Married Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Laugh, be silly, be tender....stroke his ego, allow for mistakes. You are growing TOGETHER. Each day is a new day for the both of you. As the time goes by your needs and wants change. Acknowledge that, see to his needs and he will WANT to see to yours.

Let him be your baby. Let him baby you. Don't be so serious all the time.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

This is long and I could go on, but I think this is sufficient.

:think: Let me see what I have learned from my own experiences and from other women...

No marriage is a cake walk and for those women you meet who tell you that marriage is perfect and they have the perfect husband, be leery of listening to any advice they have to offer. Usually, the perfect ones have the most problems. Before you make the final decision to get married, remember, it is not a game of playing house and then you put the dolls away. Marriage is real and be sure you are ready to take your relationship seriously. It goes beyond the beautiful gown, the guests, and wedding gifts. Once the wedding and honeymoon is over, reality sets in. Again, before you make the decision to get married, make sure it is a challenge that you are willing to act on and accept.

ALWAYS STAY PRAYED UP!!! Annoint your home and your family. Always pray for him, yourself, and your children and ask God to show you how to be a good and loving wife and ask him to show you how to love him the way that he does.

Be supportive and respectful. Men need to feel like you have their back and are willing to nudge them when necessary. Always give them compliments. For some reason, men need their egos stroked. Sometimes you feel like you are talking to one of your children when you keep saying, "Good job honey, I'm so proud of you." They need positive affirmation.

Don't put your spouse down in front of people. For example, if he cannot follow directions, don't say, "X is such an idiot and cannot follow simple directions." Even if he is clueless about doing something, just build him up and don't tear him down. When you are alone, he will thank you for it and beam like a million stars.

Giving him respect is vital. That does not mean giving him a license to abuse you. Basically, you need to give him unconditional love and confront the bad behavior. Communicate respectfully! You will get farther in your relationship when you speak in a respectful versus angry tone. If you don't, he will shut you out.

Think before you speak. Everything does not deserve an argument. So what if he left his clothes strewn across the floor. Although it is hard for us not to sweat the small stuff, soon you will realize it is worth it in the end.

Choose your listening ears carefully. No matter how bad an argument went, it does not mean you need to share it will everyone. Yeah, we all need to vent at some point or another. Always align yourself with positive energy and positive friends who will give you the best advice. Remember, misery loves company. Keep your family out of your business. Long after you make up with your spouse, your mother or father may hold what he did to you against him.

Independence One of our biggest problems as women is that we can be too independent and think we don't need a man for everything. Men like that, but at the same time, they want to feel like you need them in your life. Sometimes we have to take a step back and let him do some things for us.

Don't get too comfortable. Look your best for your man. :gorgeous: Sometimes women think because they are married, they don't have to look their best most of the time. Yeah, we have some bad days but everyday is not your worst day. Remember, your man will see beautiful women at work, women who have taken the time to look great for the office. Then he leaves you in the morning and comes back that afternoon to see you looking unkempt. Ummmm.... Give him a great portrait to remember, because there is always someone prettier than you. No one is saying that you have to look like a model everyday you leave the house, but don't look like a dusty old wife. What you did to get him is what you need to continue doing to keep him.

If you do not learn anything else from this thread, do remember that, "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1:yep:

Great thread! Bumping!!!!
Mmmm, I ask this with all sincerity to the married with kids (or anyone that knows): Is there a such thing as a squeak free mattress/bed? If so, please share the name/brand (either here or PM).
The Girl put a fan or the radio on in the kids room:grin:

I haven't read this entire thread but one thing that I'm learning here going on 7 years is that things and people change. I recall getting VERY angry over things not because what I perceived to be an indescretion was detrimental to our relationship but because I envisioned having to live with that indescretion occuring over and over until my dying days. 1 - People don't always do the same things for their entire lives 2-Those things that people do that annoy you today may not very well annoy or bother you down the road.

Also having kids was good for me because it allowed me to take my over thinking ways and analysis off of our relationship....
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

THIS....Men just like peace.

--Be assertive: CONTROL was a big issue because in observing his dad (my FIL) as sweet as he was his dad just expects his wife to do what he says, and follow all of his advice and suggestions...I'm not like that. We bumped heads A LOT. I am very independent, I make good $$, and feel I have a say in how things should go. So we had to come to an agreement. We discussed our expectations and roles before marriage, and met in the middle. He doesn't like to be questioned...I learned he wasn't raised to discuss, just order. So it was a big adjustment for him...but for the better.

for the above, how did you get him to make this adjustment? I am not married (yet), but my bf and I are headed in this direction and this is a big issue for us. I feel as if he expects me or whoever his future wife is to just do as he says. How did you get your hubby to see its not always his way or the highway?
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

THIS....Men just like peace.

