Miconazole Nitrate

No offense: But: One could do a test on their "Brazilian Wax" and see the results...like a baseline and then chart the results...this way, it would be being used in the vicinity of the area it was intended for....and er um...do you think? Now based on those results.....what...what?...I'm just saying though......what....No...I am not trippin....! But I would try it ...there...if I wanted to do a "patch test" ....(discreetly closing my mouth) Bonjour
updates please: I have been doing some personal research and I think there is more to this than meets the "eye" but I will reserve the details until I hear more from people who are interested, trying it and having success. bonjour
After reading all of the posts and doing research, I decided to use it also. I started last night. I will update you guys with info and pics.:)
I have been afraid to share my progress because of how many haters are out there, but I decided to for those that are open minded.

I mean there are ladies all over the world walking around smelling of cade oil and sulfur MTG juices, but they never get any hate.

I just can't use that stuff.

I even tried mixing my own Sulfur powder and oil, but it left too much build up for the styles I like to wear. I don't like oily weighed down hair.

So, because I was skeptical too, I decided to try Miconazole Nitrate. I just can't bring myself to use Monistat, so I opted for Neosporin AF. I like the texture of it actually and it never gets in my hair.

I read all the buzz here about Miconazole Nitrate, but I got really hyped up after a neighbor of mine grew her hair pretty fast after getting it cut. I commented on how fast it grew and she said that she uses Elta creams on her scalp for a boost. Specifically Elta Trivase and Elta Tar Lite, she told me. I am going to try the Elta Trivase, I think. I ordered some from Ebay.

Anyway, I have been using Neosporin AF almos everyday for 2 weeks. Check my album for a picture. I will continue to track it for another month or so to see if the growth rate continues. I am still a bit skeptical. :ohwell:
HoneyDew, thanks for sharing your results. I'm going to try the sulphur and oil mix, and if that doesn't yield somekind of result, i'll definitely be trying your experiment. Wow, that's a lot of new growth, esp for just 2wks post relaxer! Is the Neosporin sticky on your scalp?
kitkat3ny said:
HoneyDew, thanks for sharing your results. I'm going to try the sulphur and oil mix, and if that doesn't yield somekind of result, i'll definitely be trying your experiment. Wow, that's a lot of new growth, esp for just 2wks post relaxer! Is the Neosporin sticky on your scalp?

Yes, this is a lot of new growth and it is to the point where I don't know what to do with my hair. That picture was taken yesterday actually as I was trying to detangle :ohwell: and realized how much new growth was up there. :eek: I just had to run and get my camera because I was so surprised.

About the Neosporin AF, it is not like the regular neosporin salve. It is a light cream and it melts as soon as I put it on my scalp. Totally easy for a no-frills girl like me. It was about $6 for the tube, but I have used it up pretty fast.
About the Neosporin AF said:
Thanks. I may actually buy this for my partner. She has thinning hair and is so upset that she can't find anything that really helps her hair grow and thicken. Hell, i've spent $6 on a lot less. lol
Well I made my own hair cream based on a little research that I did. I used an antifungal, a steroid, and cayenne pepper cream. I mixed equal parts of all 3 ingredients and have been using this combination for almost a year now.

What I have noticed: My hair absolutely has to be relaxed every 3 weeks as opposed to the 5-6 weeks that I used to be able to get away with. At 3 weeks, my new growth is off the chain, I cannot comb my hair wet or dry. I have gone from hovering above bra strap (stayed this length forever) to well below bra strap, got a "cut" to get rid of split ends which put be back above bra strap around Nov/Dec 05 (see avatar pic), and now I'm back below bra strap.
kitkat3ny said:
Actually I just went to ebay to check it out. I didn't realize there are so many Neosporin AFs. Which one do you recommend if you were buying this for yourself?

Actually in the store they have 2 kinds. One labeled for Jock Itch and one labeled for Athletes Foot. I think it is just packaging because they mote have the same active ingrediant - Miconazole Nitrate.

The Neosporin site may give more info on the difference. Of those auctions, the one I have been using is that one that is listed for $1.95

Sade7 said:
Well I made my own hair cream based on a little research that I did. I used an antifungal, a steroid, and cayenne pepper cream. I mixed equal parts of all 3 ingredients and have been using this combination for almost a year now.

What I have noticed: My hair absolutely has to be relaxed every 3 weeks as opposed to the 5-6 weeks that I used to be able to get away with. At 3 weeks, my new growth is off the chain, I cannot comb my hair wet or dry. I have gone from hovering above bra strap (stayed this length forever) to well below bra strap, got a "cut" to get rid of split ends which put be back above bra strap around Nov/Dec 05 (see avatar pic), and now I'm back below bra strap.

You know I don't think I can go through one more wash after last night. I am going to try to go w/o washing all week, because I had such a HARD time last night with my hair.

You cream sounds nice and very intresting. After getting this growth from just one item, I bet yours is very powerful. I was doing some reasearch, as well and I found a forum based in India. One person said that a doctor there made a cream mix similar to yours for him as a hair growth stimulant. He was praising it and suggested it to someone complaining of slow hair growth.
Here are the other ingrediants (besides 2% Miconazole Nitrate) in the Neosporin AF creams.

The one in the blue package labeled for Athlete's Foot has:
benzoic acid, butylated hydroxyanisole, mineral oil, peglicol 5 oleate, pegoxcol 7 stearate, and purified water

The one in the green package labeled for Jock Itch also has:
benzoic acid, butylated hydroxyanisole, mineral oil peglicol 5 oleate, pegoxcol 7 stearate, and purified water

They are the same! Companies kill me with the special packaging for the same products.
Sade. how is your cream working these days...are you still getting results> Anyone else with unusual recipes or recipes? bonjour
sareca said:
Ya'll are CRAZY!! :spinning:... and I'm about to be too. :alcoholic

I will post pics in 30 days.

Well, I really felt crazy when I tried to get away with walking around with that oily smelly MTG crap. It took me one time with that stuff to realize how gross it is. (just my opinion - I know many people love it!)

If you try it, let us know how it does for you. My hair is growing so fast that I cannto believe that a little cream could do that.

I mean I know that Nizoral shampoo and cream has the same kind of active ingredient and people use that for growth, but it is still hard for me to believe how fast my hair is growing.

It would be nice to see other's results.
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I will be posting my results March 25. That gives me 2 solid weeks of use. I got 1" of growth the first week I used it.:eek: I never got growth like this before, not even with MTg and Surge. My nape has benefitted the most. it has never grown out with the same rate as my sides.:clap: This stuff is the bomb.:woot:
HoneyDew said:
Well, I really felt crazy when I tried to get away with walking around with that oily smelly MTG crap. It took me one time with that stuff to realize how gross it is. (just my opinion - I know many people love it!)

If you try it, let us know how it does for you. My hair is growing so fast that I cannto believe that a little cream could do that.

I mean I know that Nizoral shampoo and cream has the same kind of active ingredient and people use that for growth, but it is still hard for me to believe how fast my hair is growing.

It would be nice to see other's results.
I've already started. I stopped by Walgreens on my way out lastnight and picked up Neosporin AF (the same one you have in your album). I do have a question tho. Are you parting thin strips of hair to apply it or just putting some on your fingertips rubbing it in. I want to make sure it's distributed evenly. I already have issues with uneven hair.

FYI, the term for the people that are willing to try unconventional things first is "early adopter." At least Neosporin is made for humans.
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sareca said:
I've already started. I stopped by Walgreens on my way out lastnight and picked up Neosporin AF (the same one you have in your album). I do have a question tho. Are you parting thin strips of hair to apply it or just putting some on your fingertips rubbing it in. I want to make sure it's distributed evenly. I already have issues with uneven hair.

FYI, the term for the people that are willing to try unconventional things first is "early adopter." At least Neosporin is made for humans.

I part my hair and apply it with my fingertips.

I am concerned about even distribution, as well. I already have parts that have grown out more than others. The midback part is not growing out as fast, I think it is because I am not parting as small as the sides front and kitchen area.

As a matter of fact, I have thought about just taking a week and applying to that area so that it can catch up.
I actually started doing this about a week ago after seeing HoneyDew's progress. There was a thread started about this last year and it got pretty ugly. I 'm glad to see this one under control. Miconazole Nitrate is used for a number of things mainly fungus. I personally don't see anything wrong with using it. If you do a search in the archives you'll find that two of the doctors on this board said that they recommend it to their patients for a number of things and do not see any harm with applying it to the scalp. I have been using it for a week without any ill effects to my hair and it doesn't smell at all.:)
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nikkipoo said:
I actually started doing this about a week ago after seeing HoneyDew's progress. There was a thread started about this last year and it got pretty ugly. I 'm glad to see this one under control. Miconazole Nitrate is used for a number of things mainly fungus. I personally don't see anything wrong with using it. If you do a search in the archives you'll find that two of the doctors on this board said that they recommend it to their patients for a number of things and do not see any harm with applying it to the scalp. I have been using it for a week without any ill effects to my hair and it doesn't smell at all.:)

I'll be nice, I promise. :blush: I used MTG too. I try EVERYTHING. I'm just one of those people.
I remember when things got ugly. :look:

That is why I was not going to share my progress, at first, but I realize there are many of us that are beyond the remarks and comments that were posted.

As a matter of fact, there were some people that were really interested that could not get more info because of all the negative postings. There was a similar thread on BHM that ugly,as well.

Anyway, I needed something to help grow out a section of my hair that I had to cut down to about 2 inches because of matting from a bad weave last May. :(

I have had so much trouble creating pretty styles because of that uneven hair. I was willing to try Miconazole Nitrate to get it to grow out since I stopped getting weaves and braids last November. But, even I was skeptical about buying Monistat just to put on my scalp.

The Neosporin AF or Lotrimin Af are good. And I found another at a local mom and pop drug store called Diabet-x. So far so good. :D
HoneyDew said:
I remember when things got ugly. :look:

That is why I was not going to share my progress, at first, but I realize there are many of us that are beyond the remarks and comments that were posted.

As a matter of fact, there were some people that were really interested that could not get more info because of all the negative postings. There was a similar thread on BHM that ugly,as well.

Anyway, I needed something to help grow out a section of my hair that I had to cut down to about 2 inches because of matting from a bad weave last May. :(

I have had so much trouble creating pretty styles because of that uneven hair. I was willing to try Miconazole Nitrate to get it to grow out since I stopped getting weaves and braids last November. But, even I was skeptical about buying Monistat just to put on my scalp.

The Neosporin AF or Lotrimin Af are good. And I found another at a local mom and pop drug store called Diabet-x. So far so good. :D

Thanks HoneyDew, for posting some alternatives for those who do not want to use Monistat. I think this will allow them to try the miconazole nitrate with out feeling icky:)
**sigh** Im on too.
Just couldnt resist...I too have been looking for a MTG alternative, that *ish makes my nose burn! I'm looking for fullness/thickness- my hair is growing just fine. Does this help with that?
EishBuhgeish said:
**sigh** Im on too.
Just couldnt resist...I too have been looking for a MTG alternative, that *ish makes my nose burn! I'm looking for fullness/thickness- my hair is growing just fine. Does this help with that?

I don't think it is making my hair grow any thicker or fuller than it would otherwise. It is just growing at a faster rate.

But, I do remember seeing a site online when I was doing research. It had lots of biological and pharmaceutical terms that I did not understand, but the study showed an increased diameter in hair with "zole" treatments. I will see if I can find it.
nikkipoo said:
I actually started doing this about a week ago after seeing HoneyDew's progress. There was a thread started about this last year and it got pretty ugly. I 'm glad to see this one under control. Miconazole Nitrate is used for a number of things mainly fungus. I personally don't see anything wrong with using it. If you do a search in the archives you'll find that two of the doctors on this board said that they recommend it to their patients for a number of things and do not see any harm with applying it to the scalp. I have been using it for a week without any ill effects to my hair and it doesn't smell at all.:)

I thought of something else. I used to take a supplement that is marketed in the US as an appetite suppressant. It's sold in other countries as a libido booster. Needless to say I had to stop taking it. :eyebrows2 :lachen:

Here's another one, the active ingredient in Benadryl is the same active ingredient in Nytol. :eek::sleep:

I'm so happy I'm not the only, um, trail blazer... :dance7:
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EishBuhgeish said:
**sigh** Im on too.
Just couldnt resist...I too have been looking for a MTG alternative, that *ish makes my nose burn! I'm looking for fullness/thickness- my hair is growing just fine. Does this help with that?

Ok here is it. The study is actually about ketoconazole, which is in nizoral and is similar to Miconazole.

The effects of chronic use of 1% ketoconazole or a 1% zinc pyrithione shampoo on the general health of hair and scalp.

G. Piérard 1and G. Cauwenbergh2
1. Dept Dermatopathology, University of Liège, Belgium; 2. Skin research Center, Johnson &Johnson , Skillman, N.J., USA

Hundred male volunteers with mild to moderate dandruff and somewhat oily scalp, have used, in a double-blind fashion, a 1% ketoconazole shampoo or a 1% zinc pyrithione shampoo. The test shampoos were applied 2 to 3 times weekly for a total period of 6 months. Several parameters that affect the general health of hair and scalp were assessed at start, and after 1, 3 and 6 months. These parameters included the percent of hairs in anagen phase, the diameter of the hairs, sebum excretion rate at the hairline, and the number of hairs shed in the 24-hour period prior to each assessment. At the end of the study, the participants were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding the cosmetic acceptability of the test shampoos.

Forty-four ketoconazole users and forty-three zinc pyrithione users completed the 6 month study period. Analysis of the different parameters shows that the hair diameter gradually increases with chronic ketoconazole use (+8.46%) over a 6 month period, whereas the diameter shows a trend to decrease with zinc pyrithione use over the same period (-2.28%). The sebum excretion rate is reduced with ketoconazole (-6.54%) while it increases with zinc pyrithione (+8.2%) over the same period of time. The number of hair shed over a 24-hour period is reduced by 16.46% with ketoconazole and 6.02% with zinc pyrithione after 6 months. Finally, the percentage hairs in anagen phase increased by 6.4% and 8.4% respectively during the study time. Except for the percentage of hairs in anagen, which showed no difference between the two groups, all other parameters were significantly different in favor of the ketoconazole shampoo.

Both shampoos have been shown to be good anti-dandruff ingredients. Assessment of parameters than can affect the health of hair and scalp, suggests that both ingredients show distinct differences in the way they affect the scalp; indicating that ketoconazole increases hair diameter and reduces scalp oil, whereas zinc pyrithione seems to yield opposite effects. This suggests that, besides their effect on the lipophilic yeast Malassezia spp, ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione act though quite different mechanisms. An overall analysis of hair diameter changes as a function of changes in sebum excretion rate suggests that a reduction in scalp oiliness seems to result in an increased hair diameter. This suggests that, in people with oily hair, regular use of ketoconazole shampoo may result in overall hair fullness.