Miconazole Nitrate

Nubianrose said:
those of yall who are using the Neosporin or whichever else, how many times are you applying it per week/day etc...? thanks

You're probably not talking to me because I just started but I'm using it every night, with a nice little scalp massage. I actually look forward to it. This little tube is going to be empty inside of a week.
I'M GOING TO PICK THIS UP TODAY! One question though by you getting so much growth are you stretching your relaxers or are you needing to touch up sooner?
Sade7 said:
I have been using my own special formula for some time now and I can not keep my hair relaxed. I usually "stretch" to 3 weeks before I touch up but even then, the new growth is so thick that I usually stop being able to comb my hair after week 2. Another thing, my hair is so lush and thick. It not only has gotten longer, it has gotten THICKER!!! I thought I was just crazy until I started examining my shed. When I take the shed strands and lay them flat, about 2-3 inches from the end are normal diameter and towards the root is reallllly thick (course), almost wirery. I really don't know which product in my concoction is responsible but whatever it is..... it's working.

By the way: I use cayenne pepper cream, cortizone cream, and antifungal cream. All CREAMS not the ointments. All are mixed in equal parts.

Cayenne pepper cream = capsaicin HP
This product DOES burn, so be careful and be conservative at first.

I did not know that Capzasin-HP was cayenne pepper cream
thanks for posting your mix
I am going to try this one as soon as I use up my other mix
Thanks for the reply Sareca...it was to whomever it applied :)...yea i know about the tube it'll finish within a week... bout to stock up at walmart before I go back to school. They have the Neosporin AF for 4.50 ;)
Ok, ladies this could be totally unrelated (I'm only at day 3 on the Miconazole Nitrate challenge--I ain't scurred), but I thought I'd tell ya'll anyway.... my scalp is sore.

When I was little I used to constantly complain about my scalp hurting in the crown area (like when you wrapped it overnight). Well, that same area is hurting today but started yesterday. I'm not quitting, but I'm not happy about it. :( Is anybody elses' scalp sore? Misery loves company...

Oh, BTW, I thoroughly inspected the area with my lighted magnification mirror and it looks perfectly normal.
sareca said:
Ok, ladies this could be totally unrelated (I'm only at day 3 on the Miconazole Nitrate challenge--I ain't scurred), but I thought I'd tell ya'll anyway.... my scalp is sore.

When I was little I used to constantly complain about my scalp hurting in the crown area (like when you wrapped it overnight). Well, that same area is hurting today but started yesterday. I'm not quitting, but I'm not happy about it. :( Is anybody elses' scalp sore? Misery loves company...

Oh, BTW, I thoroughly inspected the area with my lighted magnification mirror and it looks perfectly normal.

Sore scalp!! oh no i hope this doesn't happen to me and I'm sorry that it's happening to you !!!If this does happen I will discontinue using it and go back to just using my Sulphur 8 lite on my scalp
I will keep ya'll posted
Thanks Honey Dew for posting your results. I think I'm gonna try some while my hair is braided into this weave and I can get the parts easily. I also have a patch in the back that wont get any longer than an inch or so. I was skeptical about MTG. I tried Glover's and it made me itch something terrible. My mother then told me that I was probably allergic to sulphur because she is too. This seems like the solution for me. Thanks! Can't wait to test it out....
scorpian said:
Sore scalp!! oh no i hope this doesn't happen to me and I'm sorry that it's happening to you !!!If this does happen I will discontinue using it and go back to just using my Sulphur 8 lite on my scalp
I will keep ya'll posted
Yeah, it's not fun. It feels exactly like it did when I was 14ish, but I'm not ready to quit yet. MSM wasn't pleasant in the beginning and now I'm sooo grateful I didn't stop. So I'm going to tough it out.... for now...
sareca said:
Ok, ladies this could be totally unrelated (I'm only at day 3 on the Miconazole Nitrate challenge--I ain't scurred), but I thought I'd tell ya'll anyway.... my scalp is sore.

When I was little I used to constantly complain about my scalp hurting in the crown area (like when you wrapped it overnight). Well, that same area is hurting today but started yesterday. I'm not quitting, but I'm not happy about it. :( Is anybody elses' scalp sore? Misery loves company...

Oh, BTW, I thoroughly inspected the area with my lighted magnification mirror and it looks perfectly normal.

If there is no redness or bumps, I'd say your pores are getting ready to push more hair out. Simply put, your hair is growing. That is why it is hurting! My scalp is always sore before I have a growth spurt.
Edie said:
If there is no redness or bumps, I'd say your pores are getting ready to push more hair out. Simply put, your hair is growing. That is why it is hurting! My scalp is always sore before I have a growth spurt.

Thank You, Thank You!!!:Rose: I thought I was the only one w/ a sore head. :)
After 4 weeks post relaxer..... my crown area is also sore....but when i put my finger on my scalp I have a heap of newgrowth in that area! I have newgrowth and soreness all over but it's the thickest in that area I think it grows the fastest there.... So I welcome the soreness cause I know my hair is growing. I went out and bought 3 tubes today at CVS it was on sale for $4.00 a tube. I'll keep you ladies posted. I just washed and roller wrapped my hair tonight and I put some lightly throughout the scalp.
sareca said:
Ok, ladies this could be totally unrelated (I'm only at day 3 on the Miconazole Nitrate challenge--I ain't scurred), but I thought I'd tell ya'll anyway.... my scalp is sore.

When I was little I used to constantly complain about my scalp hurting in the crown area (like when you wrapped it overnight). Well, that same area is hurting today but started yesterday. I'm not quitting, but I'm not happy about it. :( Is anybody elses' scalp sore? Misery loves company...

Oh, BTW, I thoroughly inspected the area with my lighted magnification mirror and it looks perfectly normal.

Mine is tingly, but not sore. My hair is growing very fast, so I know that is why.

Actually, I think my hair is growing TOO fast. I guess I have to either get used to it or chill a little.

On my wash days, I don't use the cream and I enjoy that I don't feel the tingle. But a day after applying it again, I feel the tingle - sometimes itching. I can see how this could be described as "sore" on some scalps, though. But, so far it is not unbearable for me.
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aqualung said:
Right, I think the monistat 1 or 3 day kit had 4% miconazole nitrate.
I'll look at online drug stores for tubes instead of kits.
I'm just going to have to FORCE MYSELF to surge and comb those roots every night.

Hey you guys. I went to drugstore.com to look this up, the suppositories in the monistat 3 day contain 4%, the cream in the kit is 2%. Anyone know how to change the suppositories(sp?) from solid to liquid or cream, or gel???
mona_cherie said:
Hey you guys. I went to drugstore.com to look this up, the suppositories in the monistat 3 day contain 4%, the cream in the kit is 2%. Anyone know how to change the suppositories(sp?) from solid to liquid or cream, or gel???

I have never used a kit like that. The only one that I have used had prefilled applicators with the 4% cream. That was a few years ago, though.

Are you going to try 4% Miconazole Nitrate?! Please let us know how it goes if you do!
HoneyDew said:
I have never used a kit like that. The only one that I have used had prefilled applicators with the 4% cream. That was a few years ago, though.

Are you going to try 4% Miconazole Nitrate?! Please let us know how it goes if you do!

Oh okay, I think I just assumed it was suppositories. That changes things.
I'm going to try the 4%, but I'm going to finish the Neosporin AF I bought yesterday first. Like someone else said, I'm always willing to try things.
I think I am going to try this as well. Friday I chop off all the relaxer and I want to grow my hair out faster. I am concern that I am going to get the wrong thing does anyone have a picture? I am going to go out and get some today on my way home from work and see what happens. I can't put the MTG on as much because I am in meetings and working closely with others and its so unnerving for someone to ask can we open a window, can't take the pressure I don't use it often perhaps once a week if that. This might be better if there is no smell no one will know what is going on with me. Although they will notice the short hair again. thanks for sharing.
Trudy said:
I think I am going to try this as well. Friday I chop off all the relaxer and I want to grow my hair out faster. I am concern that I am going to get the wrong thing does anyone have a picture? I am going to go out and get some today on my way home from work and see what happens. I can't put the MTG on as much because I am in meetings and working closely with others and its so unnerving for someone to ask can we open a window, can't take the pressure I don't use it often perhaps once a week if that. This might be better if there is no smell no one will know what is going on with me. Although they will notice the short hair again. thanks for sharing.

This is the one I use but any of those creams would be good, I think. They are all normally together in the store:
hotlusciousl said:
HoneyDew, do you have anymore progress pics? I'm just curious.

I have not taken anymore.

I try to let a month go before I take more. It is hard to tell a difference.

I removed the one in my signature because I was tired of seeing my picture in every thread I posted.

Here is another. These were taken about a month apart.

I am going to take more at the end of next month because comparing can be a pain sometimes. I really want to see a bigger difference.

I wish that I had pictures from Nov or Dec 2005!! Such a difference in my hair!!
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Edie said:
If there is no redness or bumps, I'd say your pores are getting ready to push more hair out. Simply put, your hair is growing. That is why it is hurting! My scalp is always sore before I have a growth spurt.
Mine too. I just love this kind of soreness!:) I'm experiencing it right now on the crown of my head from the MSM I started this month (the soreness was on the back of my head a couple of weeks ago). I thought about buying this today to try on my nape but I think I'll wait until I have a good handle on this MSM hair growth before trying something else new.
Alright, I bought the Neosporin Honey Dew is using. I tried it out for the first time today. So I guess now I just have to wait and see what happens. I'll keep you ladies posted!
Yesterday marked the end of my first week. Other than a few days of soreness all is well, but I haven't noticed any grow yet. :ohwell:

3 weeks to go... :)
sareca said:
Yesterday marked the end of my first week. Other than a few days of soreness all is well, but I haven't noticed any grow yet. :ohwell:

3 weeks to go... :)

I did not notice anything until the end of the 2nd week and it was pretty steady after that.
bee said:
What do you do about moisture when using this product?

I have not changed anything else about my routine. Until I started using Miconazole Nitrate, I put nothing on my scalp anyway. But as far as my hair, nothing haircare routine change.
oh okay thanks I got it I only used it once so far I am not sure how every one is using it. Seem like it made my hair hard
Trudy said:
oh okay thanks I got it I only used it once so far I am not sure how every one is using it. Seem like it made my hair hard

I think you should only be putting it on your scalp