Marrying a White Man for Hair


New Member
On another discussion forum, I read a post by a black woman who dated white men not only because she was personally attracted to them, but also because she wanted her children to have "good hair."

What do you guys think of this? Do you know people who do such things?
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She is dumb as **** there is no way around it..she is ****ed up mentally to think such and I hope her womb doesnt work so she wont **** up any mess all around and I have heard of people who think this way but then you look at them and you see why
Obviously that some women don't know about genetics.

She may pray for a child with this and that but, murphy's/sod's law would probably come into effect and the child may have her hair type.

I never understand those type of women. Smdh.

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You know, I hope with this "Natural Hair Movement" and people like Mwedzi proving that our hair is absolutely fabulous, this mentality with die out.

So sad, because our hair is VERY unique. Even animals do not tend to have afro-textured hair/fur.
My latino acquaintance that if she marries a white guy with blue eyes, her children will have blue eyes. She's becoming a I thought she understood that genetics isn't that simple.
We all entertain ideas of what we want our children to look like. .....some are just way more foollish than others..........

Back when I was a kid, I heard the same sentiments expressed. Now that I'm a mature adult, I see those (hair and related ) views as a form of self-depreciation....
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I know a woman who did this exact thing. She wanted to make sure her little girl had natural curly "pretty" (her words NOT mine) hair. She had two little girls by a white man. Funny thing is one of them has the hair she was dreaming of and one of them doesn't. She's all like, "I don't understand what happened with her hair it's more unruly than mine." I honestly snickered in my head. A white father doesn't necessarily guarantee that type of hair.
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That woman is crazy...
btw, she is going to end up making her children pay for her obvious lack of self-confidence, identity, etc., These kids will grow up believing something is wrong with the other half of themselves (their black side) and they are partially doomed to repeat her mistakes just because women like this usually can't keep their beliefs to themselves...they run the risks of marrying men/women for the wrong reasons, getting into unhealthy relationships (especially if this woman isn't truly in love with the father of her kids) and they will grow up believing all of this is the right way to live... not to mention what other posters are saying- all of her planning could backfire..what a mess she is.
I wish more people saw themselves as the good part of the "mix", whether they have a white, black or other spouse...
Just because a black woman marries a white man does not always necessarily mean the offspring will end up having "good hair". Sometimes it comes out looking more hard to manage.
Every race except AA's breeds in the name of whiteness. Where y'all been?
And blac men say and do this type of sh!t all the time and it usually doesn't worc and they often abandon their blac child that wasn't supposed to turn out blac.:look:
Yeah genetics is a crapshoot... Or a box of chocolates..You never really know what you're going to get...

Maybe she should breed dogs or horses with that enthusiasm...Not human beings...
Been going on for years. Selective breeding is nothing new and all races practice it.

:yep: Totally True. The white slavers breeded Black slaves this way on purpose. They knew what would sell and make more profits.

Sickening...:nono: :nono: :nono:
See, this is where things go wrong for people like that. Love is not the main ingredient. They should love their children no matter what. I am truly sorry for women/men who think this foolishness.What happens if they get the white man, but the hair is still not the "grade" they want? :nono:
........ blac men say and do this .........

Yep men do it too, I tried to fix one of my male friends up with a beautiful friend of mine, it doesn't matter, but she even happens to have long nice beautiful hair. But he had the nerve to tell me that she was too dark and that he prefers whites or latina's and that if he marries a sister she would have to be very light skinned, like Alicia Keys or Halle Berry. I wanted to hurt him, I told him I think that he has some type of hatred for himself. Needless to say, I won't be introducing him to anymore of my friends, he needs some love for himself and some maturity.
I know quite a few people like this. Most prefer latinas or latinos however (the mixed to Indian type). Some do it for the hair, while others for the skin tone if they're really dark.

Its sad though. One of the guys I know (from the Navy) who did this, married a Mexican lady and had a son with her. He treats this boy like he is the most perfect child, but he also has a daughter (she's around 10) who is a darker brown complexion with type 4 hair -- who I rarely hear him talk about (she lives with her black mother).

He even had the nerve to justify his reasons for this preference by claiming that black women have done him wrong in the past. Yeah, ok...
Its nothing but self hate, cause this guy is about my complexion, claiming to be light because he has "red undertones". :rolleyes:

He even compared himself to a twix candy bar and clowned one of his other guy friends because he was of a very dark complexion (think Alek Wek).
Some people have issues...
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this is so common. How often do dudes seek out white, asian, spanish, "mixed" girls only to "wife"? ya'll really think it's just great personality matches? Modern day eugenics.
When I was with my white Ex, I was always afraid of getting pregnant with a little girl with blond (highlighted) hair. I know it was wrong, but I thought that people would think she a (ahem) empty headed pretty girl. I don't like blond hair at all, and have some... problems with blondes. But I reconciled that even if my child ended up with that crappy color, I would just have another "talk" about the society's perceptions about her.

IR children are a genetic gamble. They can look like any combination of things. One of my uncles married a German woman and had 9 children together. Only one of them have "good hair" but everyone's hair ALWAYS looked just awful! Even though it was technically between 2 and 3. It was like there were a bunch of straight hair and curl hairs mixed together and it they looked just strange. there was just something about it that wouldn't tolerate basic styling. It couldn't be braided, it couldn't be pressed. In the end their mom decided to cut them into odd frizzy shoulder length. The appearance was kinda embarrassing. I think now that I'm older I realize that their hair was just being mistreated and needed to be handled differently. Too late now. The moment all of them got to middle school, they all relaxed, including the one with the "good" hair.
OMG! I remember the first time I heard anyone say this. I was eleven and she was twelve. She says, "I like him but I'm gonna marry a white man so my babies can have guud hurr!" I was like, "What?! That doesn't make any sense!" I promise.... I wish I had stayed in the dark about that type of thing...

ETA: This racial stuff is learned. My friend obviously grew up around someone or something that introduced the idea to her that her "black" hair was bad and a white person's was good. She can unlearn it. Too bad we can't "unlearn" a whole society's way of thinking. Or can we?
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Yeah, and I think my youngest brother may have this issue too. Although he likes black women, he tends -- no, he always goes for the really light to mixed black women (or mixed looking afro latinas) on purpose.