Moody Men

Aries. Gemini. Cancer. In a few more pages we should have all the zodiac signs:lachen:. I think that it doesn't have anything to do with whatever moon or stars or sun he was born under. It sounds like he has borderline personality disorder.

Borderline personality disorder can be a distressing medical condition, both for the people who have it and for those around them. When you have borderline personality disorder (BPD), you have difficulty controlling your emotions and are often in a state of upheaval — perhaps as a result of harmful childhood experiences or brain dysfunction.

With borderline personality disorder your image of yourself is distorted, making you feel worthless and fundamentally flawed. Your anger, impulsivity and frequent mood swings may push others away, even though you yearn for loving relationships.
My SO is a Cancer and I've learned to maneuver around his moodiness and it works just fine. I can put him on ignore faster than a speeding bullet. They come around eventually. I think people just need space sometimes.
Why are Cancerian men so moody though? Its like... ugh. Man up. I dated one for years.... YEARS.... never again I tell you. NEVER AGAIN.

You are not lying. I dated one. His moods would change for no reason. I just did not have the time to be protecting his emotions, I mean come on, your are a grown a$$ man. I dumped his moody butt after a few months. He probably went home crying to his mom or something.
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Could be ANYTHING! You need to ask and stop playing guessing games. If he ain't got an answer for you, and he's a true friend, just be there for him...if you can't handle his mood swings, spend less time in his company.
BTW, depression and stress sometimes comes across as rudeness and meanness.
Does he smoke alot of weed?[/quote]

Is he a Cancerian? I am a Cancerian and I make it a point not to date men of the same sign because they are 10x moodier than women.

If he is not, maybe he is BP or has serious underlying issues.

Sounds like a Gemini man:nono: when mine gets moody, i just leave him alone before I catch the moody bug! Just give him space when he's moody then when he isnt address it. Of course he will deny without examples :perplexed

Maybe it's because he's an Aries. My ex whom I still talk to is so moody. I saw him last night. One moment he was laughing and joking, eating sunflower seeds with me then the next he's mad and fussing because I'm talking to other and won't let him read my text messages :ohwell: But then again he could barely stand up because he was so drunk. And he drinks ALOT!!! So I think that is why.
Moodiness in men concerns me, it's one thing to have conflicted feelings, it's another to go from being nice to being mean to nice in a matter of hours. It's kind of crazy.

I kept thinking he has to be a Gemini or a Pisces. I am a Gemini, and I can be moody. I am actually working to change that.

Ya'll are too funny!
Drugs and star signs :yep:.
Watch it ladies, i'm an Aries :bat::bat::bat: (Typical Aries moodiness) :lachen:.
Nah-ah! Y'all can't say nothing about us LEOs. We don't have any emotional problems and nice to be around. :yep::lachen:

Right us Leos don't have emotional problems or moods are consistent. Now that mood may be mean and b****y, but it's consistent. Y'all just can't deal with it.
these kinds of men are usually on the DL or thinking about it. No really, if you look at his bros or other members of the family you will notice it.
He's an Aries and does not do drugs as far as I know

That sounds like us. I am prone to swift mood changes because...well, sometimes I just need my space and I can be moody if I feel as though I'm being crowded. For every few hours of social interaction, we need at least that much time to recuperate alone. But then again we are known as the infantile sign of the zodiac :ohwell:
I find them so annoying. You just never know what you're gonna get. Never again, I say. Never again.
Why are Cancerian men so moody though? Its like... ugh. Man up. I dated one for years.... YEARS.... never again I tell you. NEVER AGAIN. SO is a Cancer as well, so I totally understand where you are coming from.
Once I see him acting snappish or looking kind of disturbed I just leave him to his own devices until he calms down and is ready to talk ( and apologize) and let me know what's really going on with him.

In the beginning, it turned me off so badly but living with him, and studying him all the time, I kind of got the notion when to leave him alone when he is in his moods.
He is like me when I'm PMS'ing.
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I do not like moody people. My brother is like this. He's a Cancer. I had a female friend who was also moody (not nearly as bad as my bro) and she was also a Cancer. I thought it was the sign.

All Cancerians are known for their moodieness. It's a part of their personality trait unfortunately because they are also very sensitive people.
My niece is a Cancer as well and when she was a toddler, she was so wishy-washy and shady at times. Sometimes she still has her moods but it has calmed down some.
I will pray for my twin when she becomes a teenager! :lachen: