Look at his hair.....hate him!!

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Are you guys really saying that you think he has this hair texture because he's mixed? I can't believe that this thread got to b 9 pages long without someone calling you out for this. Don't you know African/Black people have all different types of texture and don't need another ethnicity in them to grow long hair? :ohwell:

No hun, I'm not saying that at all. All I said is that he looks Native. That's as far as it went. Now you may have thought that's what I was impling because of my comment, but that was not the case. I understand the frustration of that thinking from some people but please don't put words in my mouth. I am fully aware that Af-Am's can grow hair without having to be mixed. But the truth really is, most of us are mixed to an extent-even if it's just one damn drop. People say I look Latina all the time, but I'm not. Just the same as some people saying he looks gay with his hair like that-that doesn't mean he is. People looking one way doesn't mean they are what they look. There is a fine line between the two.
Well I watch the show just to look at this hair. I swear he has the prettiest hair I've ever seen, its just WRONG. I bet he has no regime and doesn't care about his hair either. Makes me mad LOL
I wonder if it was really him responding, i know sometimes they have their pr people doing the msgs on myspace.

i've used pantene and i didn't like it as much, i use to use those denmans but i don't want my hair flat, certain brushes make my hair flat, i stick to the paddle brushes.

i know it's rumored that he is 'natural' but i think he may perm, we have the same type of hair and a perm just adds that extra umph to my hair.

his stylist hasn't gotten back to me yet:wallbash: lol!!!!

i am def going to copy the bottom half curled style:lick:

Here's the thread to REAL'S REGIMEN (which is actually really simple). NOTE: Read the messages from the bottom up...his replies are at the top.
yeah about the pantene commercial.......or he could give me his hair for a custom lace front lol!!!!!

i'm not into wigs but if i could get one with his hair......

He's a weirdo IMHO. To each his own. His hair is amazingly beautiful. They should have him in a Pantene commercial.
sexy chocolate lol!!!! i think i may start wearing eyeliner lol!!!!
yeah that is kinda hey! lookin. my hubby said there are rumors circulating the net about real and chance playing for the other team.
oh well.....it is what it is, still want his hair :lick: i luv his length too, i may have to buy some yaki tracks lol!!!!

dra sgrl;6045241 said:

Wa wa wee waa :shocked:

He looks a little questionable in this picture but I don't think he's gay.
Originally Posted by longhairlover
Yeah there has to be some native american in there somewhere, my moms hair is that type of texture too.

it's just amazing. one chick on the net thought he was wearing a lace front lol!!!!

Yeah, he does look really Native sometimes, doesn't he? I was thinking the same thing.

My bad. I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. To me the OP was clearly saying that she thought that he must have native american in him because of his texture and you seemed to agree.

I wasn't trying to be all extra I just didn't want anyone to get the idea that we subscribe to that type of thinking around here.
yeah i think that is an ultra perm too, people are always claiming that they dont perm but then have a lifetime supply of tcb hidden in their closet lol!!!!:lachen:

I couldn't date any guy with flashing feminine features. Be it hair mannerisms, whatever...Not a jealousy thing just a turn off to me. I like handsome men not the ones who think they are pretty. And he perms it! thats a flashing do not date him girl to me, but to each their own.
His hair is nice but I'm not obsessed with it like some of yall seem to be. I hope this is a healthy obsession and not a "whoa is me why can't I have hair like that instead of this ish on my head!" obsession:look: Its just hair just like some of the nice heads on here. I rather call them out.
nah its him...he meassaged me back and forth after the hair question. this was before I love NY really started to pop off. Nowadays it might be someone else answering.

