Married Ladies, Are you Happier Now than when you were Single?

Are you happier now that you are married?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 16 36.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hi, based on the responses from single members in a previous thread, I thought it would be best to let the married women drop some knowledge.

So, please divulge everything that some single girls want to know.

Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not?

Secondary questions, how long have you been married?

What is your age?

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)?

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness?

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying?

Thanks so much :)
Hi, based on the responses from single members in a previous thread, I thought it would be best to let the married women drop some knowledge.

So, please divulge everything that some single girls want to know.

Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not? I've always felt complete with myself, even before marriage. I didn't need my husband for that. I had happy days and not so happy days single, and I have happy days and not so happy days being married; that's due to life. I am happy to have a companion in my life to share my life with, and to have someone that has to same goals that I have in life.

Secondary questions, how long have you been married? I've been married for over 16 years.

What is your age? I'll be 45 in June

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)? I wasn't really looking for marriage, but when I got to know DH better and loved the kind of guy that he was, I thought about it more, and after a few years of dating we were both ready for the commitment.

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness? Yes we have 2 girls, and they are not here for our happiness, but we are happy with them, and for the most part they bring us lots of joy, and we're very glad they are here.

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying? I can't think of any advice that I could tell my single self, it's been so long:lachen:.

Thanks so much :)
You're welcome:yep:
Good thread - can't wait to hear more...especially from the ladies who were waiting a while and had it finally happen...wondering if it was everything they expected.
Hi, based on the responses from single members in a previous thread, I thought it would be best to let the married women drop some knowledge.

So, please divulge everything that some single girls want to know.

Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not? I felt just as happy and complete as a single woman. I was happy single and I am happy married.

Secondary questions, how long have you been married? Three years

What is your age? 27

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)? Career oriented and I didn't want to get married.

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness? I am having a baby any day now and she will add to our happiness. I also didn't want children but I love my baby so much already and she isn't even here yet :kiss:

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying? Not really, I am not one to have regrets. I feel grateful and happy about every experience that I have had in life.

Thanks so much :)

I voted NO but not because I was happier single but because I was just as happy being single as I am being married.
Hi, based on the responses from single members in a previous thread, I thought it would be best to let the married women drop some knowledge.

So, please divulge everything that some single girls want to know.

Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not? I don't remember being single!

Secondary questions, how long have you been married? 32 years

What is your age? 50

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)? Didn't want to get married and showed up 2 hours late to the court house. Got married because it was the 2nd time I had stood him up at the court house. EXTREMELY Career-Minded!

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness? No. Kids do not add to happiness, but I'm told grandkids will:grin:

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying? Yep, meet his parents, siblings....if you don't like, run.

Thanks so much :)

I'm advising my kids to be married at least 5 years before having children, also don't be pressured to have kids......however if they would to inherit the few pennies I have....SOMEBODY better start producing my grandchild any moment now!
Hi, based on the responses from single members in a previous thread, I thought it would be best to let the married women drop some knowledge.

So, please divulge everything that some single girls want to know.

Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not? I never felt incomplete as a single woman. My husband definitely enhances me. My happiness as a married woman is due to having a wonderful husband that fulfills all of my expectations, desires and needs. As a single woman, my happiness revolved more around living life for me only. In summary, I found happiness in single life and married life. The happiness isn't the same to me.

Secondary questions, how long have you been married? Forever and a day!

What is your age? :look:

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)? Marriage was simply not a priority for me and the furthest thing from my mind. I was very career oriented.

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness? Yes. Some days they add to my happiness and some days they are stress causing beings that slightly take away from it for a brief moment.

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying? Not really. I'd say that it all worked out well and I am happy.

Thanks so much :)

Good thread.
I voted NO but not because I was happier single but because I was just as happy being single as I am being married.

Oh my, and you're about to have a baby girl. So you were happy as a single girl and weren't even looking to get married. I love hearing stories like that. So your guy came as an unexpected extra gift. That's so sweet. :)
I'm advising my kids to be married at least 5 years before having children, also don't be pressured to have kids......however if they would to inherit the few pennies I have....SOMEBODY better start producing my grandchild any moment now!

Hold up, Ebonybee, you were married at 18?! (if my math is correct)

Goodness, gracious, you really can't remember being single! LOL

And your advice is good, but now you have me wondering why wait 5 years to have kids? Are they that much of a hassle or disruption for the marriage? If I ever marry and have kids, I don't think I'd want to wait longer than 2 years. :)
Aw, thanks so much for sharing and you sound unbelievably level-headed.

You mentioned being happy with yourself even before marriage, what helped feel so secure and self-confident? :)

Truthfully I really don't know. I did know that I didn't want a marriage like my parents:nono:. I knew that if I had to have a marriage like theirs, then I'd rather be alone. I convinced myself very early on (through self-talks) that I deserved to be treated wonderfully by a man.

I was always content with myself, kinda of a loner and never had a lot of friends, just a few very close friends and I was satisfied.

I was also kinda a late bloomer when it came to dating. I didn't have my first SO until I was 23 years old. I didn't have the desire to date in high school or college, I was more focused on my education, so I went those years without a boyfriend.

The offers were there, but they just didn't have or give me what I felt I was looking for, so I never wasted their time and I moved on, oftentimes after a few conversations or dates when I realized, they were not the one. I'm not trying to brag, but I've had several young men, when I was younger, cry (literally) and beg me to give them a chance and I didn't fall for it and thought to myself that they were psychos. I couldn't understand how a young man could actually want someone who hadn't even given them so much as a kiss, and cry, begging them for a chance. It didn't make sense to me.

So when I was dating DH everything he said to me was appealing, everything he did for me was awesome, and what he was planning for in life sounded really good to me and I wanted to be a part of it.
Hi all!

1)Prior to marriage, I felt that marriage would complete me. I quickly learned that marriage does not complete you. If you are not complete or feel whole prior to marriage, being married only enhances what you already are both good & bad. Marriage requires two whole people to make it work.I am happier being married and would not want to be single again. The reasons vary from simple things like not having to carry groceries in the house by myself or kill spiders to having someone to share everything with, my husband is my best friend.

2)I've been married 2 1/2 years. we dated for six prior to that & called off two engagments. we both knew when the time was finally right.

3) i'm 28 years old.

4) my mindset prior to marriage was that I wanted to get married and I wanted to have children. I didn't get caught up in my desire too much, but there were moments when I did get discouraged and had to have a few conversations with the Lord. I was a combination being both career & family oriented with family being my priority. To me, the family life trumps the career. Right now, i'm delaying going into managment at my job for the sake of our family life. the opportunity to go into management and climb the corporate ladder will still be there when my kids are a little older, but when I'm older it won't be as easy for me to have kids. I would recommend those who are single to accomplish as much as they can before marriage/kids.

5)we do have children and of course they add to our happiness. I'm sure we would be happy without them, but they do add an element that only kids can bring to a home. However, we do look forward to those moments we get without them!

6)any advice i wish i could have told myself prior to marriage:yep, marriage is not like what you see on tv and it is not a fairytale. It is a real committment that requires two mature adults to participate. It has it's ups and downs. no marriage is alike & take the time to find out what you're getting into & what each of your roles will be. The last thing is- i wish someone would have told me: you have your whole life to be married, you will only be single for a little while. It's similar to childhood, as a child you want to grow up soooooo bad and just be 16 or 21 and when you look back you realize how quickly that time went by. It's good to just enjoy your life for what it is & where you are right now and the same theory applies for marriage.
Hi, based on the responses from single members in a previous thread, I thought it would be best to let the married women drop some knowledge.

So, please divulge everything that some single girls want to know.

Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not?

I was overjoyed when I was single. I am very happy being married now.

Secondary questions, how long have you been married? 10 years in July

What is your age? 36 in June

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)?

I wanted to be married.

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness? I have kids and they add to my happiest for the most part.

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying?

Wait. Nooo.....WAIT!!

Thanks so much :)

You are welcome
Hold up, Ebonybee, you were married at 18?! (if my math is correct)

Goodness, gracious, you really can't remember being single! LOL

And your advice is good, but now you have me wondering why wait 5 years to have kids? Are they that much of a hassle or disruption for the marriage? If I ever marry and have kids, I don't think I'd want to wait longer than 2 years. :)

Yep, you get an A+ in math! I think there is a period of time needed for the couple to really make the adjustment into married life.

The first year is about sex, and sex, and sex--no time for kids.

The second year is till euphoric-but you are slowly merging external influences into married life such as friends and family.--Better wait and see how the influences play out.

Third year- The idiosyncrasies that you have ignored are now in full view. You discover that he flosses his teeth for 40 minutes outside the bathroom and it drives you up the wall! The armour is getting a little less shiny--better wait!

Year four--Marriage may not be meeting your expectations....You're accustomed to sex, parents, friends, but he's not the CEO of Microsoft like you expected him to be!

Year Five-You discover he IS everything you really want him to be. He stood by you and brought you soup through menstrual cramps, loves your favorite person in the world (your grandmother), really is a good financial planner(the two of you have one joint bank account) and has handled job reversal (either) or reversal in fortune well. He has a general positive outlook on life and can still make you laugh!
Truthfully I really don't know. I did know that I didn't want a marriage like my parents:nono:. I knew that if I had to have a marriage like theirs, then I'd rather be alone. I convinced myself very early on (through self-talks) that I deserved to be treated wonderfully by a man.

