Married ladies- What do you miss about being single?


New Member
I was reading dlewis' thread about what are 5 or more great things about being married (this thread is BEAUTIFUL)..and someone said sometimes they miss being single but the payoff of marriage is nice....

im 19 and not yet married...and i cant imagine missing the single life...i mean i dont date at all now so i no i wont miss that or the idea of being with other dudes.....

the only thing i can imagine is missing not having as many responsibilties...but other than that...cant think of anything i would miss...

how about you married you miss single life sometimes? what about it exactly?
I went out more when I was single. I am much more outgoing than DH so now that I am married I have to consciously make an effort to continue to be outgoing.

He is getting better at trying new things and he doesn't care if I go out with my friends to do things that I enjoy.
oh boy where do i start? well i miss the freedom, i miss the spontaniety, i miss partying, i miss hanging with the girls all the time and i miss the excitment of new dates :yep: .
Well would you trade the freedom, spontaneity, partying, and homebody time for singledom? (I'm not married just curious).
I miss the variety, 'coloring', partying, not dealing with in-laws.

That is a hard question sky blu. I wouldn't trade anything but dealing with the ILs.
I miss the variety, 'coloring', partying, not dealing with in-laws.

That is a hard question sky blu. I wouldn't trade anything but dealing with the ILs.

Note to self: 'color' more and party hard while I can!
Wow! That's a good question. I'll be absolutely honest: I don't miss one thing about being single. I did my share of partying and hanging out in my single days and none of that compares to the fulfillment of living each day with a man who truly loves you, who honors you as God commanded, who shares your joys and your tears, you accomplishments and your struggles. That's not to say that marriage isn't without its challenges, but I'll tell you this: when you allow God to place a man in your life -- a man who desires to live his life for God and in turn, desires to love you the way God commanded -- the fulfillment of that bond is more than enough to replace the things you think you'll miss in being single.
Sometimes I miss just thinking about me. Shopping just for me without thinking oh dd needs tights. Getting take out from a favorite restaurant without needing to call and see what everyone else wants, lol. But that's about it. I was never a partier, never really enjoyed hanging out a lot with a group of ladies and what not. I'm a homebody, I'm happiest hugged at home with my family.
I don't really miss anything. I truly enjoyed being single and didn't really plan to get married every. But I truly enjoy being married as well. Certain things like taking care of my apt. and cooking for only myself were easier but I wouldn't trade it for my wonderfuly hubby! I didn't enjoy dating much and I still can hang out w/my girls. And now I actually have live-in hang out buddy. WHen i want to go to the movies or something he's right here to go w/me!
Wow! That's a good question. I'll be absolutely honest: I don't miss one thing about being single. I did my share of partying and hanging out in my single days and none of that compares to the fulfillment of living each day with a man who truly loves you, who honors you as God commanded, who shares your joys and your tears, you accomplishments and your struggles. That's not to say that marriage isn't without its challenges, but I'll tell you this: when you allow God to place a man in your life -- a man who desires to live his life for God and in turn, desires to love you the way God commanded -- the fulfillment of that bond is more than enough to replace the things you think you'll miss in being single.

and that ladies and how i imagine it to

thank u so much for that post neenzmj
Sometimes I miss being alone, especially now that I am married with kids. When I was single I was able to think about myself more and do more things for myself. I also miss being able to just let my hair down. What I mean by that is kicking back, wearing whatever I want, with a conditioner cap on my hair and watching tv while drinking wine coolers lol. Now that I am married I TRY to make sure I am not looking like an old hag LOL.
I like being married too, but when I was single I only had to worry about myself, especially with business stuff, and laundry has quadrupled, white tees and boxers, white tees and boxers:wallbash: he wears them under his dress shirts lol!!!!

oh and were both the only children and i was very spoiled as a child.....and adult so i'm use to having my little treats around, he is always in my treats, that is hard to adjust to because i never had to share with anyone, even my Mom knew my little snacks and stuff were MINE, MINE MINE! :lachen:

Yes i'm still a little girl inside lol! hate having to share certain stuff. I know my rant is petty but just wanted to get it off my chest.

all the freedom stuff i'm not missing or the partying or dating because if we want we'll go out together.....even though he falls asleep at clubs he only just turned 30. i have always liked being in the house anyways and we do it together fighting over the tv :).

i really like being with him everyday. the things posted above are just things that i'm adjusting to, we have been married a yr and change now so still adjusting to the sharing part because that is something i have't had to do ever til now.

we don't have kids yet, so i can't wait to see how much worse the laundry can get in a week with children.
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Nothing, i really love being with my hubby. He is my best friend, so living with him is like a party. I wonder more so how things will change when kids come along really.
I miss the passion, the earth-shattering sex, and the spontaneity. I love my husband, but if I had t do it all over again I can't say that he'd be the one.
Umm, I don't miss much except for having my own bed to sleep in, DH drives me up the wall with his erratic sleep patterns and excessive snoring. :perplexed Other than that, we are still the same people, and I still do the things I did for the most part before marriage. Not really much to miss for me. I am still a free spirit.