--Be assertive: CONTROL was a big issue because in observing his dad (my FIL) as sweet as he was his dad just expects his wife to do what he says, and follow all of his advice and suggestions...I'm not like that. We bumped heads A LOT. I am very independent, I make good $$, and feel I have a say in how things should go. So we had to come to an agreement. We discussed our expectations and roles before marriage, and met in the middle. He doesn't like to be questioned...I learned he wasn't raised to discuss, just order. So it was a big adjustment for him...but for the better.

for the above, how did you get him to make this adjustment? I am not married (yet), but my bf and I are headed in this direction and this is a big issue for us. I feel as if he expects me or whoever his future wife is to just do as he says. How did you get your hubby to see its not always his way or the highway?

Its an ongoing thing. We sat down a week before the wedding and had a discussion about his expectations. I asked him straight up...gently: Me: It seems like if you make a suggestion, you expect me to do it without deciding if I want to take your advice...Him: Well I didn't mean for you to think you have to do everything I say. Me: Well whenever I don't take your suggestion, you get angry....Him: Oh.

A lot of times they don't realize it. A good man doesn't want to really be a tyrant. He doesn't want to be bossy or seen as such. My DH and I work on this constantly. I remind him every time he does it THE MOMENT it HAPPENS. I no longer wait. We were with the in-laws this weekend and my MIL told me her hubby (my FIL) yelled at her once and said: I'm not eating xyz! (she's trying to get him to eat healthier...he wants to but doesn't want to be told, anyhoo)....My hubby has a moment too from time to time. He yelled at me once when i was dropping him off to work b/c he wanted to end a conversation. I ended it, but I told him how I felt. And I walked away. I didn't say another word about it...Sometimes silence speakes VOLUMES.... And I DIDN'T feel bad (I used to). One thing I know is that my DH knows I'll walk away. I also remind him that I am head over heels in love with him, but I have shown him in many ways that its nothing for me to move on. I don't care if I have 10 kids with him, I'll leave. When he pipes up and acts all caveman, I walk away. I am hurt, but I make sure I say my piece. He can do what he wants with it....By the end of the day we make up. We both admit wrongs, and move on. We've been together 13 years and married 5.

I say nip it in the bud now. Ask him his expectations of you. Sometimes just asking him straight up: If you give me advice am I suppose to follow it all the time even if I don't agree? Sometimes when you call them out on their behavior, you help them recognize their mannerisms....and if he is the man you need, he'll adjust. You decide if he is worth it.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Its an ongoing thing. We sat down a week before the wedding and had a discussion about his expectations. I asked him straight up...gently: Me: It seems like if you make a suggestion, you expect me to do it without deciding if I want to take your advice...Him: Well I didn't mean for you to think you have to do everything I say. Me: Well whenever I don't take your suggestion, you get angry....Him: Oh.

A lot of times they don't realize it. A good man doesn't want to really be a tyrant. He doesn't want to be bossy or seen as such. My DH and I work on this constantly. I remind him every time he does it THE MOMENT it HAPPENS. I no longer wait. We were with the in-laws this weekend and my MIL told me her hubby (my FIL) yelled at her once and said: I'm not eating xyz! (she's trying to get him to eat healthier...he wants to but doesn't want to be told, anyhoo)....My hubby has a moment too from time to time. He yelled at me once when i was dropping him off to work b/c he wanted to end a conversation. I ended it, but I told him how I felt. And I walked away. I didn't say another word about it...Sometimes silence speakes VOLUMES.... And I DIDN'T feel bad (I used to). One thing I know is that my DH knows I'll walk away. I also remind him that I am head over heels in love with him, but I have shown him in many ways that its nothing for me to move on. I don't care if I have 10 kids with him, I'll leave. When he pipes up and acts all caveman, I walk away. I am hurt, but I make sure I say my piece. He can do what he wants with it....By the end of the day we make up. We both admit wrongs, and move on. We've been together 13 years and married 5.