I was always content with myself, kinda of a loner and never had a lot of friends, just a few very close friends and I was satisfied.

I was also kinda a late bloomer when it came to dating. I didn't have my first SO until I was 23 years old. I didn't have the desire to date in high school or college, I was more focused on my education, so I went those years without a boyfriend.

The offers were there, but they just didn't have or give me what I felt I was looking for, so I never wasted their time and I moved on, oftentimes after a few conversations or dates when I realized, they were not the one. I'm not trying to brag, but I've had several young men, when I was younger, cry (literally) and beg me to give them a chance and I didn't fall for it and thought to myself that they were psychos. I couldn't understand how a young man could actually want someone who hadn't even given them so much as a kiss, and cry, begging them for a chance. It didn't make sense to me.

So when I was dating DH everything he said to me was appealing, everything he did for me was awesome, and what he was planning for in life sounded really good to me and I wanted to be a part of it.

Wow. I'm not married yet but I could have written the bolded parts. Interesting.
I voted no. It's a different kind of happiness being married.

My advice: if you love doing what you want to do when you want to do it and you will be miserable if that changes, wait for marriage and do NOT have kids. :drunk:
Truthfully I really don't know. I did know that I didn't want a marriage like my parents:nono:. I knew that if I had to have a marriage like theirs, then I'd rather be alone. I convinced myself very early on (through self-talks) that I deserved to be treated wonderfully by a man.

I was always content with myself, kinda of a loner and never had a lot of friends, just a few very close friends and I was satisfied.

I was also kinda a late bloomer when it came to dating. I didn't have my first SO until I was 23 years old. I didn't have the desire to date in high school or college, I was more focused on my education, so I went those years without a boyfriend.

The offers were there, but they just didn't have or give me what I felt I was looking for, so I never wasted their time and I moved on, oftentimes after a few conversations or dates when I realized, they were not the one. I'm not trying to brag, but I've had several young men, when I was younger, cry (literally) and beg me to give them a chance and I didn't fall for it and thought to myself that they were psychos. I couldn't understand how a young man could actually want someone who hadn't even given them so much as a kiss, and cry, begging them for a chance. It didn't make sense to me.

So when I was dating DH everything he said to me was appealing, everything he did for me was awesome, and what he was planning for in life sounded really good to me and I wanted to be a part of it.

HoneyCOmb, I'm sorry to hear about your parents' relationship, but it is amazing how you used that experience to strengthen your resolve not to settle for less than you deserve. You are an inspiration.

Hmm, I am a late bloomer too when it comes to dating since my parents were/are strict and didn't want me to date until I finished my doctorate. Now that I'm completely edumacated, they want grandkids and are wondering what the hold up is. lmao

I have never had a serious relationship. I really didn't start dating until 24, but I never met anyone worth taking seriously. So now, 4 years later, without excuses I feel a little gun-shy at the idea of being serious with someone who just might leave me broken-hearted. However, I like/love the idea of marriage but don't like the risk of being hurt in a relationship.

I date frequently and have no problem attracting "quality" men, I just don't know what to do with them after 2 months. I have yet to meet a real celibate Christian brother, so I can't seem to offer them anything beyond that time frame.

You mentioned that your husband just seemed to say everything that was appealing to you and that's the way one of the guys I am currently dating for 3 weeks is like. It's just that I need more time before I can trust him. However, he mentioned his parents coming to visit and if he hides them from me, then I can rest assured he is not seriously feeling me, otherwise, I have to open up to the possibility of trusting him. :)
HoneyCOmb, I'm sorry to hear about your parents' relationship, but it is amazing how you used that experience to strengthen your resolve not to settle for less than you deserve. You are an inspiration.

Hmm, I am a late bloomer too when it comes to dating since my parents were/are strict and didn't want me to date until I finished my doctorate. Now that I'm completely edumacated, they want grandkids and are wondering what the hold up is. lmao

I have never had a serious relationship. I really didn't start dating until 24, but I never met anyone worth taking seriously. So now, 4 years later, without excuses I feel a little gun-shy at the idea of being serious with someone who just might leave me broken-hearted. However, I like/love the idea of marriage but don't like the risk of being hurt in a relationship.

I date frequently and have no problem attracting "quality" men, I just don't know what to do with them after 2 months. I have yet to meet a real celibate Christian brother, so I can't seem to offer them anything beyond that time frame.

