Longer hair...difficult washing


New Member
Now that Im a little past bra strap Im finding that my hair gets more difficult to wash, I now have to wash in sections, I just finger part my hair down the middle and wash one side at a time, this minimizes tangles. Anyone else have this problem, and if so how do you handle washing your hair once it gets longer?
When the hair was long, I had MAJOR problems, but *I* was the problem.
I used to ball my hair up on the crown, like a shampoo commercial, which lead to tangles.

I read an article that stated hair should never be scrunched up when it's wet and that it's better to keep hair down, and gently rub hair with shampoo to create lather; this prevents tangling and damage caused by harsh treatments.

Although, my hair is not long (just past shoulders) I have noticed that I have very few tangles with this method. This is particularly true if I comb before wetting hair.
I wash my hair like how you're doing now....and like Webby...I'm only slightly past shoulder.

Makes washing/rinsing conditioner much easier, less tangling.
I'm nearly at my waist and I do what you do. I also detangle under the shower stream in sections as well.
Honi said:
I'm nearly at my waist and I do what you do. I also detangle under the shower stream in sections as well.
OT: Honi, please don't get angry, but I never looked at your album, always thought that you had a weave in your avatar. Your hair is beautiful :notworthy

(running outta this thread, because I feel the pelting from stones).
I find my hair easy to wash and detangle, but it seems like my shampooing doesn't get all the oil/grease out of my hair in the crown area, if I just have my hair back and wash it in the shower, so I am going to begin washing it in sections, so that I can really get it clean, and minimize any tangling that might result from the incoming new growth.
I wash my hair in the shower only. I squeeze the shampoo from the bottle directly to different sections on my scalp instead of into my hands. Then I massage it with the balls of my fingers and kind of squeeze the lather down the length. That helps me to get to my scalp without disturbing my hair to much.
I use a bottle with a nozzle (like a bottle used to apply color to the hair) on it to make sure the shampoo gets placed directly on my scalp. I make sure my hair is always hanging straight down when I shampoo it (only shampoo my hair in the shower). This works out well for me.
I find that everything is more difficutlt and everything takes longer. Washing, airdrying in a pony or bun, braidout, blowdrying..everything.
My hair does better too when I wash it in the shower because it's going straight back. I washed once in the dormitory sink and had to pull it up to the top and that was a mess because it tangled so bad.
I wash in the sink but I bend my head so I can wash each side. I leave it hanging down throughout the whole process. But I think that as my hair gets longer I'm gonna have to take it to the shower. I just hate hopping in and out of the shower...
webby said:
OT: Honi, please don't get angry, but I never looked at your album, always thought that you had a weave in your avatar. Your hair is beautiful :notworthy

(running outta this thread, because I feel the pelting from stones).

:lol: How dare you!!!!!! :lol: Where is my belt!

I get that all the time Webby. I'm not mad at cha! :kiss:
I'm 3 inches till I'm at bra lenght and I've always washed my hair in sections. At first it seemed weird but now I couldn't imagine doing it any other way! Makes life much easier for me, less breakage and I actually wash my hair faster this way!
Allandra said:
I use a bottle with a nozzle (like a bottle used to apply color to the hair) on it to make sure the shampoo gets placed directly on my scalp. I make sure my hair is always hanging straight down when I shampoo it (only shampoo my hair in the shower). This works out well for me.
Same but I have to wash in the wash tub (basement sink)
webby said:
OT: Honi, please don't get angry, but I never looked at your album, always thought that you had a weave in your avatar. Your hair is beautiful :notworthy

(running outta this thread, because I feel the pelting from stones).

*tiptoes into tread* I'll comeback in a few years to answer this, i'm not ready for long hair washing yet *jumps back out*

Yes Honi your hair is beautiful, i cant believe ive never noticed it, im the professional stalker! :sekret:
Babygurl said:
Now that Im a little past bra strap Im finding that my hair gets more difficult to wash, I now have to wash in sections, I just finger part my hair down the middle and wash one side at a time, this minimizes tangles. Anyone else have this problem, and if so how do you handle washing your hair once it gets longer?

I wash my hair in two sections just like this as well
I shampoo in sections now...2 sides....detangling that way lately also...I am currently 16 weeks and super cautious in the shower...the tangles make me nervous but I take a deep breath and proceed with caution

Rollersetting....humph, I am glad I have been doing it for a while but it sure is getting crazier and crazier to do......the back of my hair :lol: laughs at me when I am setting it and in the dryer
I wash my hair in the shower ONLY, it makes the combout and detangling so much easier. I don't wash in sections, I just wash my hair the normal way not to bother the pattern of my hair. Also, CON shampoo detangles and softens my hair like no other.
I also bust it down the middle and treat each section seperately. I use claw clips to keep the section I'm not working on up in a bun. When I'm working on a section, I kinda hold it tight at the ends so it won't shrink and tangle up. By the way, I've got a year's worth of new growth and brastrap length hair.
Well Im glad thats its not just me, Ill continue to do it this way, its easiest for me and my hair thanks me all the time.
Allandra said:
I use a bottle with a nozzle (like a bottle used to apply color to the hair) on it to make sure the shampoo gets placed directly on my scalp. I make sure my hair is always hanging straight down when I shampoo it (only shampoo my hair in the shower). This works out well for me.

Hmmm...I never thought of putting shampoo in a nozzle. *rubbing chin*

Thanks for the tip! :)

Yeah sometimes I get all tangled up to :ohwell: I think that I'm not combing enough though.
WAh, Wah, Wah!!! :cry: I'd give anything to have brastrap hair even if i had to wash every strand by itself..... :lachen:
i used to shampoo my hair lightley which is recommended on the board, but I noticed that my hair doesn't get as clean as it would if I would lather it up. Now I always lather up (3x) just to be sure that it's clean. Also, to minimize the tangels , after I rinse out the shampoo I immeadiatley apply a conditioner to my hair - and then detangle. I love to lather up, this way I know my hair is being washed and is clean.
now detangling on the other hand- I am starting to detangle in sections now that my hair is getting longer...and gentley.
Section washing sounds a lot less overwhelming than tackling the whole head at the same time. I thought I was doing good just shampooing in the shower, but I never sectioned the hair; just did the whole thing at once. That was stupid in hindsight (for me). One night I almost lost an earring. One minute it was in my ear; next minute it was gone. I was crushed because I bought these earrings as a present to myself while on vacation last year. Only after coming out of the shower did I find it. . . tangled in my hair, which yanked it right out of my ear. Probably wouldn't have happened if I had sectioned.

My point is, hair definitely becomes more difficult to wash as it gets longer. Also, I guess it doesn't hurt to take out the earrings before washing, too. :lol:
I can only wash hair in shower. If I don't...shudder.. to even think about it.
I just wash whole thing. takes to long if I do sections. Put fingers thru hair and scrub scalp. rinse and use conditioner immediately all while under running water.
I part my hair down the middle and let each side hang in front of me. I wash my scalp only, and let the suds rinse the rest of my hair. Afterwards I put deep cond on all of my hair, one side at the time and put on a plastic cap.
I tried washing my hair in sections last night, and it went okay, but I think I prefer doing my whole head at once!