Look at his hair.....hate him!!

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I know you ladies have seen this dude from 'i love ny' show but look at his hair, this makes no sense i hate him.

now i really have to get on my hair growing grind.

woud you ladies date a guy with hair better than yours? and i mean at this length. I've dated a lot of guys with nice hair but it was in a mans style, ceasar hair cut blow out curly afro etc.

If i ever had a bf with hair like this i just couldn't date him, i'd be hating too hard.

My ex was bi-racial. Black and Italian and he would cut his hair short grow it back out to mid-back, cut it again, then grow it out again while I was still at collar bone broken off hair. I tell you, it was tragic :grin:
I know you ladies have seen this dude from 'i love ny' show but look at his hair, this makes no sense i hate him.

now i really have to get on my hair growing grind.

woud you ladies date a guy with hair better than yours? and i mean at this length. I've dated a lot of guys with nice hair but it was in a mans style, ceasar hair cut blow out curly afro etc.

If i ever had a bf with hair like this i just couldn't date him, i'd be hating too hard.

Sorry Dude looks like a vampire to me.

:look:But yeah I'd do him! :yep:
It's something about this dude that is attractive to me. I don't know WHAT, but it's something.

His hair is too long for me (for a male). However, it's RIDICULOUSLY pretty and healthy.
I sent her a note on myspace if she respnds i will try to get her info for you Cali ladies.

healthy and long hair is her thing, wish there was someone like this in nyc.

**update no msg from his stylist yet, she probably thinks i'm nuts lol!!!!

What? what? what? :blush: She's in Cali?!?!? I definitely need a phone number! :phone:

I've never called anyone's hair perfect before, but this dude's hair is perfect! :love:
You never know, he may be bunning at night. :grin: He does wear braids so I am sure that helped him retain length. I know it does for me. To answer the question, no I could not date a guy with pretty hair. My ex use to wear braids all the time and when I had not seen him for a while his hair had grew and was blowing in the wind. That crap had to go. There's only room for one pretty one in my relationship. And it will ALWAYS be me. :yep:

This made me laugh so hard. :lachen:

i should email him and find out his regimen. i'm thinking its something like, wash 1-2 times/wk and deep condition. ugh....yah, i'm jealous. :yep:

I just read a thread earlier this week that had his regimen in it...Like Glam said, one of our members emailed him about it and he responded...I'll see if I can find it.
I just read a thread earlier this week that had his regimen in it...Like Glam said, one of our members emailed him about it and he responded...I'll see if I can find it.

I hope you can find it cuz this man's hair is gorgeous. I couldn't date him with the pimpish hairstyles he does but I could imagine the pretty hair my kids would have.:grin:
SO, if you ever read this, sorry, but dude is fine. all that pretty hair. *** mine, i'd keep it braided and let somebdy else do it. i wanna play with HIS hair!

just saw the other post! he actually answered! wow! he's got a denman! me too! he sleeps on satin! me too!

we got so much in common! we should be together!(j/k SO.....i think...:blush:)
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I think he's fine too...especially when he just wears his hair straight with no curls or back in a straight ponytail...I don't like the curls...even with the hair I think he's masculine.
ya'll saw that poem on his page? i'm your divine love real! lol, lemme stop 'fo i get in trouble...
wow i didn't know he had fans like that :)

i have learned the hard way not to fall for the extra pretty guys anymore, some of my past bf's were a tad bit questionable.

give me the regular attractive dude with decent hair. i don't need competition in the bathroom mirror. bad enough my hubby sneaks into my products :nono:
He's a weirdo IMHO. To each his own. His hair is amazingly beautiful. They should have him in a Pantene commercial.

Really? His personality seems so chill and laid back...now, his brother is another story. They're some clowns tho...they make me laugh. I'm not a fan per se but I do think he's attractive. The curls are a little fruity imo...I could do without the feminine hair styles but I love his hair.
His stylist really has a gift!!! His hair is stunning and he's got amazing bone structure! I hope you hair will look that good someday!!
I think his hair is stunning.
I like his personality.
I don't question his sexuality at this moment but the makeup and eyeliner for the promo pictures is :nono:.
Other than that :grin:.
You never know, he may be bunning at night. :grin: He does wear braids so I am sure that helped him retain length. I know it does for me. To answer the question, no I could not date a guy with pretty hair. My ex use to wear braids all the time and when I had not seen him for a while his hair had grew and was blowing in the wind. That crap had to go. There's only room for one pretty one in my relationship. And it will ALWAYS be me. :yep:

Yeah and when he wears braid he doesn't use extensions.
im sorry, but im not feeling his hair. I like my men to....well....not look like that :lachen:
Plus im really luvin the whole big hair thing right now.

Wa wa wee waa :shocked:

He looks a little questionable in this picture but I don't think he's gay.
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