Married Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Adding to sex, food and peace, men LOVE to have their egoes stroked. So, throw in some praise every so often about how "strong," "manly," "smart," and "sexy" he is. How much you appreciate him being around and what would you do without him...

ITA. This is pretty important too. I think this would go under "peace and sex" :look: being feminine, letting him be the man and acknowledging that is what they love :yep: they are soooooo insecure. Even the most masculine men.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

I think you should. But what Zaynab left out was you have to have a half way decent man to start with. I mean if he's a dog and like sexin with any ole body. Feeding, sexing, and keeping peace in the house won't help.[/QUOT

Now D-you are right, I think we were saying this with the impression that you would already have a good man :lol: I definitely don't want anyone to get it twisted, like if you do all those things and you got a sorry neegro at home,you can change him. heck no! Its 50-50, I believe if you do all of that WITH your good man, you will be ok and you can get just about anything from them. It works me anyway :look:

Oh wait one more pray together in unison....prayer....:yep:
Prayer, sex, peace and food that's it :lol:

Girl you have to say that because you know... folks will be trying to change a no good, woman beating, never had a job, man with 13 kids, no cooking, no cleaning, cheating, nasty, etc man because you say all they need is sex, food and peace and wonder why it's not working.:lachen:

I agree with what you have said. It works for me to.:yep:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

I was on the Nuva ring and it effed up my hormones. I was moody and depressed and had no sex drive...poor DH. I haven't used hormonal BC since and our marraige has been smooth sailing:yep:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

although currently im not sexually active :look: when i do marry God willing how do you ration out sex? specifically, do you give it to him even if you dont want it???? or does it have to be a mutual thing? And does your DH cater to your needs sexual, even if he doesnt want it aswell? I hope this makes sense! :lachen:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Adding to sex, food and peace, men LOVE to have their egoes stroked. So, throw in some praise every so often about how "strong," "manly," "smart," and "sexy" he is. How much you appreciate him being around and what would you do without him...

They like to have more than their egoes stroked!

I just had to slip that one in:lachen:
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Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

although currently im not sexually active :look: when i do marry God willing how do you ration out sex? specifically, do you give it to him even if you dont want it???? or does it have to be a mutual thing? And does your DH cater to your needs sexual, even if he doesnt want it aswell? I hope this makes sense! :lachen:

We cater to each other. If ones in the mood, we do everything possible to get the other in the mood. But 4 times a week should be good for anyone. That every night stuff would kill our relationship.:look: Kill it dead dead dead
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

thanks for the emphasis on dead :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
We cater to each other. If ones in the mood, we do everything possible to get the other in the mood. But 4 times a week should be good for anyone. That every night stuff would kill our relationship.:look: Kill it dead dead dead
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

So Zaynab,

What's your signature dish? The one that melts away all potential rocky roads.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

In-laws & blended family issues.

I have a step-child which was very hard at first. It's great now since he figured out that his mom is a LIAR!!!

In-laws are still a problem (only a couple of them) but they live far enough away that it does not matter. DH always took my side and they hate that.
^^^^That cake looks so good!

Pregnancy is hard.:yep: Those men on tv who wait on their pregnant wives hand and foot, going out at 3am for pickles and rubbing feet every night? I have yet to meet one IRL, so don't expect that. If it happens, great! If not, don't hold it against your dh. It's hard for them too.

Don't expect happy, giggly rainbows and sunshine every day. It's ok to be in the house together and not talk. It's ok for you to read and him to watch TV. Even after marriage, your spouse is not there to entertain you.:lachen:

Don't force him to communicate. That was very hard for me. When I wanted to talk, we HAD to talk RIGHT THEN! He didn't take too kindly to that. If a man tells you to leave it alone, leave it alone for awhile. He's probably trying to keep from choking you.:lachen:

Adding to sex, food and peace, men LOVE to have their egoes stroked. So, throw in some praise every so often about how "strong," "manly," "smart," and "sexy" he is. How much you appreciate him being around and what would you do without him...

