I wanted to stab him!! Pics included

the ignorance about black hair really annoys me. It really makes me wonder what bothers black people so much about an afro or hair that is not 3b, that they have to regulate and criticize anyone who is not relaxed and is ok with that. Makes me so upset. I really hope you arm that beautiful little girl with as much knowledge as possible, so she can filter out the BS and develops a healthy self-esteem.
the ignorance about black hair really annoys me. It really makes me wonder what bothers black people so much about an afro or hair that is not 3b, that they have to regulate and criticize anyone who is not relaxed and is ok with that. Makes me so upset. I really hope you arm that beautiful little girl with as much knowledge as possible, so she can filter out the BS and develops a healthy self-esteem.

PREACH!! ITA with everything u just said and thank you
OH she's such a cutie pie! He'll eat his words once he see how long and beautiful her hair will be...some folks you have to show better than you can tell, and family members aren't exempt...
OH she's such a cutie pie! He'll eat his words once he see how long and beautiful her hair will be...some folks you have to show better than you can tell, and family members aren't exempt...

I am really hoping that ends up being the case. I really wanna show his side of the family that blck hair can grow and that he shouldnt have married a light skinned or white woman to make that happen. UGH I hate them so much! But I love yall an thanks for all the kind words ladies
Hopefully when she becomes a young woman these stupid attitudes about natural black hair will finally have gone to the wayside. Your daughter's hair looks beautiful and it's a good thing she has you taking care of it.
My hair is relaxed. So I'm definately not anti-relaxer, I am however anti relaxing your 3 yr old and definately anti telling a 3 yr old that she should have been relaxed a longtime ago. I really think thats how self-esteem issues strt especially coming from her own dad

miss stress, is your hair relaxed or natural?