Miconazole Nitrate

Im in love with this ISH.....my hair looks amazing thanks to this stuff and a very needed emergencee treatment. It is SOOOOOOOOO much thicker...i have like tried everything and this is the first thing that has WORKED....i hope it doesnt stop growing..:dance7:
BSweet said:
Im in love with this ISH.....my hair looks amazing thanks to this stuff and a very needed emergencee treatment. It is SOOOOOOOOO much thicker...i have like tried everything and this is the first thing that has WORKED....i hope it doesnt stop growing..:dance7:

Im so excited to see the results of this M.N. I've only used it once (yesterday). Havent decided how often Im going to use it, but I love the texture and how it just melts into my scalp. This is a far cry from MTG. Dont get me wrong, Im not abandoning my beloved MTG.... but it sure is nice to apply this cream to the scalp and not have to go through the whole song and dance of the MTG routine (ie, change into old shirt, put towell around neck, spray from bottle, put on plastic shower cap, then knit hat, then place towells over pillow to sleep, etc.). This M.N. makes life so much easier, so I sure hope I see the results that you guys are having!!!!
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KiniKakes said:
Im so excited to see about the results of this M.N. I've only used it once (yesterday). Havent decided how often Im going to use it, but I love the texture and how it just melts into my scalp. This is a far cry from MTG. Dont get me wrong, Im not abandoning my beloved MTG.... but it sure is nice to apply this cream to the scalp and not have to go through the whole song and dance of the MTG routine (ie, change into old shirt, put towell around neck, spray from bottle, put on plastic shower cap, then knit hat, then place towells over pillow to sleep, etc.). This M.N. makes life so much easier, so I sure hope I see the results that you guys are having!!!!
Hopefully I can add this to my regimen this weekend. I am excited about everyone' results.
OT: KiniKakes you are so pretty, you favor Lauren London from ATL, only cuter. Everytime I see your pic, I think about my 7 year old because you two have a lot of the same features. Q
BSweet said:
Im in love with this ISH.....my hair looks amazing thanks to this stuff and a very needed emergencee treatment. It is SOOOOOOOOO much thicker...i have like tried everything and this is the first thing that has WORKED....i hope it doesnt stop growing..:dance7:
What are you using Monistat or Neosporin?
queeny20 said:
Hopefully I can add this to my regimen this weekend. I am excited about everyone' results.
OT: KiniKakes you are so pretty, you favor Lauren London from ATL, only cuter. Everytime I see your pic, I think about my 7 year old because you two have a lot of the same features. Q

Awww thank you!!!! *hugs* Well they say everyone has a twin out there! :D I guess I am a future version of how your 7 y/o daughter will look in another 20 years!!!
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Yall aint see my post about Family Dollar having Dollar General brand MN for $5.00. And its 3x the size of Neo AF. Dont sleep on the dollar store ladies, dont sleep.
EishBuhgeish said:
Yall aint see my post about Family Dollar having Dollar General brand MN for $5.00. And its 3x the size of Neo AF. Dont sleep on the dollar store ladies, dont sleep.

LOL "dont sleep"
But are you worried about any of the other ingredients
Has anyone ever heard of long term damage from this like scalp problems
There is a walgreens brand and there is only like 5 ingredients-purified water, MN, Mineral oil, and 2 other things i dont know about, is that like the ones you all are using
KiniKakes said:
Awww thank you!!!! *hugs* Well they say everyone has a twin out there! :D I guess I am a future version of how your 7 y/o daughter will look in another 20 years!!!
If that's the case, then I am going to need to get a gun, lol. Hopefully she will have a great head on her shoulders like you seem to have and she will be alright. She is already a very sweet and bright child. So I am believing that GOD will take care of her.

ThinNnappy- girl I am off to check out the dollar stores today. They just opened up a Dollar General down the street.
Faith said:
What are you using Monistat or Neosporin?

Neosporin...my friend seriously just said wow you hair looks thicker and healthier..the emergencee helped my hair...but this neosporin is where the growth is at
Does anyone think their will be any kind of chemical reaction maybe from adding miconazole to this mixture i have

Doogro grease (purple kind)
Castor oil
Wild Growth Oil
Dr. Miricales Stimulating Moisturizing Gro oil

I figure if i mix it, then i wont have to keep buying it and i will always get alittle bit to my scalp....
I seriously believe this stuff can grow hair, A few years ago
At the Dr's surgery where I work we prescribed Daktarin 2% for a young boy who had about 4 very large bald spots, they had some little spots of hard/infected skin...(maybe a fungal infection???)

Dr thought it was some kind of alopecia, caused by stress of his parents sticky divorce.

Three weeks later after his mom applied it twice daily all the shiny bald spots had gone.

The "alopecia" has never returned, beautiful happy child...
It's been 4 weeks since my last relaxer and usually the new growth seems to take forever to come through. I've been using Daktarin 2% MN a few times a weeks for the best part of 2-3 weeks and I must say the new growth is definitely coming in sooner with lots of nice waves and ripples (I put that down only to the faster hair growth) but I had to check the date of my last relaxer, because at this rate I'd be lucky to stretch to the end of month 4 like I've been doing previously. I think at the end of month 2 I may have to review the possibility of relaxing again. But as of today, cause I've been feeling really sickly lately, I'm going to get back on my Liquid Aminos, daily fresh fruit smoothies, egg, Nioxin recharge and at one small portion of fish per day to boost this up.
Does anyone think there would be reverse effects? For instance, you stop using it and your hair breaks. Someone mentioned in another thread that her hair has broken off. She also said that the only thing different that has changed in her regimen was adding the Miconazole Nitrate. Has anyone used it and then stopped using it? If so, what were your results?
I'm sorry this is my take on it, once the hair grows out of my scalp it's how I take care of it that determines whether it breaks off or not. I've known so many people I know say my hair keeps breaking and it's not growing, or I put this stuff on my scalp and it's good an all made my hair grow, but it's breaking. When you start digging you find out they aren't taking care of their actual hair, just concerened with the topical potions and lotions to aid in the hair growth which do work but when all that length comes in, it's not maintained. So as the growth kicks in and the relaxers have to be more frequent then ends are breaking off just the same. I find sulphur VERY drying and that was the active ingredient in MTG that gave me a massive growth spurt, but my hair never bruck off. My friend's hair never seemed to move an inch but when I saw the hard plastic dolly brush she was using on a daily basis I wasn't surprised. Now she's relaxed, she's telling me she wants to go blonde. I dun tell her about the breakage and nuh bodder come cryin when her hair drop off cause I won't have time to console her after I pre-warn her...anyway sorry I went OT but you catch my drift. If the hair is growing through nice and strong I don't see other than ill health or bad hair care why it'd break off. I guess it's an easy way out to blame the product rather than yourself because you fail to keep up the routine of looking after the hair as well as the scalp. My new growth has come in so soft, not dry and barky and once that hair pushes through the follicle it's dead and won't change until I put a relaxer on it, so I don't see it breaking, it feels lovely.

Thanks girl!!! What you've said makes a lot of sense. I was just wondering what everyone's take on this was. I was all set to buy the Neosporin and then came across this person's thread. It kind of scared and deterred me from going to pick some up on Wednesday.

LondonDiva said:
I'm sorry this is my take on it, once the hair grows out of my scalp it's how I take care of it that determines whether it breaks off or not. I've known so many people I know say my hair keeps breaking and it's not growing, or I put this stuff on my scalp and it's good an all made my hair grow, but it's breaking. When you start digging you find out they aren't taking care of their actual hair, just concerened with the topical potions and lotions to aid in the hair growth which do work but when all that length comes in, it's not maintained. So as the growth kicks in and the relaxers have to be more frequent then ends are breaking off just the same. I find sulphur VERY drying and that was the active ingredient in MTG that gave me a massive growth spurt, but my hair never bruck off. My friend's hair never seemed to move an inch but when I saw the hard plastic dolly brush she was using on a daily basis I wasn't surprised. Now she's relaxed, she's telling me she wants to go blonde. I dun tell her about the breakage and nuh bodder come cryin when her hair drop off cause I won't have time to console her after I pre-warn her...anyway sorry I went OT but you catch my drift. If the hair is growing through nice and strong I don't see other than ill health or bad hair care why it'd break off. I guess it's an easy way out to blame the product rather than yourself because you fail to keep up the routine of looking after the hair as well as the scalp. My new growth has come in so soft, not dry and barky and once that hair pushes through the follicle it's dead and won't change until I put a relaxer on it, so I don't see it breaking, it feels lovely.
Hey Londondiva, I went to boots yesterday and bought the daktarine 2%! Thanks for letting UK ladies know about it:) I'm happy to hear it's working for you ! that's encouraging ! Hope it does the same for me. I relaxed my hair a week ago so I hope to see some growth by week 4. Do you apply it once or twice a day? Is it supposed to tingle or not? thanks !!