These two quotes are so true and on point.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Married for 6 years.

My big issue: miscommunication. For the first 4 years, I assumed he agreed with most of the stuff I said. I realize now he just made thoughtful noises that sounded like "ummhmm" to get me to stfu. All I saw was he didn't talk. It never occured to me that I didn't listen. With some men you have to not only listen for words, but also listen for body language.

I am also working on patience. I am waaayyyy more aggressive than he is. I'm a know-it-all too. It's my personality type and I honestly didn't realize this without an outside source pointing it out. I thought I was stating my opinion (which of course I thought was right because it is MY opinion) just like everyone else. Apparently I intimidate some people. Some people take offense to this. And my dh is one of them.
I think I knocked down his confidence and emasculated him by pointing out his flaws and what he could've and should've done. l never gave him the steering wheel and let him drive without being a backseat driver. I think this made him afraid to make decisions, but his pride was too stubborn to speak up about it or admit it. But if you feel like someone is waiting for you to mess up, and you begin to lose confidence in yourself, then you feel like wtf, why even try.
Soooo.... 1)communication- its hard to communicate if you have different communication styles and 2)PLEASE... let the man take the lead. You married him so trust he will get you to where you want to be. Dont make the mistake I made, second guessing everything, and not allowing him to figure things out. You rather him make mistakes early in marriage rather than late. Give him time to figure it out and gently nudge him in the right direction if you feel you are WAY off course.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Girl you have to say that because you know... folks will be trying to change a no good, woman beating, never had a job, man with 13 kids, no cooking, no cleaning, cheating, nasty, etc man because you say all they need is sex, food and peace and wonder why it's not working.:lachen:

I agree with what you have said. It works for me to.:yep:

All you have to do is do a search and see what kind of men should and should not get that kind of treatment:rolleyes:

It works for me too, people wonder how I get the things I do from dh. I think doing those little three, four things gets me wayyyyyy more than I give dh :giggle:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Married for 6 years.

My big issue: miscommunication. For the first 4 years, I assumed he agreed with most of the stuff I said. I realize now he just made thoughtful noises that sounded like "ummhmm" to get me to stfu. All I saw was he didn't talk. It never occured to me that I didn't listen. With some men you have to not only listen for words, but also listen for body language.

I am also working on patience. I am waaayyyy more aggressive than he is. I'm a know-it-all too. It's my personality type and I honestly didn't realize this without an outside source pointing it out. I thought I was stating my opinion (which of course I thought was right because it is MY opinion) just like everyone else. Apparently I intimidate some people. Some people take offense to this. And my dh is one of them.
I think I knocked down his confidence and emasculated him by pointing out his flaws and what he could've and should've done. l never gave him the steering wheel and let him drive without being a backseat driver. I think this made him afraid to make decisions, but his pride was too stubborn to speak up about it or admit it. But if you feel like someone is waiting for you to mess up, and you begin to lose confidence in yourself, then you feel like wtf, why even try.
Soooo.... 1)communication- its hard to communicate if you have different communication styles and 2)PLEASE... let the man take the lead. You married him so trust he will get you to where you want to be. Dont make the mistake I made, second guessing everything, and not allowing him to figure things out. You rather him make mistakes early in marriage rather than late. Give him time to figure it out and gently nudge him in the right direction if you feel you are WAY off course.

This has always been my problem--I definitely had to learn to tone it down over the years.

This post was so self-reflective! :yep::yep:I love it when we can really see our flaws and learn from them, we're not perfect either:look:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Lot of good info in here. I'll make sure I read it between now and September 2009
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

although currently im not sexually active :look: when i do marry God willing how do you ration out sex? specifically, do you give it to him even if you dont want it???? or does it have to be a mutual thing? And does your DH cater to your needs sexual, even if he doesnt want it aswell? I hope this makes sense! :lachen:

