Marriage and money

Are you all really young? I know I was married in my early, early twenties and we went through this. We never merged our money, and we were always 50/50. He didn't help with chores, but I didn't ask that of him either.

Fast forward over 10 years later, and a LOT of growth as both a mand woman and a married couple, we merge our money with no problems at all and my husband does chores, cooks, cares for the kids when needed, and I never have to ask for help.

For was GROWTH.

You are right. A date has been set for the official wedding but, at this point I'm kind of ready to give up.

I have already been approved for an apartment and am looking to move in the near future because, of being fed up. I'm just disappointed.

Plus he's a foreigner so that's the other part of the equation that makes this relationship so difficult. Surely, I'm no fool but I do love him. I don't mean to sound like this but, if this love is so genuine what was the rush in the first place.
Plus he needs the citizenship I don't.

I need to do some serious praying because, I know when I do go it won't be pretty when I go.

he treats his sister better than you?

you sound like a pawn for him.

i don't mean to sound insensitive, but this is the rest of your life we are talking about here and now is not the time for baby talk.

girl, something is not.right.
I agree with posts #3 and 4. I know that MY husband feels 'funny' if he's broke if even for a day. We've not merged our funds, but the setup we have functions well. Part of a husband's job is to provide for his wife and if he doesn't care about eating, a clean house, or how you get around....then I'd rethink it.