You mentioned that your husband just seemed to say everything that was appealing to you and that's the way one of the guys I am currently dating for 3 weeks is like. It's just that I need more time before I can trust him. However, he mentioned his parents coming to visit and if he hides them from me, then I can rest assured he is not seriously feeling me, otherwise, I have to open up to the possibility of trusting him. :)

I really hope it works out for you:yep:, that sounds wonderful!!! By a certain age you know what you want and when you come across a guy that is "talking your talk" without him really knowing what you want, it's magnetic.

I am a believer in good things can come to those who wait and not rush into a relationship, just for the sake of being in one.
Hi all!

1)Prior to marriage, I felt that marriage would complete me. I quickly learned that marriage does not complete you. If you are not complete or feel whole prior to marriage, being married only enhances what you already are both good & bad. Marriage requires two whole people to make it work.I am happier being married and would not want to be single again. The reasons vary from simple things like not having to carry groceries in the house by myself or kill spiders to having someone to share everything with, my husband is my best friend.

2)I've been married 2 1/2 years. we dated for six prior to that & called off two engagments. we both knew when the time was finally right.

3) i'm 28 years old.

4) my mindset prior to marriage was that I wanted to get married and I wanted to have children. I didn't get caught up in my desire too much, but there were moments when I did get discouraged and had to have a few conversations with the Lord. I was a combination being both career & family oriented with family being my priority. To me, the family life trumps the career. Right now, i'm delaying going into managment at my job for the sake of our family life. the opportunity to go into management and climb the corporate ladder will still be there when my kids are a little older, but when I'm older it won't be as easy for me to have kids. I would recommend those who are single to accomplish as much as they can before marriage/kids.

5)we do have children and of course they add to our happiness. I'm sure we would be happy without them, but they do add an element that only kids can bring to a home. However, we do look forward to those moments we get without them!

6)any advice i wish i could have told myself prior to marriage:yep, marriage is not like what you see on tv and it is not a fairytale. It is a real committment that requires two mature adults to participate. It has it's ups and downs. no marriage is alike & take the time to find out what you're getting into & what each of your roles will be. The last thing is- i wish someone would have told me: you have your whole life to be married, you will only be single for a little while. It's similar to childhood, as a child you want to grow up soooooo bad and just be 16 or 21 and when you look back you realize how quickly that time went by. It's good to just enjoy your life for what it is & where you are right now and the same theory applies for marriage.

Rainofglory, thanks so freaking much for your input. I especially love that we are the same age. Shoutout to all of the 28 year olds!!! ;)

Back on topic, I try not to think about how marriage can enhance both the good and bad. I grew up just thinking it would make the good better, but really, marriage just intensifies what's already there.

I think your admonishment for us all to enjoy life for where we are right now is so important. We really do have our whole lives to be married and should focus on accomplishing our career goals while single because it will be that much more difficult when our marriage/motherhood responsibilities come into play.
Hi, based on the responses from single members in a previous thread, I thought it would be best to let the married women drop some knowledge.

So, please divulge everything that some single girls want to know.

Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not? i am not happier... but i do feel complete. i was pretty happy to begin with (in my own little world).

Secondary questions, how long have you been married? 15 years

What is your age? 36

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)? i always wanted to marry. i did think i would be more mature if i married - but my maturity came with the children. i wanted it all, family and career; but i wanted to keep my children "safe" so i became a shm. this decision worked out well - my middle has autism, and needed lots of help.

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness? 3 kids - they give me joy at times, but do not make me happy.

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying? don't look toward the future (people or circumstances) to fufill your happiness; practice your happiness now- so you can stay happy when other things are added to your life. also - please find ways to make/keep yourself peaceful when things are rough.

Thanks so much :)
you're welcome
Yep, you get an A+ in math! I think there is a period of time needed for the couple to really make the adjustment into married life.

The first year is about sex, and sex, and sex--no time for kids.

The second year is till euphoric-but you are slowly merging external influences into married life such as friends and family.--Better wait and see how the influences play out.

Third year- The idiosyncrasies that you have ignored are now in full view. You discover that he flosses his teeth for 40 minutes outside the bathroom and it drives you up the wall! The armour is getting a little less shiny--better wait!

Year four--Marriage may not be meeting your expectations....You're accustomed to sex, parents, friends, but he's not the CEO of Microsoft like you expected him to be!

Year Five-You discover he IS everything you really want him to be. He stood by you and brought you soup through menstrual cramps, loves your favorite person in the world (your grandmother), really is a good financial planner(the two of you have one joint bank account) and has handled job reversal (either) or reversal in fortune well. He has a general positive outlook on life and can still make you laugh!