No rationing:nono::nono: Remember, free, legal, sex....that's married sex. I'm not always in the mood, dh always is, but what man isn't:rolleyes: I just say I'm not in the mood and he will typically just work harder to get me in the mood. Most men dont' have finese, they are just like "me want sex" and that's it :lol: I go along with that sometimes but if I'm not feeling it, he knows its extra work time:look:

Also---I know this sounds crazy but think about it llike this when you're not in the mood......who is gonna say after sex, "I wish I hadn't of done that, I wish I had of gone to bed/taken a care/finished the laundry/wash some more clothes/cleaned the house" After you do it, you're glad you did:yep:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

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Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

We cater to each other. If ones in the mood, we do everything possible to get the other in the mood. But 4 times a week should be good for anyone. That every night stuff would kill our relationship.:look: Kill it dead dead dead

^^^^ Right, what she said:yep::yep:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

We cater to each other. If ones in the mood, we do everything possible to get the other in the mood. But 4 times a week should be good for anyone. That every night stuff would kill our relationship.:look: Kill it dead dead dead

Are ya'll on a 4day a week schedule D? :lol:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

This is long and I could go on, but I think this is sufficient.

:think: Let me see what I have learned from my own experiences and from other women...

No marriage is a cake walk and for those women you meet who tell you that marriage is perfect and they have the perfect husband, be leery of listening to any advice they have to offer. Usually, the perfect ones have the most problems. Before you make the final decision to get married, remember, it is not a game of playing house and then you put the dolls away. Marriage is real and be sure you are ready to take your relationship seriously. It goes beyond the beautiful gown, the guests, and wedding gifts. Once the wedding and honeymoon is over, reality sets in. Again, before you make the decision to get married, make sure it is a challenge that you are willing to act on and accept.

ALWAYS STAY PRAYED UP!!! Annoint your home and your family. Always pray for him, yourself, and your children and ask God to show you how to be a good and loving wife and ask him to show you how to love him the way that he does.

Be supportive and respectful. Men need to feel like you have their back and are willing to nudge them when necessary. Always give them compliments. For some reason, men need their egos stroked. Sometimes you feel like you are talking to one of your children when you keep saying, "Good job honey, I'm so proud of you." They need positive affirmation.

Don't put your spouse down in front of people. For example, if he cannot follow directions, don't say, "X is such an idiot and cannot follow simple directions." Even if he is clueless about doing something, just build him up and don't tear him down. When you are alone, he will thank you for it and beam like a million stars.

Giving him respect is vital. That does not mean giving him a license to abuse you. Basically, you need to give him unconditional love and confront the bad behavior. Communicate respectfully! You will get farther in your relationship when you speak in a respectful versus angry tone. If you don't, he will shut you out.

Think before you speak. Everything does not deserve an argument. So what if he left his clothes strewn across the floor. Although it is hard for us not to sweat the small stuff, soon you will realize it is worth it in the end.

Choose your listening ears carefully. No matter how bad an argument went, it does not mean you need to share it will everyone. Yeah, we all need to vent at some point or another. Always align yourself with positive energy and positive friends who will give you the best advice. Remember, misery loves company. Keep your family out of your business. Long after you make up with your spouse, your mother or father may hold what he did to you against him.

Independence One of our biggest problems as women is that we can be too independent and think we don't need a man for everything. Men like that, but at the same time, they want to feel like you need them in your life. Sometimes we have to take a step back and let him do some things for us.

Don't get too comfortable. Look your best for your man. :gorgeous: Sometimes women think because they are married, they don't have to look their best most of the time. Yeah, we have some bad days but everyday is not your worst day. Remember, your man will see beautiful women at work, women who have taken the time to look great for the office. Then he leaves you in the morning and comes back that afternoon to see you looking unkempt. Ummmm.... Give him a great portrait to remember, because there is always someone prettier than you. No one is saying that you have to look like a model everyday you leave the house, but don't look like a dusty old wife. What you did to get him is what you need to continue doing to keep him.

If you do not learn anything else from this thread, do remember that, "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1:yep:
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Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

This is long and I could go on, but I think this is sufficient.

:think: Let me see what I have learned from my own experiences and from other women...

No marriage is a cake walk and for those women you meet who tell you that marriage is perfect and they have the perfect husband, be leery of listening to any advice they have to offer. Usually, the perfect ones have the most problems. Before you make the final decision to get married, remember, it is not a game of playing house and then you put the dolls away. Marriage is real and be sure you are ready to take your relationship seriously. It goes beyond the beautiful gown, the guests, and wedding gifts. Once the wedding and honeymoon is over, reality sets in. Again, before you make the decision to get married, make sure it is a challenge that you are willing to act on and accept.

ALWAYS STAY PRAYED UP!!! Annoint your home and your family. Always pray for him, yourself, and your children and ask God to show you how to be a good and loving wife and ask him to show you how to love him the way that he does.

Be supportive and respectful. Men need to feel like you have their back and are willing to nudge them when necessary. Always give them compliments. For some reason, men need their egos stroked. Sometimes you feel like you are talking to one of your children when you keep saying, "Good job honey, I'm so proud of you." They need positive affirmation.

Don't put your spouse in front of people. For example, if he cannot follow directions, don't say, "X is such an idiot and cannot follow simple directions." Even if he is clueless about doing something, just build him up and don't tear him down. When you are alone, he will thank you for it and beam like a million stars.

Giving him respect is vital. That does not mean giving him a license to abuse you. Basically, you need to give him unconditional love and confront the bad behavior. Communicate respectfully! You will get farther in your relationship when you speak in a respectful versus angry tone. If you don't, he will shut you out.

Think before you speak. Everything does not deserve an argument. So what if he left his clothes strewn across the floor. Although it is hard for us not to sweat the small stuff, soon you will realize it is worth it in the end.

Choose your listening ears carefully. No matter how bad an argument went, it does not mean you need to share it will everyone. Yeah, we all need to vent at some point or another. Always align yourself with positive energy and positive friends who will give you the best advice. Remember, misery loves company. Keep your family out of your business. Long after you make up with your spouse, your mother or father may hold what he did to you against him.

Independence One of our biggest problems as women is that we can be too independent and think we don't need a man for everything. Men like that, but at the same time, they want to feel like you need them in your life. Sometimes we have to take a step back and let him do some things for us.

Don't get too comfortable. Look your best for your man. :gorgeous: Sometimes women think because they are married, they don't have to look their best most of the time. Yeah, we have some bad days but everyday is not your worst day. Remember, your man will see beautiful women at work, women who have taken the time to look great for the office. Then he leaves you in the morning and comes back that afternoon to see you looking unkempt. Ummmm.... Give him a great portrait to remember, because there is always someone prettier than you. No one is saying that you have to look like a model everyday you leave the house, but don't look like a dusty old wife. What you did to get him is what you need to continue doing to keep him.

If you do not learn anything else from this thread, do remember that, "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1:yep:

Thanks for this. :yep:. Subscribing.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

This is long and I could go on, but I think this is sufficient.

:think: Let me see what I have learned from my own experiences and from other women...

No marriage is a cake walk and for those women you meet who tell you that marriage is perfect and they have the perfect husband, be leery of listening to any advice they have to offer. Usually, the perfect ones have the most problems. Before you make the final decision to get married, remember, it is not a game of playing house and then you put the dolls away. Marriage is real and be sure you are ready to take your relationship seriously. It goes beyond the beautiful gown, the guests, and wedding gifts. Once the wedding and honeymoon is over, reality sets in. Again, before you make the decision to get married, make sure it is a challenge that you are willing to act on and accept.

ALWAYS STAY PRAYED UP!!! Annoint your home and your family. Always pray for him, yourself, and your children and ask God to show you how to be a good and loving wife and ask him to show you how to love him the way that he does.

Be supportive and respectful. Men need to feel like you have their back and are willing to nudge them when necessary. Always give them compliments. For some reason, men need their egos stroked. Sometimes you feel like you are talking to one of your children when you keep saying, "Good job honey, I'm so proud of you." They need positive affirmation.

