Longer hair= Men attention?

Are men attracted to long hair?

  • Yes I think men love long hair

    Votes: 266 94.3%
  • NO they dont care

    Votes: 13 4.6%
  • I think they dont care to pay attention

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Divine Inspiration said:
I definitely think hair is powerful, in general. I don't know that long hair necessarily does it, but fabulous hair...curly & free, long & flowing, or short & sexy is attention-grabbing. Other women envy you and men lust after you.

I've gotten plenty of male attention at various lengths, but the long(er) hair makes them do a double take...some of them are straight mesmerized. It can be a little annoying at times, hence the reason I tuck it away on days when I'm not in the mood to deal with it.

On LHCF, we've had multiple discussions about whether black men in particular have a thing for long hair...from personal experience, I think they do. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that so many black women don't have long(er) hair so they're almost fascinated with the ones who do. On women of other races, long hair isn't such a novelty since so many of them have it.

It's always fun to observe the reactions that a new 'do garner.

I totally agree with this.

Off-topic: Your hair is looking beautiful in your siggy! I'm sure you get attention from men and women at how shiny and swingy it is!
B Phlyy said:
Today I wore a wig that's about APL on me. It wasn't even on straight and I had still got more hollas today than when my short hair was on point.
Laughing at the bolded part! :lachen: :rofl:

Although I received a lot of attention when I once wore my hair very short (I think it was the nice style that did it), I sure do get constant attention with my hair long. All guys love it - young, old, black, white, yellow - they all have the same programming. IMO, black women look very exotic with shoulder length and longer hair.
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Isis said:
Laughing at the bolded part! :lachen: :rofl:

Although I received a lot of attention when I once wore my hair very short (I think it was the nice style that did it), I sure do get constant attention with my hair long. All guys love it - young, old, black, white, yellow - they all have the same programming. IMO, black women look very exotic with shoulder length and longer hair.

yep thats what i said.. we really do!
Candy_C said:
i dunno bout my hair, i get it anyway :)

but..if a guy sees me with a bun, and then sees my hair out, hes like WOW i never knew u had that much hair

I agree this has been my experience as well.
tonia682 said:
If the hair looks like your hair and not a weave or wig I do think you get a bit more attention. However, its not the same as back in the day when weaves weren't as prevelent. Back then if your hair was long there was no question as to if it were real or not and you def. got lots of attention with long hair. As a dark skinned woman I do see I get more attention with longer hair. People still believe the sterotype that dark women can't grow hair.:perplexed

So sad yet so true... People were asking me was I all black everyday I had that Goddess Remi weave. Especially the men. It was crazy. And I would be like why do you ask that? Bc of the hair? And they'd be like yeah, the combination of the hair with your complexion. WTH!?!?! When my curlies grow out, it's gonna be pure madness...
tonia682 said:
If the hair looks like your hair and not a weave or wig I do think you get a bit more attention. However, its not the same as back in the day when weaves weren't as prevelent. Back then if your hair was long there was no question as to if it were real or not and you def. got lots of attention with long hair. As a dark skinned woman I do see I get more attention with longer hair. People still believe the sterotype that dark women can't grow hair.:perplexed

Yes, and i have heard people make comments like that too. Most people assume that my hair is not real.... (and some have asked me to prove it when I tell them otherwise :eek: ).
2cute2B4gotten said:

Yes, and i have heard people make comments like that too. Most people assume that my hair is not real.... (and some have asked me to prove it when I tell them otherwise :eek: ).

Thats just rude. I mean do we go around asking busty women if they're wearing push up bras? You shouldnt have to prove anything to anyone.
Divine Inspiration said:
I definitely think hair is powerful, in general. I don't know that long hair necessarily does it, but fabulous hair...curly & free, long & flowing, or short & sexy is attention-grabbing. Other women envy you and men lust after you.

I've gotten plenty of male attention at various lengths, but the long(er) hair makes them do a double take...some of them are straight mesmerized. It can be a little annoying at times, hence the reason I tuck it away on days when I'm not in the mood to deal with it.

On LHCF, we've had multiple discussions about whether black men in particular have a thing for long hair...from personal experience, I think they do. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that so many black women don't have long(er) hair so they're almost fascinated with the ones who do. On women of other races, long hair isn't such a novelty since so many of them have it.

It's always fun to observe the reactions that a new 'do garner.
I agree with you 100%
especially the bolded parts.
HoneyDew said:
I get more attention when my hair is long.

But, I still get attention with short hair. As a matter of fact, even while it is short, I get more attention when it is curlier and bouncier. I think hair flair just gets attention - short or long.

I cut my hair short back in college due to some breakage problems I had. (Had a fat almost bald patch in the back of my head, I guess I was stressing) I thought I would get no play from the guys but I got a lot of attention back then. Not what I woud have expected. Maybe it was refreshing or maybe it was that I had my hair "done" all the time with short hair and when it was longer it was always in a ponytail.