I wonder if it was really him responding, i know sometimes they have their pr people doing the msgs on myspace.

i've used pantene and i didn't like it as much, i use to use those denmans but i don't want my hair flat, certain brushes make my hair flat, i stick to the paddle brushes.

i know it's rumored that he is 'natural' but i think he may perm, we have the same type of hair and a perm just adds that extra umph to my hair.

his stylist hasn't gotten back to me yet:wallbash: lol!!!!

i am def going to copy the bottom half curled style:lick:
your right most of us are mixed up even if it's not 50% it's just how it is.

even those that think they are 100% may have other mixtures. I didn't mean it to be offensive i just know what's in my family and we have similar hair types.

anyone can have beautiful silky hair 100% or 98% doesn't matter, and i'm sure no one in this thread meant that.

most african amer. do have native american just how it is.

No hun, I'm not saying that at all. All I said is that he looks Native. That's as far as it went. Now you may have thought that's what I was impling because of my comment, but that was not the case. I understand the frustration of that thinking from some people but please don't put words in my mouth. I am fully aware that Af-Am's can grow hair without having to be mixed. But the truth really is, most of us are mixed to an extent-even if it's just one damn drop. People say I look Latina all the time, but I'm not. Just the same as some people saying he looks gay with his hair like that-that doesn't mean he is. People looking one way doesn't mean they are what they look. There is a fine line between the two.
I don't think he has a perm
it seems like thats just his hair type
I have a brother with hair like his and my dd's hair looks like a thinner version
thats a myth
most black folks have a clear or two in their lineage

your right most of us are mixed up even if it's not 50% it's just how it is.

even those that think they are 100% may have other mixtures. I didn't mean it to be offensive i just know what's in my family and we have similar hair types.

anyone can have beautiful silky hair 100% or 98% doesn't matter, and i'm sure no one in this thread meant that.

most african amer. do have native american just how it is.
no it's cool, were all black at the end of the day mixed or not.

Originally Posted by longhairlover
Yeah there has to be some native american in there somewhere, my moms hair is that type of texture too.

it's just amazing. one chick on the net thought he was wearing a lace front lol!!!!

Yeah, he does look really Native sometimes, doesn't he? I was thinking the same thing.

My bad. I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. To me the OP was clearly saying that she thought that he must have native american in him because of his texture and you seemed to agree.

I wasn't trying to be all extra I just didn't want anyone to get the idea that we subscribe to that type of thinking around here.
I'm not understanding what you're saying is a myth. Are you saying that most Af-Am being mixed with something is a myth?:perplexed
Most AA having AmerIndian ancestry
only about 20% do whereas some 95% or more have European admixture. Science is revealing that almost all AAs have non-African ancestry (varying amounts, mostly small) but most of that is 'white' and only certain AA population subsets have AmerIndian ancestry.

general question:
if we follow the reasoning that all of us AA are mixed to some extent (though there is no such thing as racial purity and all groups are affectively 'admixed') then what's the point in questioning whether someone got characteristic 'A' because of their ancestry when someone with the opposite characteristic could share the same ancestry? Isn't it more complicated than that and aren't we discounting the physical and genetic diversity f our African ancestry?
then there's the fact that there are plenty folks with black/non-black parentage that don't have all (sometimes any of) the physical features considered mixed and folks from different African ethnicities that can trace their ethnic lineage back centuries within Africa that have features that are stereotyped as mixed
just wondering, cuz a lot of ladies here mention how people question their background once they start meeting their hair goals, like they are more 'mixed' or their 'white, Indian, Spanish genes' are more potent than when they had shorter hair
Naturalgurl raises an eyebrow, hmmmmm.......