Don't put your spouse down in front of people. For example, if he cannot follow directions, don't say, "X is such an idiot and cannot follow simple directions." Even if he is clueless about doing something, just build him up and don't tear him down. When you are alone, he will thank you for it and beam like a million stars.

Giving him respect is vital. That does not mean giving him a license to abuse you. Basically, you need to give him unconditional love and confront the bad behavior. Communicate respectfully! You will get farther in your relationship when you speak in a respectful versus angry tone. If you don't, he will shut you out.

Think before you speak. Everything does not deserve an argument. So what if he left his clothes strewn across the floor. Although it is hard for us not to sweat the small stuff, soon you will realize it is worth it in the end.

Choose your listening ears carefully. No matter how bad an argument went, it does not mean you need to share it will everyone. Yeah, we all need to vent at some point or another. Always align yourself with positive energy and positive friends who will give you the best advice. Remember, misery loves company. Keep your family out of your business. Long after you make up with your spouse, your mother or father may hold what he did to you against him.

Independence One of our biggest problems as women is that we can be too independent and think we don't need a man for everything. Men like that, but at the same time, they want to feel like you need them in your life. Sometimes we have to take a step back and let him do some things for us.

Don't get too comfortable. Look your best for your man. :gorgeous: Sometimes women think because they are married, they don't have to look their best most of the time. Yeah, we have some bad days but everyday is not your worst day. Remember, your man will see beautiful women at work, women who have taken the time to look great for the office. Then he leaves you in the morning and comes back that afternoon to see you looking unkempt. Ummmm.... Give him a great portrait to remember, because there is always someone prettier than you. No one is saying that you have to look like a model everyday you leave the house, but don't look like a dusty old wife. What you did to get him is what you need to continue doing to keep him.

If you do not learn anything else from this thread, do remember that, "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1:yep:

ITA with all of this, especially the bolded. I hate folks and their dreamy, we're so perfect marriages. It sooo not true, marriage is work, work, work.

Say it again and again--it's NOT ok to not to do things and look the same way you did when you got married. Keep your appearance up not just for him but for you.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Sometimes more but about 4 times a week keeps him happy.

Yeah we're on a 4-5 day schedule but like I I get older, I have gotten more, uh, well you know:look:.......... And on those other days..there's some "almost sex" happening:look::lachen::perplexed
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

What a great thread! DH and I have been married just over 1 year now but have been together for 8 years. We got married when I was 23 and he was 28. We didn’t live together before hand so it was all new for us but because we had spent weekends and holidays together we kind of fell into our roles very easily. Within our first year I have learnt and am still learning to be a bit more patient with him and to find a balance between our conflict resolution styles in that he tends to go quiet and I tend to still want to discuss things! I have really learnt to pick my battles and am not so demanding about the house remaining like a show room all the time. I have had to learn that things I ask him to do cant and don’t always need to be done ‘now’, as he will do it later (a term which I use to hate-for me there is always a sense of urgency but I am working on it!). I definitely stroke the ego (but I do mean it, its good to build your DH up) and have commended him on the fact that his cooking skills are getting much better and that I am proud of all the progress he is making in Ministry (he is a preacher) etc. He appreciates that I am also around to keep him in check when I feel ‘humbleness’ may be going out the window or if I feel a particular situation can be dealt with in a better way. He trusts and values my judgment which is a nice feeling. In terms of making decisions we tend to weigh up the pros and cons of decisions together; he tends to move slower than me (he calls me a Rottweiler, as in when I lock onto something I don’t let go and I call him a snail in that he takes forever to decide on stuff!) so we are still working on that. God and his principles (Jesus Christ’s way of living) is a big deal and trying our best not to let the sun set on our anger is another thing we try to enforce. We also try to say things out of love, even the hard stuff; we always try to be respectful of each others feelings no matter how mad we are. For us also, Divorce is not an option so what ever it is has to be worked through as there is no back door! Mostly we laugh and joke, make love and support each other through tough times. We both enhance each others lives and that’s what relationships should be about. It’s a safe place for us both to dwell, and for that, I thank God. Im apprehensive but excited about becoming a mother, he wants a child like today! But I too agree (and he is starting to) that you should have at least 2 years of marriage together (or enough time together alone in your eyes) without the children and during that time you should have staked up enough to provide for them. He is hoping that my contraception fails me, but I keep telling him ‘Baby, I be popping those pills!’ Lol! He is dying to put an accidental on purpose bun in my oven, when they keep him up in the middle of the night, he’ll think back to this conversation! Lol! Ultimately, 99% of marriage is everyday life, it definitely requires, work, prayer, compromise and dedication…

Thanks again ladies and God bless
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

how often do you pray with your husbands in unison? everyday? only on Sundays? before bed?

(i ain't talking about blessing over some biscuits either :look:)
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Don't put your spouse down in front of people. For example, if he cannot follow directions, don't say, "X is such an idiot and cannot follow simple directions." Even if he is clueless about doing something, just build him up and don't tear him down. When you are alone, he will thank you for it and beam like a million stars.

This is really important! Before I got married my grandma, mom and aunts all told me this. It is VERY important!

Whenever you talk ish about each other in public you are exposing the vulnerabilities of your marriage. A marriage should be like a military armory. Only select people are welcome, only during certain times for certain reasons, high-security and tough-screening. You wouldn't tell people what time the armory guards do a change in shift, hours when the armory is unmanned, the code to the safe...and as such should you treart your marriage.

I have an acquaintance who does this and I don't think we are close enough to talk about this. Maybe I'll muster the guts to bring it up to her. She is always talking about how DH mishandles finances :nono:, how he isn't clean:nono:, how he is immature:nono:, his family acts crazy, spoils their kids and their home is a mad house:nono:....I could go on and on. I see he doesn't like it either but he brushes it off.

You know what, she's lucky I am a principled woman, a married woman and a woman who has no interest in her man. I could run a number on them in a heartbeat! She has given all this info up, so all I would have to do is stroke his ego to the utmost. And throw in a whole bunch of - "well, if I had a man like you, I would____." And say, I think your family is so warm and a whole bunch of other stuff. All he would need would be a moment of weakness.

Do you know how many affairs begin with a seemingly innocent comment of affirmation where the spouse has failed? Guard your marriages!
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Awesome thread! I'm taking notes for when I get married. :yep:
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

This is really important! Before I got married my grandma, mom and aunts all told me this. It is VERY important!

Whenever you talk ish about each other in public you are exposing the vulnerabilities of your marriage. A marriage should be like a military armory. Only select people are welcome, only during certain times for certain reasons, high-security and tough-screening. You wouldn't tell people what time the armory guards do a change in shift, hours when the armory is unmanned, the code to the safe...and as such should you treart your marriage.

I have an acquaintance who does this and I don't think we are close enough to talk about this. Maybe I'll muster the guts to bring it up to her. She is always talking about how DH mishandles finances :nono:, how he isn't clean:nono:, how he is immature:nono:, his family acts crazy, spoils their kids and their home is a mad house:nono:....I could go on and on. I see he doesn't like it either but he brushes it off.

You know what, she's lucky I am a principled woman, a married woman and a woman who has no interest in her man. I could run a number on them in a heartbeat! She has given all this info up, so all I would have to do is stroke his ego to the utmost. And throw in a whole bunch of - "well, if I had a man like you, I would____." And say, I think your family is so warm and a whole bunch of other stuff. All he would need would be a moment of weakness.

Do you know how many affairs begin with a seemingly innocent comment of affirmation where the spouse has failed? Guard your marriages!

True talk. Tahns for making this a sticky Allandra. I'm taking notes for when it happens for me.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

how often do you pray with your husbands in unison? everyday? only on Sundays? before bed?

(i ain't talking about blessing over some biscuits either :look:)

I can't say everyday because I'd be lying, I'd say a few times a week and in the mornings.