Married Ladies- What are Your Thoughts on This Letter?

I'm not married but sounds like he is letting you down easy and ready to go separate ways. He has love for you but feels the differences y'all have are too much to overcome.

I would move on. Read the last line of the letter a few times.
I was thinking the same thing after reading the letter for the 100th time!

I admit that I do hate to move on. But I will. I was thinking I could just go away silently. . . not answer e-mails or calls. To make it easier for me and hopefully easier for him too.
Wow, he blows up at you and instead of trying to sincerely apologize and make things better, he decides to focus on your differences and the possibility of breaking up. Honestly, as I read the letter, I kept thinking "f him" lol literally that's what I was thinking.
Thanks hopeful! My younger sister (who, like you is married to a very successful man and doesn't have to work) told me to never communicate with him again, move on, and just consider him a friend.

I'll take the advice this time and stop being hard headed!
Basically, the letter was from a man I was dating that I have known for a long time. In it, he uses 1000 words to express this: I love you, I care for you, but we have too many differences and are not compatible. I told him I agree and to have a nice life. He wrote back that I mean the world to him and he never loved anyone as much but will let me go if that's what I want.

I really had feelings for him. I posted the letter because I don't have much experience with men, and my parents, although married for 40+ years, were not the best role models. So, I posted here for guidance from people who know better than I do and could tell me if they thought he was being sincere or just being manipulative. I deleted it because I felt stupid for believing him in the first place.

I hope this helps someone.
No need to consider him a friend. I am sure you have friends that love and care for you in the way you deserve to be treated. "Friends" is a nice catch all for the upheaval he'll continue to cause in your life. No contact = no new hurts.
As women it is ok to feel hurt. All that matters is how you handle it from this point on. For now focus on you and making you feel good. You need to cut all contact with him and keep it moving. Men like that use the words "I have never loved anyone as much as I loved you" to keep you hooked. That way you stay unsure of yourself and try to hang on. By playing his game you are now under his control emotionally because the love you seek is what he is dangling in front of you like a carrot on a string. Move on find someone who will treat you the way you deserve. This fool is a loser don't waist your time and your love. I know it will be hard but a swift clean cut is needed here. (((HUGZ)))

Basically, the letter was from a man I was dating that I have known for a long time. In it, he uses 1000 words to express this: I love you, I care for you, but we have too many differences and are not compatible. I told him I agree and to have a nice life. He wrote back that I mean the world to him and he never loved anyone as much but will let me go if that's what I want.

I really had feelings for him. I posted the letter because I don't have much experience with men, and my parents, although married for 40+ years, were not the best role models. So, I posted here for guidance from people who know better than I do and could tell me if they thought he was being sincere or just being manipulative. I deleted it because I felt stupid for believing him in the first place.

I hope this helps someone.