LondonDiva said:
It's been 4 weeks since my last relaxer and usually the new growth seems to take forever to come through. I've been using Daktarin 2% MN a few times a weeks for the best part of 2-3 weeks and I must say the new growth is definitely coming in sooner with lots of nice waves and ripples (I put that down only to the faster hair growth) but I had to check the date of my last relaxer, because at this rate I'd be lucky to stretch to the end of month 4 like I've been doing previously. I think at the end of month 2 I may have to review the possibility of relaxing again. But as of today, cause I've been feeling really sickly lately, I'm going to get back on my Liquid Aminos, daily fresh fruit smoothies, egg, Nioxin recharge and at one small portion of fish per day to boost this up.
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I've been using for a few weeks and I too am a believer.

I thought I would have to possibly not relax the crown of my head w/ the rest b/c it grows slower. But I now have just as much in the crown as I do on the rest of my head.
I feel what you all are saying about taking care of the hair that does grow...but all of you be aware of the negative effects of using MN longterm...there have been studies shown- with side effects included...just something to look into for your personal reasearch
LondonDiva[B said:
]I'm sorry this is my take on it, once the hair grows out of my scalp it's how I take care of it that determines whether it breaks off or not. I've known so many people I know say my hair keeps breaking and it's not growing, or I put this stuff on my scalp and it's good an all made my hair grow, but it's breaking. When you start digging you find out they aren't taking care of their actual hair, just concerened with the topical potions and lotions to aid in the hair growth which do work but when all that length comes in, it's not maintained. So as the growth kicks in and the relaxers have to be more frequent then ends are breaking off just the same.[/B] I find sulphur VERY drying and that was the active ingredient in MTG that gave me a massive growth spurt, but my hair never bruck off. My friend's hair never seemed to move an inch but when I saw the hard plastic dolly brush she was using on a daily basis I wasn't surprised. Now she's relaxed, she's telling me she wants to go blonde. I dun tell her about the breakage and nuh bodder come cryin when her hair drop off cause I won't have time to console her after I pre-warn her...anyway sorry I went OT but you catch my drift. If the hair is growing through nice and strong I don't see other than ill health or bad hair care why it'd break off. I guess it's an easy way out to blame the product rather than yourself because you fail to keep up the routine of looking after the hair as well as the scalp. My new growth has come in so soft, not dry and barky and once that hair pushes through the follicle it's dead and won't change until I put a relaxer on it, so I don't see it breaking, it feels lovely.

I'm glad you cleared that up. I was just about to day that but you said it better.
Nubianrose said:
I feel what you all are saying about taking care of the hair that does grow...but all of you be aware of the negative effects of using MN longterm...there have been studies shown- with side effects included...just something to look into for your personal reasearch
what are the long term side effects???
divinefavor said:
Does anyone think there would be reverse effects? For instance, you stop using it and your hair breaks. Someone mentioned in another thread that her hair has broken off. She also said that the only thing different that has changed in her regimen was adding the Miconazole Nitrate. Has anyone used it and then stopped using it? If so, what were your results?

Do you remember which thread is was or who posted it? I missed that...
Here one for general Anti-fungal (*azoles) meds:


but, most of this is about taking it orally.

I have read some of the Nizoral studies about ketoconazole and it is advised not to take it orally, but apply it topically because of internal effects. Apparently, Nizoral ( ketoconazole) tablets can cause serious damage to the liver in some people. Topical application preferred.
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Phoenix said:
Do you remember which thread is was or who posted it? I missed that...

same here. i missed that.

Now, myhair does break when i have lots of new growth. It is the reason I choose not to stretch.

Now that my hair is growing very fast, that normal "time for a touchup" breakage comes sooner.
Thanks for all your input ladies, your persistence/dilligence in research (and sharing of your findings) are greatly appreciated! :kiss:
OK Ya'll -

Just when I get started with this...

I am usually not afraid to try new things - seems like this isn't so new with all the research and detail you guys have devoted!! I started my routine 2 days ago, after having read ALL your comments on this topic.

You are Frightening me - I don't have hair to loose!!! Any other Negative things I need to read about :confused:
I am not worried about it.

I went so far to ask my dermatologist about it and she gave me thumbs up.

She told me that she often sends patients to the drugstore to buy Nizoral Shampoo for regrowing hair.

She did say that normally it was after some condition that caused hair loss or an actual fungal infection or something like that. But, that if anything odd started happening to come in and see her.

She made me feel comfortable about usign it.

I did not go to her for permission because I had already made up in my mind that i was going to use it.

It's just that i have sensitive skin and I am so afraid to use anything new and i wanted to get her opinion about it.