Looks too feminine for me, especially that "pimp" pic. If I had a manly man with long hair, more like long locs, I would love it! I would wash his hair leaning over him in a deep cut v neck....
thats a myth
most black folks have a clear or two in their lineage

I was just about to type the same thing. It is a myth. I was watching the African American Lives Special on PBS - the thing where they did the DNA testing to trace your lineage back to Africa and they actually said it. Most AA people DO NOT have Native American Heritage. And if they do it is a very small percentage. But most of us have white heritage. When they did the percentages it showed the break down and Oprah had 0% Native American Heritage. Quincy Jones' percentage breakdown was exactly half AA and half white. There were some other celebrities on there too like Chris Tucker and Mae Jamison if I remember correctly. She had some Chinese or Japanese heritage mixed in.
I was just about to type the same thing. It is a myth. I was watching the African American Lives Special on PBS - the thing where they did the DNA testing to trace your lineage back to Africa and they actually said it. Most AA people DO NOT have Native American Heritage. And if they do it is a very small percentage. But most of us have white heritage. When they did the percentages it showed the break down and Oprah had 0% Native American Heritage. Quincy Jones' percentage breakdown was exactly half AA and half white. There were some other celebrities on there too like Chris Tucker and Mae Jamison if I remember correctly. She had some Chinese or Japanese heritage mixed in.

I saw this too. I counldn't remember all of the details so I didn't want to say anything.But you summed it up!:yep:
Don Cheadle was surprised that he had NO Native American blood and his ancestors lived with them. Don said something like "Oh, I guess they weren't feeling us!" He also said that he was surprised to be 30% white with his features and complexion. It was quite interesting!
Wow...that's gorgeous hair! and i bet all that length and health and beauty~ousness was achieved without protective styles, etc. Damn Him! :grin: i wanna know who his stylist is too. and no, i could not date a man with hair cuter than mine - and all styled & done up. no, no, no!!! but i would hang with him to steal style secrets. i'm loving his curly look - is it pinned up in the front? what pantene products is he using??
I think he wears braids a lot and does a lot of braid outs. I'm sure this has helped him get a lot of length.

I love me some real though:lick:. I was mad on the episode where he had it bone straight.....I was like dang, I think he got me beat, lol......But he's a shortie too though:look:.
his hair is beautiful but on a man .... it just looks gay.... I would not date a man who look more woman than me.....NO
I'm confused as to why he has to be perming it. None of us know but from what I've seen it looks natural, he has a lot of texture when it's not flat ironed. He can easily get his natural hair relaxer straight with a good flat iron.
ok one more pic, i just love his hair ladies........for myself lol!!! that is just tooo pimpish for me.

ok i'll stop stealing his pics.

:lachen:I think of Alicia Keys when I see this picture and it makes me laugh, and then I think of the fact that this is a man reminding me of a woman and it makes me laugh harder. :lachen:
I was just about to type the same thing. It is a myth. I was watching the African American Lives Special on PBS - the thing where they did the DNA testing to trace your lineage back to Africa and they actually said it. Most AA people DO NOT have Native American Heritage. And if they do it is a very small percentage. But most of us have white heritage. When they did the percentages it showed the break down and Oprah had 0% Native American Heritage. Quincy Jones' percentage breakdown was exactly half AA and half white. There were some other celebrities on there too like Chris Tucker and Mae Jamison if I remember correctly. She had some Chinese or Japanese heritage mixed in.

That's fine, it may be a 'myth' for some people but it's not a myth for me. I have relatives on the Dawes Roll, ok so they're no myth here. I only said that some or most people have the Native mix. Not every Af-Am on earth. Oprah, Quincy Jones and Don whatever is not most people-that's a few people. So just because they don't have the mix saying it's a myth is actually kind of silly. That's a very small stat to go on for the myth theory. Yes, you are right that most Af-Am have the Caucausion mix. I know I have some cream in there also. But I know I'm mostly Black with a few drops of other stuff. I am proud of that and you can't fault me for it. So I think my words got twisted a bit. But I do recommend that people get these test so they can know their real heritage.
I think I am done with this thread, I sense it's turning into haterism and a race war and I don't think the OP intended it to be this way...
I think he wears braids a lot and does a lot of braid outs. I'm sure this has helped him get a lot of length.

I love me some real though:lick:. I was mad on the episode where he had it bone straight.....I was like dang, I think he got me beat, lol......But he's a shortie too though:look:.

Hmmm, like how short are we talking about?
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