'collective knowledge' LHCF has because so many people have shared here.

I agree that a lot of people who don't post anymore/as often had amazing progress.:yep:

Couldn't have said it better.
I'm an old head. Class of 2003. Sometimes I lurk, sometimes I post. It just depends on my mood. I spend more time answering pm's and emails than anything.

I remember Adrienne, Hairlove, Boadecia, Supergirl, Allandra, Peachtree, Cybra, Nay, CaramelHonee, and so many others that had albums filled with beautiful pictures. I need to go look some of those ladies up to see what's going on with them.

Old head of Class 2003-I remember all these ladies with beautiful tresses.
I loved and Stocked Boadecia Albums because we had the same hair type and loved the same products.
I dont post as much as I once did and lurk when I have time.
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I lurked for almost a year before I joined, so in a strange way identify with the people who posted alot when I started lurking:lachen:.

What I love about this board is that its been around for a while and you can 'tap into' the knowledge of old heads by doing searches. There's a whole lot of 'collective knowledge' LHCF has because so many people have shared here.

I agree that a lot of people who don't post anymore/as often had amazing progress.:yep:

When the search feature wasn't working I "discovered" reading this forum much like a blog. A little more difficult since pages change slightly when a thread is "bumped" but...for example if you went to page 3353 you would find a welcome message from Beverly; it was really nice to see where it all began. :grin:

The only thing that is slightly frustrating about doing this is when you realize some of the old heads don't have fotkis or albums...*coughs* Labett...*coughs* africa :look:
Class of 04 in da house!
I remember when I first joined I looked up to many ladies that no long post as often some being Kitchentician, Sherrylove, Peachtree and Southerngirl to name a few. I don't post as often anymore, but I still come to check in, answer some pm's and to see what's going on every now and then. I'll never leave completely :)

I'm from the Class of 2004 too ... and Kitchentician was actually the one who inspired me to join the site in the first place. I often wonder what happened to her.

Anyhoo ... since I'm transitioning now, my goals have changed from MBL relaxed to MBL stretched natural, so I'm going to be around for a loooooong time (especially since I haven't even BC'd yet).
Yeah, I'm an old G too. I want to say I started lurking in 2000/2001:blush:

I was with before because I was transitioning to natural at the time.

My hair did actually get 'long' in 2002, but it hasn't been the same since. I've gone through a cut, hyperthyroidism, dominican 'trims', and a huge setback last year with damage from braids.

Oh well, I'm back to transitioning. I'm not sure what I'm transitioning to, but I refuse to get a relaxer just yet. I actually want to try braids again.

We'll see what happens.
well , it says i joined in 2006 but I definitely lurked here a long time b4 that ,, im thinking 2005 was when i discovered it,, i used to be on hairboutique and blackhairmedia but nothing compared to LHCF lol
Immediate goal is healthy hair, (long term goal will follow) I'm starting over, chemical free!
Although my join date is 2002, I remember being on longhairlovers in class on 9/11 when the attacks happened.

I remember Peachtree, Bodecia, and all of the others. My goal was healthy hair, no matter what length. I know that I have achieved that goal.
I lurked for a while before joining too. I remember lurking in 2002 and saw southerngirl's album and could not take my jaw from off the floor. I also remember datjerseydyme, she was hilarious and informative in her posts.
I'm a graduate of 2007 but, I was a lurking since 2006. My hair length was apl or slightly longer when I joined. I have not reached my goal of waist length, yet.
I have been a member since Fall 2006. Started off at shoulder length and I am close to my goal of BSL. Hopefully I will be there by my hair anniversary.
Me. I came from that group as well. I used another poster name though. 1999. Yeah, those were the days......Shebanoire. bonjour

Yess!! I am another old head too!! I used to post here as Elyse back in the day. I'm glad to find you all here. Everyone looks great!!
The old heads like me just sit back and let the newbies run wild on the board. We sit back and reminsce on the good times and bad of yester years. I am class of 2000-2002.
I joined in 2006 but I paid the fees only in september 2007 and became an active user since this time and I' m very happy of LHCF .
Class of 2005, haven't reached my goals yet. When I do I imagine I will post a little less, but remain a member.
I am class of 2004. I lurked for less than a month before I registered.

I didn't really get serious about a 'hair' goal til 2006 and its taken me TWO years to reach APL from SL:nono:

As of this week, I officially give up on thinking my hair is going to get any longer.