I say nip it in the bud now. Ask him his expectations of you. Sometimes just asking him straight up: If you give me advice am I suppose to follow it all the time even if I don't agree? Sometimes when you call them out on their behavior, you help them recognize their mannerisms....and if he is the man you need, he'll adjust. You decide if he is worth it.

naturalgyrl5199 thanks so much for this! He is always saying that I don't listen him and that drives me nuts! I do listen but if my opinion does not agree with his then I don't listen to him and I don't understand him. Sometimes I just be ready to throw my hands up and say forget it all together. I recognize that relationships are hard work and I am wondering if our head butting is just part of growing and still learning each other. We have been together almost 2 yrs now, and we are definitely out of the "new relationship, oh everything is so perfect phase". We have our ups and downs, more ups then downs, but when down its the worst feeling, but we can usually turn our ship around. But like you said, I need to decide if he is worth it.
The biggest thing I would tell someone is to follow your gut. If you break up with your boyfriend before you get married, then that same issue(for why you broke up), is going to hurt your marriage if you decided to go through with it. I was stupid and didn't heed that advice. My husband flew off the handle one day before we were married just because I told him I wanted to be alone for the weekend. I was pms'ng and didn't want to be bothered. This was our first argument and my big red flag. He flew off the handle, called me all kinds of names and I broke up with him. He waited 3 days and then called, begged, and cried his way back. Today, 3 yrs later, I have found that he has a quick temper and argues all the time. He wants things his way or no way. He is selfish... I saw it with our first big argument but I didn't heed it...
It's been said already but bears repeating, do not let everyone into your personal business. A little bit of knowledge can be used against you. If you have a marital problem, do not discuss it with anyone but your closet confidant, your pastor or your therapist.

I personally know too much about a marriage because the woman is always telling all the details about her husband's sexual issues and she is not even my friend at all, don't really know her. Her husband recently left her because he figures she will eventually cheat since he can't perform. Well, I agree with him since she is so openly telling people about his sexual problem. I would not be surprised if he really left her to be with one of her friends or coworkers since they probably all know too much which means they know what to say & do to lure him away from his wife.
A lot of times you will see red flags and try to convince yourselves that they may be yellow, and that you can deal.... The owner of the flag may even try to convince you that he will fix it, burn it, i.e. do better/change. You say to yourself I have some pesky red flag flaws too or, I'm tired of running and giving up on folks when the going gets rough. So you stay and work at fixing yourselves and each other.

Alls I'm sayin' is if something pops up red, see it for what it is RED And deal accordingly.
Re: Marreid Ladies: What issues did you have in the early years of your marriage?

Don't force him to communicate. That was very hard for me. When I wanted to talk, we HAD to talk RIGHT THEN! He didn't take too kindly to that. If a man tells you to leave it alone, leave it alone for awhile. He's probably trying to keep from choking you.:lachen:

THIS! Was one of my hardest learned lessons. I only recently learned the value of it. I have the ability to be calm and rational at the drop of a dime, he needs a moment. I did not respect that for a long time.
This is very helpful. I need to insert some self improvement. I will subscribe to this thread that I have read every one of!!! Single, divorced, mother of one, independent, christian, not in a relationship. Learning!!
I'm still new and am subscribing.

We have had problems but I'm learning that no matter who is technically at fault, as wives (only because I'm not a man and can't speak for them) we have to learn how we contributed to the problem and fix our own issues first. Then change comes.
I didn't pay attention to how easily he could lie and hide things from me. He was very secretive, but yet expected me to be an open book. He was also still talking to other women and god knows what else. I went into big time denial-didn't want to face the fact that I had married the wrong person.
I have a question. What is the difference between a girlfriends role and a wife's role? Can someone like break it down. I know as a gf im not supposed to clean cook etc but how far do i take that and what is my job as a gf to be a supportive friend that he has sex with? I know I may sound silly but in my defense I'm young!!! lol (22)

Bumpig this question. How do you let the man see that you are wife material without doing all the wifey things?
Bumpig this question. How do you let the man see that you are wife material without doing all the wifey things?

IMO, a man should be able to see that you are wife material by watching you live your life and interact with other people. A girlfriend's job is to be fun, encouraging, well put together, and that's about it. You don't need to cook for him (except on occasion), clean his house, or do his laundry. If you do those things for yourself, then he knows you're capable.
Silly arguements about nothing. Now I know him in and out so I can avoid a fight or end it quickly. We are so much alike which can be frustrating at times. We cant both be right lol
Been married almost 12 years. Hardest thing? Sexpectations. His stayed the same, mine went down, especially after our daughter was born. He appears understanding, but in the back of my mind, I wonder. Mostly because I know I could/should be doing more, but just don't want to, to be honest. Still attracted to him, definitely love him, but....
I just read this whole thread. I'm getting married later this year and I just started premarital counseling. I'm thankful for all the tips you ladies shared.