Ebonybee, you are hilarious and I am so glad you finally brought up sex. I was going to say something, but I was holding out hope one of you would first.

Sex to me would be the best part of marriage and you were the only married lady to mention it. And not just for those previous virgins/celibates, I would think that married sex would be even better than engaged/dating sex.

So give it 5 years, and then you can anticipate being comfortable in your marriage? That sounds good. :)
I voted no. It's a different kind of happiness being married.

My advice: if you love doing what you want to do when you want to do it and you will be miserable if that changes, wait for marriage and do NOT have kids. :drunk:

LOL I almost hate to ask how many precious lil' rascals do you have? :)
Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not? I didn't feel incomplete as a single woman, and I was happy, single, too. I'm still happy - but it's a different kind of happiness. My calendar has quotes for every month, and this month's quote is just perfect to explain what I mean:

The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mood of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change it's form ... happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.

Secondary questions, how long have you been married? 5 years

What is your age? 32

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)?
Never planned on getting married - didn't think I would ever find someone I would be willing to bind myself to for the rest of my life. I plan on that being a very, very long time, ya know? ;)

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness? No children.

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying? Don't be afraid of change and growth - you are strong enough, selfish enough, and wise enough to retain your sense of self - even as that self changes and grows.
Hi, based on the responses from single members in a previous thread, I thought it would be best to let the married women drop some knowledge.

So, please divulge everything that some single girls want to know.

Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not?

Secondary questions, how long have you been married?

What is your age?

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)?

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness?

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying?

Thanks so much :)

I am definitely happier now than I was when I was single. I love having a loving, sincere relationship with someone who adores me.

When I was single, dating different men, it really meant nothing. There was no consistency, nothing I could depend on, doubts, insecurities..... I had a lot of fun dating around, but when all is said and done, fun just doesn't cut it after a while.

I've been married for over 8 years. I'm 39.

I am actually more career minded now than I was when I was single, and I owe that to DH. He's extremely focused and driven, and he encourages me to achieve more. He supports my endeavors and lets me know when I need to let something go.

We both had kids prior to marrying each other.

If there is one piece of advice I would want to give, it would be to make sure you have formed a bond with his kids and vice versa (if children are involved) before marrying him, because blended families are extremely hard to deal with.

If it wasn't for the love he and I share, we both probably would have been gone a long time ago because of our bratty kids. But we persevered, and they are out of the house now, so we are getting back to loving each other with no interruptions.:yep:

The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mood of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change it's form ... happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.

Thanks, JustKiya. I really like that quote. If it were shorter, I'd even try to remember it! ;)
Thanks, JustKiya. I really like that quote. If it were shorter, I'd even try to remember it! ;)

You're welcome!! Try to just remember the last bit:

"Happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up."

That seems to be the essential/heart of it, to me. :yep:
You're welcome!! Try to just remember the last bit:

"Happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up."

That seems to be the essential/heart of it, to me. :yep:


I'm just being silly, I can remember it and I might even use it tonight when I'm hanging out. :)
Mmm, sounds like you two are still on your honeymoon. Now that's what I'm talking about, even 8 years later, the passion is still there. I love it. :)

Remember the environment.....all the kids are away. no kids..! She better watch it, the Gremlins have been known to boomerang...especially right out of college!
Namely, are you happier and feeling complete now that you are married and why or why not?

I don't feel more complete, but I am definitely happy!:yep: I really like being married.

Secondary questions, how long have you been married?

Just a little over a year.

What is your age?

I'm 29. DH is 31.

What was your mindset prior to marriage (i.e. were you always waiting to get married, ambivalent about getting married, were you career-oriented, etc)?

We met when I was in law school. I wouldn't commit becasue I was planning to move away after graduation. I had been single for about 6 months from a long term relationship and previous engagement. I used to tell him that he was the righ guy at the wrong time.:yep: He gave me some time, I moved away, he lured me back, and it has all worked out.

Do you now have kids and are they adding to your happiness?

No kids yet. He's ready to start trying, but I'm not ready just yet.

And is there any advice you wish you could have told your single self prior to marrying?

Not really, but I will tell the other single girls this...

One thing that someone told me before I got married that is very true is to look at him just as he is. If he never changes- at all (attitude, hanging out, money, job, friends, family, cleanliness, priorities, etc)- could you still be happy with him? If not, you should probably rethink it. He probably won't change a whole lot. He may, but if he doesn't...then what?:ohwell:

I love being married. So far, we're still on our honeymoon. It's not all sex, sex, sex, but we are like a traditional tv series or movie. I am spoiled, and I love it! Keep your expectations high ladies!:yep: