Men who love women with hair

MissMarie said:
I agree.
Big hair is just as much a sign of good internal health and hygiene habits as long hair. Long hair, hair that hangs is more of a culturally specific preference.

I actually get way more positive attention when my hair is nappy, bushy and huge than when I flat iron it straight. I almost always get compliments with braidouts and wash-and-go's but rarely ever hear anything when straightened. Probably because huge nappy hair is more rare around here than black women with long hair.

ITA with you MissMarie
MissMarie said:
I agree.
Big hair is just as much a sign of good internal health and hygiene habits as long hair. Long hair, hair that hangs is more of a culturally specific preference.

I actually get way more positive attention when my hair is nappy, bushy and huge than when I flat iron it straight. I almost always get compliments with braidouts and wash-and-go's but rarely ever hear anything when straightened. Probably because huge nappy hair is more rare around here than black women with long hair.

Big bushy hair would also be considered long hair because guys know that your hair could not get that bushy if it was short. It seems like healthy looking hair seems to be the common factor here. So do your thang girl.
MissMarie said:
I agree.
Big hair is just as much a sign of good internal health and hygiene habits as long hair. Long hair, hair that hangs is more of a culturally specific preference.

I actually get way more positive attention when my hair is nappy, bushy and huge than when I flat iron it straight. I almost always get compliments with braidouts and wash-and-go's but rarely ever hear anything when straightened. Probably because huge nappy hair is more rare around here than black women with long hair.

I agree. I find that men (including my hubby) really like the big, free look on me. My hubby actually requested that I wear more braidouts. Men have told me 'wow, you are the only lady in this place with their hair like this!' It stands out. Now, when my hair was straightened, I didn't receive this attention.
nappywomyn said:
*grins* I find it interesting that through this whole thread, only one person mentioned the most obvious reason men like long hair - it's like perky boobs and full hips - an obvious sign of health, and therefore potential fertility, and therefore - the poor men usually don't have much choice in having their heads turned. The power of the reproductive drive controls a LOT of what was classically considered to be 'beautiful' and feminine.
We all know that if we aren't HEALTHY - our hair and nails are going to be the first thing that suffers - so a head fulla long hair is a clear sign (at least to the subbrain) that a woman is healthy (at least it was before the days of weaves - I think that's a large reason so many men don't like weaves - it 'feels' like it's hiding disease to them) and can pop out and nurse a couple of babies.

You can read about this in "Survival of the Prettiest." It looks at beauty from an anthropological/sociological perspective. This is exactly what she says. Long/big hair is historically a sign of health and therefore an indication that one has the ability to reproduce, much like having a certain waist to hip ratio.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Long beautiful hair is associated with femininity. I don't think it's racial. All races like long hair. I think it's just overemphasized in the Black community because it's a rarity.

I agree with this. Long hair is considered beautiful in all races, and it is especially valued in the black race because it is uncommon.
Bublnbrnsuga I"M IN LOVE WITH YOUR HAIR!!! I wish I had hair like that I would never stop looking at it in the mirror. You go girl!!

I think it's somewhat racial and the media, advertising play it up to the fullest. Everytime they show a "beautiful women" her hair is long and flowing, blowing in the wind. We as women fall into that and most men are really superficial so they fall for it hock, line and sinker. I asked this jerk that I was dating what it was that he liked about me, he had the nerve to say that he liked that I had long hair!! He was such a jerk I'm so glad that he gone.:p
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babyblue said:
yep i definitely notice a difference in the amount of attention i get from men when i wear my hair out as opposed to when i wear it up. Guys really love it.

Yup! Whether worn straight or curly and when I do, my DH sticks to me like glue!!!
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I have yet to meet a man that doesn't go ga-ga over long hair. I think men find it sexy...

This is a trial post btw...I've been playing around for a year and just decided to subscribe and jump on a growth challenge.
punchinella said:
Big bushy hair would also be considered long hair because guys know that your hair could not get that bushy if it was short. It seems like healthy looking hair seems to be the common factor here. So do your thang girl.
Big hair doesn't always equal a lot of straightened length. 8 inches of natural hair can look very impressive and big in a lot of different natural styles because it stands up and frames one's head but isn't long at all when worn straightened.

Plus big hair usually equals major shrinkage and I don't think most guys think deeply enough about women's hair to realize that chin length natural could be bsl when straightened.

I agree that hair health is they key. A healthy, thick head of sl or chin length hair will create a more appealing package to some men than long unhealthy-looking hair.
MissMarie said:
Big hair doesn't always equal a lot of straightened length. 8 inches of natural hair can look very impressive and big in a lot of different natural styles because it stands up and frames one's head but isn't long at all when worn straightened.

Plus big hair usually equals major shrinkage and I don't think most guys think deeply enough about women's hair to realize that chin length natural could be bsl when straightened.

I agree that hair health is they key. A healthy, thick head of sl or chin length hair will create a more appealing package to some men than long unhealthy-looking hair.[/quote]

I dunno about this one. I think most men thinks long unhealthy hair =long hair.:lol:

I can't really imagine any man I know going 'wow her hair is long but she needs a deep conditioner.' I don't think they care as long as it is long.

Also, maybe it's from where I am from, most men that I know aren't into big hair. They equate big hair to poofy hair.
I definately get more attention when I wear my hair out. I wore the tiny fro and got next to no attention.... from my experience men definately like long hair on me.
Mestiza said:
I haven't met a man yet who doesn't love long hair. I asked my SO about it and he said that long hair is beautiful and feminine and that's what men like unless they're not into women.
TSUprincess04 said:
So short/medium length hair is not considered feminine? Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have shoulder length hair, so I'm manly now? :lol: I'm super duper girly....the length of my hair doesn't determine whether I'm feminine or not. I'm beautiful AND feminine. No disrespect, but I think it's rather shallow of your SO to think that. I mean, everyone has their preferences, and that's fine, but to say a man is gay for not wanting someone with long hair is rather far fetched. I fear for you if you ever get cancer (God forbid) and have to go through kemo and loose your hair...will he stay? My boyfriend always said that he'd stick with me no matter what (cancer, illness, etc), and I'd stick with him too. So what if he loses all the hairs on his body? That's not what made me love him. The stuff on the outside is superficial, and fades as time goes on. He cares more for having a mental and emotional connection with me, and that lasts wayyyyy longer than the physical stuff. IMO.
I just think men period equate long hair with femininity..I don't think it means anyone with less than long hair is masculine...
All of my male friends act stupid if I mention anything about wanting to cut (into a style) or trim my hair...I think they are familiar with the concept of the SHS even if they don't think of it in those terms. They think I'll come back scalped. One male friend will actually ask me how my hair is doing and a few have offered to take pics of it for me...:look:

When I met my children's father, my hair was shoulder length but it was dry and raggedy and damaged. I talked about getting it cut all the time and he protested profusely. A friend of mine who had taken cosmetology in high school, cut my hair for me for my birthday in a cute little Haley-Berry-pixie cut complete with the shaved back and sides and he loved it...:love: I was still very feminine, very much a girl, very sexy...and even moreso because it was healthy and shiy and moved!:D
MizaniMami said:
dunno about this one. I think most men thinks long unhealthy hair =long hair.:lol:

I can't really imagine any man I know going 'wow her hair is long but she needs a deep conditioner.' I don't think they care as long as it is long.

Also, maybe it's from where I am from, most men that I know aren't into big hair. They equate big hair to poofy hair.

I'm not referring to subtle health issues that only women notice and nitpick, I mean visibly unhealthy.
Its possible for long hair to be unattractive. And I've seen guys talk about hair that looks raggedy and unpleasant to the touch. Or women who they think look like a witch because of the length/texture.
Guys like to grab/poof/run their fingers through hair and raggedy hair can be unappealing no matter how long it is.
Some guys are more attracted to touchably soft or swingin' cl/sl hair that they can imagine their fingers in than limp, frazzled, etc wsl hair.
For some other guys length may very well trump all else.

I'm from/currently living in Cincy. I honestly get more positive reactions with my big hair (even though I feel I strongly resemble Sideshow Bob or an ungroomed bipedal yak) than when I maxglide and wear it down.

maybe its just where I go
MissMarie said:
I'm not referring to subtle health issues that only women notice and nitpick, I mean visibly unhealthy.
Its possible for long hair to be unattractive. And I've seen guys talk about hair that looks raggedy and unpleasant to the touch. Or women who they think look like a witch because of the length/texture.
Guys like to grab/poof/run their fingers through hair and raggedy hair can be unappealing no matter how long it is.
Some guys are more attracted to touchably soft or swingin' cl/sl hair that they can imagine their fingers in than limp, frazzled, etc wsl hair.
For some other guys length may very well trump all else.

I'm from/currently living in Cincy. I honestly get more positive reactions with my big hair (even though I feel I strongly resemble Sideshow Bob or an ungroomed bipedal yak) than when I maxglide and wear it down.

maybe its just where I go

MissMarie if that is you in those pics, you are going to turn heads (men and women) where ever you go. Like I said to you before, girl do your thang. ;)