Miconazole Nitrate

marie170 said:
This is OT for HoneyDew...why did you remove your pics from your signature?

Honestly, I was tired of seeing them everytime I posted in a thread. I am going to try to make them smaller when I get time. They were just taking up so much space.
HoneyDew said:
Honestly, I was tired of seeing them everytime I posted in a thread. I am going to try to make them smaller when I get time. They were just taking up so much space.

hahahaha..ok..I just was hoping nobody was making negative comments.
marie170 said:
hahahaha..ok..I just was hoping nobody was making negative comments.

lol. no. I did close my fotki because of all the comments others were getting, though.

Also, I think that I started getting borderline obsessive about my own progress. I am going to chill out a little and wait yo take more update photos at the end of next month or so.
Hi this is my first post here.I must say i'm skeptical as others but willing to try things as i did MTG. So i saw NeosporinAF at walmart to my surprise it was only 1.50.
cecepassion said:
Hi this is my first post here.I must say i'm skeptical as others but willing to try things as i did MTG. So i saw NeosporinAF at walmart to my surprise it was only 1.50.

I don't know where everyone is buying theres but when I bought it it was like 8 or 9 bucks. I haven't used it for a week yet and its almost done.
cecepassion said:
Hi this is my first post here.I must say i'm skeptical as others but willing to try things as i did MTG. So i saw NeosporinAF at walmart to my surprise it was only 1.50.

Wow mines was 5 something in the market for a little dinky tube. Target didn't have it at all. Maybe I'll try Walmart next time.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Wow mines was 5 something in the market for a little dinky tube. Target didn't have it at all. Maybe I'll try Walmart next time.

They have it on clearance for 1.50 only two left maybe i need to go buy the rest,9 dollars is to steep for me for a tiny tube.
how many days are you applying it to your scalp. This is my second week but I've only applied it three times since I started it... Maybe I'll try every other day.
HoneyDew said:
lol. no. I did close my fotki because of all the comments others were getting, though.

Also, I think that I started getting borderline obsessive about my own progress. I am going to chill out a little and wait yo take more update photos at the end of next month or so.

Thank-you for posting this Honeydew. I am a former beautician, however I would never represent myself as an authority on the subject. Some of the LCHF ladies are a lot smarter than some on the stylists I have worked with.

Our scalps give off waste products each day. (sweating etc.) Some scalps even stink after a couple of days because of this. Even with frequent washing some waste and bacteria can still linger on and manifest as fungus, yeast dandruff etc. If the condition is severe it can lead to baldness. Caucasian scalps manifest head lice etc.

I think it is an excellent idea to use the neosporin AF products and the Monistat to help control the things that live on our scalps.

I am not surprised that some women are experiencing growth. I can say that without a doubt some of you will have great results..
HoneyDew said:
lol. no. I did close my fotki because of all the comments others were getting, though.

Also, I think that I started getting borderline obsessive about my own progress. I am going to chill out a little and wait yo take more update photos at the end of next month or so.

Thank-you for posting this Honeydew. I am a former beautician, however I would never represent myself as an authority on the subject. Some of the LCHF ladies are a lot smarter than some on the stylists I have worked with.

Our scalps give off waste products each day. (sweating etc.) Some scalps even stink after a couple of days because of this. Even with frequent washing some waste and bacteria can still linger on and manifest as fungus, yeast dandruff etc. If the condition is severe it can lead to baldness. Caucasian scalps manifest head lice etc.

I think it is an excellent idea to use the neosporin AF products and the Monistat to help control the things that live on our scalps.

I am not surprised that some women are experiencing growth. I can say that without a doubt some of you will have great results..
This thread is an interesting read.

Very interesting indeed.

I would be interested in hearing your results in about a month or so.

Especially with the powdered MN
ok so I went to walmart after work (3 in the morning) and IT was there. for $1.50. I swear I picked up 6 of them. That should do me for the next month and a half or so.
simpleDIVA said:
ok so I went to walmart after work (3 in the morning) and IT was there. for $1.50. I swear I picked up 6 of them. That should do me for the next month and a half or so.

Wow when I went to Walmart it was 5.72. I'm a little mad about that lol I've used it twice already and my little tube is almost gone...
Yellowflowers said:
Caucasian scalps manifest head lice etc.

Head lice are an INFESTATION that you pick up from exposure to other people, bed linens, hair brushes, etc. They are not a natural by product of our scalps. And ALL ethnic groups are susceptible to them, not just Causcasians, however, African Americans DO have a lower than average rate of infestation. They are nasty little things!!
BMOREFLY GURL is that you, I'm feeling that weave for real. I love the hair, what type is it? I did my hair life that before but the hair wasn't human hair. Is that human hair. . .I know this is off topic but I'm really feeling the do.
LondonDiva said:
How often are people applying? Daily, every other day, weekly???

I am applying a little to my scalp every night but I do cond wash my hair a few times a week and shampoo weekly to prevent build up.
simpleDIVA said:
BMOREFLY GURL is that you, I'm feeling that weave for real. I love the hair, what type is it? I did my hair life that before but the hair wasn't human hair. Is that human hair. . .I know this is off topic but I'm really feeling the do.

Thanks! Yeah, thats me. It's Model Model (by Dreamweaver) Water Wave 7" Pre Cut weave. Oh yeah it is human and it was pretty cheap. I'm surprised at how good it's been holding up. I washed it for the first time today and I was shocked it didn't turn into a frizz ball.
I'm a little confused by the "eeww, it's yeast infection stuff!" posture about Miconazole. It is just medicine. Miconazole is used for anything that is fungi/yeast-related. Yeast is an organism that grows on your body. Normally, the percentages should be very low. Some people can get "yeast infections" under their breasts, between their thighs, etc. The medical term for that is "intertriginous candidiasis". Please don't be hesitant to try this just b/c it is also used for vaginal yeast infections. If that is the case, then why clarify with vinegar, when that is a substance used for douches? :look: . Now, if someone was talking about putting vagina juice on my head for hair growth, then I would give pause to that! :lachen: (Unless I could get a guaranteed 3 inches per month out of it. No, no, I'm just kidding :lol: . I am, I swear! :look: ) But remember that the miconazole will kill any yeast anywhere (well, not any yeast, but that is a whole other medical discussion that y'all probably don't want to read! )
off-topic: yep, head lice are spread from head to head. the looser the curl/kink in your hair, the more likely you are to get them. head lice like a straight strand because it's easier to maneuver lay eggs.

unfortunately, i know because my oldest daughter picked them up from a classmate. i was directing the preschool she attended at the time and i checked every head after i found them in hers. the girl who was lice central was puerto rican. there must have been an egg on EVERY strand in her head, i don't know how her mother didn't know. yeah, i do. her mother was on drugs! but that's another story.

it's easy for lice to spread through a classroom or school.

Been using it for about a week. No sheeding but my scalp is starting to itch. Is this normal and am I doing this right? I use once a day.
smiller said:
Been using it for about a week. No sheeding but my scalp is starting to itch. Is this normal and am I doing this right? I use once a day.

When I put it in my scalp has a tingling feeling then my hair itches like crazy for about a day. I use it like three to four times per week. I have a weave in so I can't really see whats going on with my hair.
I got great results from using it 2XS a day. I'm going to post it in my fotki when I finsh my pics. I got the inching at first too, but I always get the inches when my hair is growing.:D