Married ladies how would you feel...


Well-Known Member
Your husband lied about how much money he actually won?

I was recently at a conference for a non-profit organization which is currently in the red for the year. We have a 50-50 raffle that we hold during the conference to raise money. 50% goes to the winner, 50% goes back to the organization. Well an acquaintance of mine won this year. The pot was at $1000, so my friend won $500. Immediately after his number was drawn, and after his hilarious victory behavior, he told the chairman to take half his winners and give it back to the organization. After dinner, he told us that he told his wife that he "won" $250.


I'm not married, but this would make me angry. How would you feel if your husband donated $250 without telling you? Mind you, his wife supported him when he was unemployed for 15 months and this conference is not cheap.

Ok.... I'm not looking for any fights here. So let's keep this civil.
The lie makes absolutely no sense to me. Why not just ask to donate half of the winnings? I would be upset because it was a dumb lie.
I would presume he felt we needed the tax write off since we donate more than that to Breast Cancer and Alzheimer through friends doing various walks. Or I'd guess he was trying to schmooze with the chairman by being a team player and donating more to the non-profit since they were in the red for the year. It might be a strategic move and not something he won't tell his wife as soon as he gets home. Or he could by lying to all of you and he told his wife the truth.

DH wouldn't do something like that without giving it some consideration so I wouldn't be angry, at least not until I got the full story and then if it didn't make sense I'd be angry. DH would get to the bathroom and call to give me the details....or if he couldn't get away he'd call to tell me the real scoop from the car.

It's not like he gave away household money though, since it was technically "found" money.
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I wouldn't be angry. He won the money, he gave it to a good cause, and it wasn't an amount that I assume would not have had a huge impact on their finances (I'm assuming that if it would that he would have kept it).

DH plays in the football fantasy pools every year...I never ask him if he wins.
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This is nothing to really be upset about. You have to really pick and choose your battles. He won the money so that's $250 that they didn't have to begin with. I would be happy that I had such a giving and considerate husband.

I'm not sure what him being unemployed for 15 months has to do with this and would hope that the wife didn't use this situation as a chance to remind her husband of when he was down and out. I'm mean they are married, and supporting a spouse during tough financial times without the expectation of being paid back is what you're supposed to do right?
This is nothing to really be upset about. You have to really pick and choose your battles. He won the money so that's $250 that they didn't have to begin with. I would be happy that I had such a giving and considerate husband.

I'm not sure what him being unemployed for 15 months has to do with this and would hope that the wife didn't use this situation as a chance to remind her husband of when he was down and out. I'm mean they are married, and supporting a spouse during tough financial times without the expectation of being paid back is what you're supposed to do right?

I like your response. I very much agree
This is nothing to really be upset about. You have to really pick and choose your battles. He won the money so that's $250 that they didn't have to begin with. I would be happy that I had such a giving and considerate husband.

I'm not sure what him being unemployed for 15 months has to do with this and would hope that the wife didn't use this situation as a chance to remind her husband of when he was down and out. I'm mean they are married, and supporting a spouse during tough financial times without the expectation of being paid back is what you're supposed to do right?

Would not be a big deal to me.
Agreed and agreed.

I don't see what the big deal is, either? Angry? Nope.
I wouldn't be mad about $250.

Now if the situation was like that movie where the dude gave half of his lotto winnings ($2 million) to a waitress, THAT would be a problem.
I would be more angry that he felt the need to lie to me over some silly ish. The fact that he donated the money wouldn't be the issue. If he would lie to me over something as trivial as this, it would make me wonder what else he would lie to me about.
I had to read it twice, because at first I thought he kept the whole 500 and lied to his wife by saying he only won 250. Now that would have had me pissed :lol:. But since he donated the other half, I wouldn't have cared. He probably explained to her why he did it once they got home :yep:.
Lying is the issue. The fact a lie was told to me while others know the truth would be a problem.

That's what would bother me. The lying. If he wanted to donate half, I'm cool (unless we were in dire financial straits and needed that 250). But why you gotsta lie Craig?
Maybe he didn't view it as a lie. Since he gave half of the winnings back to the charity, he only 'won' $250 and gave her the short and dirty version of the story. When he gets home, he may be planning on telling her the full story.
I don't see the big deal. Maybe he didn't tell the wife because she is not as generous as he and he didn't want an argument? Who knows.
He kinda tarnished a good deed with the lie to his wife. If he told me he did that I wouldn't be upset but if I found out I wouldn't be impressed that he'd lied. (Not married but answered anyway :))
I wouldn't care. It's not enough money for me to care. I seriously doubt people can spend an entire lifetime together and never tell a lie. Even lies like, "No, this dress isn't new. I've had it for a year." "Dinner was great. No, the roast wasn't dry." "Of course I wouldn't mind if you gained 85lbs."
It's not like he brought home $500, hid $250 in a shoe box under the bed, and only told her about the other $250. What this man did wouldn't have bothered me at all.