I wanted to stab him!! Pics included

She's beatiful. Reminds me of my niece. She has a gorgeous head of hair that you've done a phenominal job of nursing to health. Daddy just needs a little education that's all.
I hope you have made it clear to your inlaws and your hubby not to put a relaxer in your babies hair when she is at Grandma's house!!!!

Fortunately theres no need to tell them since we live far far away in Germany and they r in Indiana and they r so ignorant that even whn we get bac to the states I dont wanna live anywhere around them. Girl whn they first met me they actually told my husband that they always thought he would marry a light skinned girl. I was pretty much done then. And whn we visit them, best believe we ALL visit them so my kids arent aone with her. Wich is good cause if they relaxed her hair without my consent I really would stab somebody!
Wow, tell SPC _____ that if I heard him make that statement me & all 8 of my rockers would place him in the front leaning rest till he came to appreciate "natural beauty"...or muscle fatigue set in!!!!!!

Anywho, please talk with him to "enlighten" him about the beauty and challenges of "natural hair". I see to many female soldiers that have had a remark like that made to them or their supervisors about their natural hair.

It's very demeaning! .....and as a "Future Leader" he "needs to recognize!".

BTW, that attitude won't change in a year, it will take a while!

Aww I love tht women with power r so sexy! I sure will let Sgt Kendrick know whats up!
Hi Mis Stress. Oooh weee......he can't deny that one! She looks JUST like his arse.
Anyhow SHE IS TOO CUTE! And what you've done with her hair reminds me of the effort my mother was willing to put into me & my sister's hair. I had past apl hair at 13 when i got my first relaxer.

Back to ya'll's baby....Hands down have to give to ya' you've done a LOVELY job.
Only thing my mom didn't do that (as far as hair goes) i wish she would have...is validate her own daughters by instilling in us that our natural hair & beauty were/are GOOD ENOUGH! And learn not to compare it with anyone elses!

ETA: When he looks at his daughter one day (God willing she doesn't go against your teachings) and see's that her hair has made to lengths and done things he never thought it could/would do he'll FEEL REAL SMART then...NOT..lol. No, but he'll see Momma was the SMART ONE!
Just have to say again: I LOVE WHAT YOU'VE DONE WITH HER HAIR!

yes she DOES look jst like him! Thats what made it worse to me and y I chose the term self hate to describe it cause Im pretty sure if he grew his hair out of his military cut, it would look just like hers
Your dd is beautiful and you are doing a wonderful job. I had to set my hubby straight as well. My dd is 8 months and he said yea we wont get her hair relaxed until she 5. After i basically ripped him a new one I showed him that episode of Tyra where the little girls were talking about how they didn't like their hair and needed relaxers or wigs. He basically changed his tune.

till Shes five huh? Wow atleast he was willing to wait till after her first bottle feeding lol
Girl Please... Your baby's hair looks just like my daughter and my husband would literally have me put in jail if I relaxed her hair.... She's 6 now and it looks like a huge cotton ball and i love it.... Keep it positive and she will learn to love her hair.... I wish somebody would try to tell my baby her hair aint the bomb!!!
She is just beautiful! Her hair is a glorious mane and you're doing so well with it. You are going to be the only thing keeping her from thinking her hair is not ugly (in the family) it appears. I'm sorry she and you don't have more positivity about her hair :(
She is just beautiful! Her hair is a glorious mane and you're doing so well with it. You are going to be the only thing keeping her from thinking her hair is not ugly (in the family) it appears. I'm sorry she and you don't have more positivity about her hair :(

ohhh girl, I love your hair! I totaly imagine my daughters hair looking just like yours whn shes a teen
Wow she is a chocolate cutie! I don't see unmanagable hair anywhere. I see regular AA hair that looks very soft and fluffy. Your husband has no idea what a relaxer would do to her hair to make that statement. Maybe you should find some pictures on the internet of the damage that can happen from apply relaxer to such a young head of hair. If he thinks that picture where she was pulling it out was something else boy oh boy.

I will not call your dh a name. Just don't stab em:lachen:
tell your husband to look at my fotki (thejourney2010) pswd (believe)
and ask him if he wants his baby's hair to look like that?
ask him to watch malcolm x's video on youtube where he asked the audience

"who taught you to hate your hair?"

your daughter's hair is beautiful and is the same texture as her dad's so does he hate his hair?
Girl I saw that too and yes it was a shame and I just really want my son and daughter to honestly like themselves I dont want her to have daddy issues and become a whore looking for approval from other men cause her daddy wasnt there for her in that way

But at shes only 3 so I suppose thats far off.............

rant over

It is...but it's not. Before you know it, she'll be a teenager. Who knows what she'll remember? Or how she'll remember it? My 13-year-old stepdaughter remembers details about her life from when she was three years old.