Of course this other time I put on a phoney pony and went to a club I had guys jocking right and left. As we were walking to the car a few blocks away this one fool that I had danced with earlier stopped his car in the middle of the street. He was the driver! He jumped out and tried to get my number. I was like "don't these guys know this is FAKE?" :lol: It was just a track wrapped around a slicked back bun. The friends I was with were Non-Black were like WTF
Since no one outside the forum and my kids ever see my hair down, I have not experienced that yet. I do get comments on my hair being wavy and looking "like Spanish hair". Sometimes I get asked if I relax my hair. Some women remark, "I don't know why she doesn't just wear it short, no one ever sees it!" And some men just stare curiously. But they just see it in an updo all the time. My husband gets to see it down maybe once in 3-4 months and he is just happy knowing I keep it natural and he just pats my head real gentle like and tells me it is really soft and wavy. bonjour(He doens't know I keep it up because I have GOALS!!!!my little secret(smile)
I was told very matter of factly (by a man) that men like long hair and that I should stop cutting mine...because I used to keep a short cut w/ tapered back...let it grow out every now and again and then cut it right back off.

I have a bet going right now...with a man...that I won't cut my hair again before it reaches midback length...trims are allowed. I refuse to lose!!!

I personally get more looks when my hair has some texture (wavy/curly) to it whether it's up or down. They like it straight when it's down if it's bouncy, blowing in the wind. The straight bun garners no hair attention...but my face makes up for it...lol.
My husband tells me after we were together that he approached me because my hair was long. I had men at my job come up to me and ask to touch my hair because it was long. It was weird for them to believe that Black women (especially dark skinned) can have long hair, It kind of pisses me off to be honest :mad: . I like my hair long and don't feel like they really appreciate the effort it takes :ohwell: .
cicilypayne said:
My best friend in ga says that when it comes to men and hair The Longer The Hair The Longer The Stare:eek:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Your friend is so right. I have brastrap length but wear a lot of falls. When I do take my hair down the men go crazy. I have a couple of male friends that told me straight up that the first thing a man looks at is your hair and they love women with long hair. Of course I do use it to my advantage.:grin:
patient1 said:
When they see your hair hanging down your back like a natural-grown ARROW it does something to them. Gets their imagination going....I guess.

Interesting theory. I think men like any reason to see what you look like from behind.
I think men don't care. I think it depends on the individual man and woman. I think some me don't care especially if the woman has exceptional features. But for an average looking woman, a man might prefer long hair on her.
I have had short hair and long hair. Although I did receive alot of attention with my short hair..nothing at all like the crazy attention I get with long hair from the men.
Yeah, since I hav been rocking this 18" weave, the men have been paying more attention. My husband reminds me when my hair was this long often. LOL my hair was never this long but in a year or two, it might be...
blkbeauty said:
I think men don't care. I think it depends on the individual man and woman. I think some me don't care especially if the woman has exceptional features. But for an average looking woman, a man might prefer long hair on her.[/quote]

I STRONGLY agree with the bolded part!
bmoreflyygirl said:
Thats just rude. I mean do we go around asking busty women if they're wearing push up bras? You shouldnt have to prove anything to anyone.

You're right! And I don't even know why on occasion I oblige. I guess its because I don't want to come off as being rude or uppity.
Back in the day, when I used to have a relaxer my hair was always past my shoulders. Well, I was dating this loser and I couldn't for the life of me get rid of this dude. I mean it was stalker-ish. Anyway, from a "friend" I heard he was only with me because I had long hair. I was like, "whatever", because that is so superfical. Anyway, months later I decide to do the BC. When he finally saw me he went CRAZY. But, that was the last time I saw him.
Yeah i think men (of all races) go crazy over long hair. It drives them wild. And Ive had numerous men tell me how sexy, feminine, and beautiful they find long hair, as opposed to shorter hair, which is typically viewed as "cute." *shrug*
I think men do prefer long hair. My man has mentioned that he finds long hair sexy. I've known guys that even prefer that a woman wear her hair naturally and MANY that prefer when women don't wear weaves or braids - even if they have short hair. I think hair really does matter to men.
My experience is that men prefer long hair, but I'm not sure about my guy. He always loved my hair long but he's never seen it short. I couldn't believe this, but he asked me if I'd consider cutting it short after the baby was born b/c he thought short hair would be just as cute on me. He doesn't understand all of our hair growing challenges!

For the past few days we've been looking at hair mags to find a shorter style, but I know that I wouldn't do anything other than a classic bob if I went short again. Oh well, well see...

I asked my husband (white) what he thought as far as long, short, relaxed, natural, etc.

He has never liked short hair on a woman because it makes her look less feminine (1 Corinthians 11), but as far as getting "attention" from men, if it's in the form of LUST (which unfortunately it usually is:mad:) hair does not matter! Matter of fact NOTHING matters! Short, tall, fat skinny, dark, light, relaxed, natural, it's all about the curves!!!!!:lachen: If he's staring at you walking by ladies, sorry to say, he's NOT looking at your hair, he's undressing you with his eyes!:ohwell:
SouthernGirl said:
For the past few days we've been looking at hair mags to find a shorter style, but I know that I wouldn't do anything other than a classic bob if I went short again. Oh well, well see...


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I have asked many men this because I too was concerned and I heard the same thing over and over. They have said as long as the style fits the person that all that matters.