Moody Men


Well-Known Member
Is this just a character flaw or signs of mental illness......I have a friend, one day we can hang out and have fun...laugh and talk and the next day this man can be mean. I've never experienced such a the point that if I choose to speak with him or hang out with him, I'm wondernig which personality am I going to get today.
Is this just a character flaw or signs of mental illness......I have a friend, one day we can hang out and have fun...laugh and talk and the next day this man can be mean. I've never experienced such a the point that if I choose to speak with him or hang out with him, I'm wondernig which personality am I going to get today.

That is concering.

How are the mood swings, are they violent and to extremes, like one day very happy hyper overly excited about things, and the next day very down depressed and moody. If so, then that could be bipolar disorder.

If he is just grouchy and moody, then that maybe a personality issue.
one day its happy and all is well and the next day its grouchy..I don't feel like being bothered. He's not at all violent, just rude and ignorant at times.....he can get flippant at the mouth...but never physically violent.
The guy I was just dating was like this :look:. I thought we clashed because of personality differences, but the man would flip out on me in an instant!! There is something deeper going on with him.
I think he may suffer from something but I don't think I can address it with him right now because I'd probably cuss him out. Its just day :grin: next day :jaws:
Is he a Cancerian? I am a Cancerian and I make it a point not to date men of the same sign because they are 10x moodier than women.

If he is not, maybe he is BP or has serious underlying issues.
Sounds like a Gemini man:nono: when mine gets moody, i just leave him alone before I catch the moody bug! Just give him space when he's moody then when he isnt address it. Of course he will deny without examples :perplexed
Is this just a character flaw or signs of mental illness......I have a friend, one day we can hang out and have fun...laugh and talk and the next day this man can be mean. I've never experienced such a the point that if I choose to speak with him or hang out with him, I'm wondernig which personality am I going to get today.

My ex was exactly like this. It don't change, trust. Well unless they recognize it and want to change or calm down their attitude.
Is he a Cancerian? I am a Cancerian and I make it a point not to date men of the same sign because they are 10x moodier than women.

If he is not, maybe he is BP or has serious underlying issues.

That's what I thought too! Because my ex was also a cancer and so am I so his mood swings would really mess with me because I'm thinking "I thought I'm supposed to be the female in this relationship":lachen:

Anywho, my ex had some deeper issues stemming from childhood and I'm guessing that's probably one of the reasons why he was so damn moody.
Yeah, I dealt with a man like that. Afterwards, I realized it wasn't about me, he just had some deep issues. :perplexed

He later told me he was depressed during that time.
He's an Aries and does not do drugs as far as I know

Maybe it's because he's an Aries. My ex whom I still talk to is so moody. I saw him last night. One moment he was laughing and joking, eating sunflower seeds with me then the next he's mad and fussing because I'm talking to other and won't let him read my text messages :ohwell: But then again he could barely stand up because he was so drunk. And he drinks ALOT!!! So I think that is why.
Moodiness in men concerns me, it's one thing to have conflicted feelings, it's another to go from being nice to being mean to nice in a matter of hours. It's kind of crazy.
Maybe it's because he's an Aries. My ex whom I still talk to is so moody. I saw him last night. One moment he was laughing and joking, eating sunflower seeds with me then the next he's mad and fussing because I'm talking to other and won't let him read my text messages :ohwell: But then again he could barely stand up because he was so drunk. And he drinks ALOT!!! So I think that is why.
Moodiness in men concerns me, it's one thing to have conflicted feelings, it's another to go from being nice to being mean to nice in a matter of hours. It's kind of crazy.

Maybe its just the way he is...............
Well, I'm an aries and I get could just be a host of things, because my mood changes when something has affected it..not just out of no where..perhaps you should have a discussion about it.
Well, I'm an aries and I get could just be a host of things, because my mood changes when something has affected it..not just out of no where..perhaps you should have a discussion about it.

in the past when I have addressed it...he doesn't really have an answer. My personal opinion is that he is possibly unhappy with his life.
in the past when I have addressed it...he doesn't really have an answer. My personal opinion is that he is possibly unhappy with his life.

That's what I'm thinking. Whenever I'm moody it's normally because I'm not happy about something or I feel conflicted about something.
Is he a Cancerian? I am a Cancerian and I make it a point not to date men of the same sign because they are 10x moodier than women.

If he is not, maybe he is BP or has serious underlying issues.

Yes, Cancers are moody as heck. I was engaged to a Cancer. he was so moody and sensitive.
I kept thinking he has to be a Gemini or a Pisces. I am a Gemini, and I can be moody. I am actually working to change that.
Is he a Cancerian? I am a Cancerian and I make it a point not to date men of the same sign because they are 10x moodier than women.

If he is not, maybe he is BP or has serious underlying issues.

Boy oh boy I read the title of this and thought immediately of my friend who is moody as heck! I cant stand it!!! Its pretty bad. And he is a Cancer. I make it a point to just leave him alone. If I pick it up instant then I dont speak to him till hes ready. Whatever were not dating so its not the worst.
Why are Cancerian men so moody though? Its like... ugh. Man up. I dated one for years.... YEARS.... never again I tell you. NEVER AGAIN.
Is this just a character flaw or signs of mental illness......I have a friend, one day we can hang out and have fun...laugh and talk and the next day this man can be mean. I've never experienced such a the point that if I choose to speak with him or hang out with him, I'm wondernig which personality am I going to get today.

I vote for 'character flaw'. I used to be friends with a guy like that (noticed I said "used to"). IMO, he acted that way because he had personal issues and was mad at world because of it. If he had dealt with is inner turmoil instead of carrying it around and taking it out on other people, his attitude would have been MUCH better. Speaking as someone who STILL beats herself up over turning the other cheek out of friendship (and I layed it on the line 4 years ago after nearly 3 years of being friends) call this dude on his attitude. If he doesn't get it in check, add him to the "former friend" category.
I do not like moody people. My brother is like this. He's a Cancer. I had a female friend who was also moody (not nearly as bad as my bro) and she was also a Cancer. I thought it was the sign.
Why are Cancerian men so moody though? Its like... ugh. Man up. I dated one for years.... YEARS.... never again I tell you. NEVER AGAIN.

This is funny I didn't even read the responses before I posted and I commented about my brother who is a Cancer being moody.