Your daughter is beautiful, and it would be a shame for her to grow up feeling bad about herself because of her father's negative opinion about her hair. I applaud you for being courageous enough to say that you'd leave him before you let him ruin your daughter's self-esteem. Her self-esteem must be preserved at all costs!
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Wtf?? Yeah I'd be on "P" lock for awhile if the father of my child said that lol. Her hair is cute lol.
Your dd is just beautiful! Her hair is also and you are doing a terrific job with her very own healthy long hair journey...her hair has come a long way! When she has natural bsl hair, let us know how your dh's opinion is then :rolleyes:. Try not to hurt him before then though :lachen:.
tell your husband to look at my fotki (thejourney2010) pswd (believe)
and ask him if he wants his baby's hair to look like that?
ask him to watch malcolm x's video on youtube where he asked the audience

"who taught you to hate your hair?"

your daughter's hair is beautiful and is the same texture as her dad's so does he hate his hair?

imma go check that out now Thanks!
Your daughter is beautiful. I think i have the same texture and I will never wear it out like that nor will I relax a little girls hair. Twist and braids will be adorable on her beautiful face. I won't wear my natural texture out like that because I just don't like it. It looks unkept and uncombed IMHO. I don't think ur husband has self hate issues he just want her hair to look like it has been done and I understand his gripe.
Your daughter's hair is awesome and she is as cute as a button.

Your DH is just ignorant and I think you need to spend some time teaching him but not letting him KNOW that you are teaching him. I don't have a girl but I would let him help you with the hair care on a day when she is going to be home all day (that way if he screws up and she looks like a hot mess you don't hurt his feelings by redoing it immediately). A girlfriend taught her DH to do the kids hair by saying if something happens to me.... The easiest thing IMO is to help wash her hair. Many people I know are amazed at how beautiful natural hair appears when wet. There is no rush just ease him into helping with her hair care. I would also not say anything about his family and their hair care practices since if you say anything negative you are forcing him to defend them. The best you can do is teach him gently without him knowing that you are teaching him.

By the way I think he was giving you a backhanded compliment in a strange way - remember men speak a totally different language than we do.
Your DD is soo pretty and you are doing a great job with her hair!

I know that it's hard to ignore those ignorant remarks, but your daughter's hair progress will shut them up! LOL
Also remember he's a guy, and to guys all hair that isnt an inch long and cant be styled in one minute without a mirror is "unmanageable" :)
Your dd's hair looks great, you should be proud of yourself!

Sadly, your husband's mentality is pervasive within the African American community. Folks feels as if it's a lot easier to relax a child's hair, regardless of the possible breakage and thinning caused by not knowing how to effectively care for chemically processed hair. And point blank, a lot of times, these relaxed children end up with raggedy, chewed up ends, because a perm was slapped in it too young, without the proper maintenance.

Don't stab DH, lol. Be patient, as your daughter's hair grows to longer lengths, he will understand your decision not to relax. Her hair will speak for itself. :)
She and her hair are beautiful. My older sister (while in her care) permed my hair and I........should go and punch her in the eye right now.:boxing:..

(Nice Lady] they find lye on black woman's brain when they die.):shocked::thud:What???
My youngest son turned 2 on March 31st :)

His hair is APL when stretchedI keep it braided, rarely picked out. All I hear from my side & the in-laws is "u NEED to cut it." I want to tell them they NEED to mind their dang business! But I'm respectful (grrrr) so I smile and bear it. I can't bring my self to cut it. He's sorta like Samson in my eyes lol. His father likes our son's hair. I'm his mother, so it should be my decision right??

My other son has to wear a bald fade....or he looks like he's growing chocolate Rice Krispies. His hair grows in patches. Weird genes...

I'm telling myself that I want him to have his own style. I don't want to make the decision for him. When he is older he might want to have hair like Llyod(singer) or Uncle Phil (fresh prince).
no u dont NEED to cut your sons hair! And please ignore people trying to tell you how to keep your childrens hair. My feeling is the one with the strechmarks(me) gets the final say. Personally my 2 yr old son keeps a fresh cut and I love it I find it very becoming on him but girl everyone is not the same. Just like the woman on this thread who said on here that she feels childrens with my daughters hair texture should not wear their hair out because she thinks it looks unkempt and dirty or whatever it was. I personally disagree with that statement, but if I'm in an afro mood that day am I not gonna do it because of what she said? Hell to the no! So I'm sure your son is adorable and in the meantime do yall!

My youngest son turned 2 on March 31st :)

His hair is APL when stretchedI keep it braided, rarely picked out. All I hear from my side & the in-laws is "u NEED to cut it." I want to tell them they NEED to mind their dang business! But I'm respectful (grrrr) so I smile and bear it. I can't bring my self to cut it. He's sorta like Samson in my eyes lol. His father likes our son's hair. I'm his mother, so it should be my decision right??

My other son has to wear a bald fade....or he looks like he's growing chocolate Rice Krispies. His hair grows in patches. Weird genes...

I'm telling myself that I want him to have his own style. I don't want to make the decision for him. When he is older he might want to have hair like Llyod(singer) or Uncle Phil (fresh prince).