Married at what age?

How old were you when you got married?

  • Under 25

    Votes: 65 49.2%
  • Over 25

    Votes: 67 50.8%

  • Total voters
I will be married at 24 years of age. (I'll be 24 on 1/22/09) I never thought about how old I wanted to be when I got married, I just knew I wanted to be married by the time I was 30. God saw fit to send my Husband to me sooner rather than later so I'm going with His plan. I can honestly say that I do feel mature enough....emotionally, spritually, and mentally, to be his wife. I can also say I do not have some hazy, fairy tale view of what marriage will be like either.:spinning:
facets, do you think age was a big factor the first time? Or was he just not really the one?

I think he was just not the one. Also, it seems like guys on the East coast are kind of caveman/aggressive. You think you're just dating/getting to know each other and the next thing you're an item/exclusive and so on. Weird. OTOH, in Cali a lot people drift in rel'ps for a long time without really calling anything.

Not saying one is better. I guess depends on the guy & if you want to be sewn up w/him rather quickly or not.

So, yah, I guess I was flattered, half-asleep, delusional,.. and maybe too young as well.

Funny side note: My ex-husband found me on myspace recently and wrote to DH trying to contact me!:lachen::nono::lachen:
I think he was just not the one. Also, it seems like guys on the East coast are kind of caveman/aggressive. You think you're just dating/getting to know each other and the next thing you're an item/exclusive and so on. Weird. OTOH, in Cali a lot people drift in rel'ps for a long time without really calling anything.

Not saying one is better. I guess depends on the guy & if you want to be sewn up w/him rather quickly or not.

So, yah, I guess I was flattered, half-asleep, delusional,.. and maybe too young as well.

Funny side note: My ex-husband found me on myspace recently and wrote to DH trying to contact me!:lachen::nono::lachen:

Oh hellz no!

Thanks for your answer.
28 is the statistical cut-off age for successful marriages. They say 28 and up is best.

The teen years are the worst.
Well I am glad I beat the stats.

It depends on the person. There is no set age for it. Success is determined on the commitment (the God Love commitment) in the couples heart. Just as many marrieges have fail after age 25 as under 25.

I am excited for you. I pray to God that he blesses your union.
Great post ANB!

I was under 25.